Thursday 25 June 2015

1. Principal News Week 10, Term 2

Student Blogger of the Week
I will be starting a new weekly feature to draw your attention to some of the incredible learning that is being shared by our senior students on their blogs. Having an opportunity to publish their learning means that they can share it with a wider audience beyond the classroom. It also means that they have access to their learning at home.
During the week,I joined all of the staff and learners in SH2 for a meeting. I shared a brief slide show about our school values and Veritas Guidelines. You can learn more about the processes we follow as a staff on this link. I also shared some blogging information. You can access the slide show below. Click the right arrow to move through the slides.

Slide 8 explains about the blogger of the week. Our first blogger of the week is Halalovi Asi.
Here is a link to Halalova's blog. You can learn about a balloon car science experiment, how to do division and a novel review of the book Hatchet. Keep up the great learning Halalova.

Congratulations Cassidy Rawson

Cassidy generously donated her very long, beautiful hair towards a wig for her sick auntie who has cancer. Cassidy made the decision to get her haircut and donate her beautiful hair to this very special cause. We are all very proud of you Cassidy.

Highlanders Caritas Mufti Mania Day tomorrow Friday 26th June
We will be celebrating the success of the Highlanders rugby team and sending a good luck school message from our St Joseph's school family by dressing in blue and gold. Face paint is permitted. 
The children will be asked to bring a gold coin donation for the annual Catholic Caritas school appeal. This year Caritas is raising funds to support two Catholic primary schools in the Solomon Islands. All funds raised across New Zealand will go towards books, bibles, stationery and sports equipment for the children in these schools. Go the Highlanders and Go Caritas !!

School Interviews and Survey
Our parent, staff, student interviews are after school on Monday 29th June and Wednesday 1st July. Please go online to book a time that suits you and your family or contact the office to book a time for you. Here is the link and our school code. C7EML 

Reports go home tomorrow.
Our mid year survey will follow up on the school uniform responses from our 2014 online survey. Those who complete the survey will go into a draw for a $50 Paperplus giftcard. We look forward to seeing you all next week.

Speech Celebrations
Congratulations to all of the children who shared their poems with us so confidently yesterday. Children from Year 1-8 stood in front of a very large audience and spoke with expression and poise. Thanks to Mrs Dooley for coordinating the special celebration. Mr Cartlidge and his young team entertained us with a short apple song.  There are more photos of the students later in the blog.

Join in and feel the Joy of the Gospel
The parish is getting very involved in sharing the joy of the gospel. This is a focus for the Diocesan Synod for 2015 and at the heart of a message from Pope Francis that "With Christ, joy is constantly born anew". Yesterday a group of St Kevin's, St Joseph's and parish members came together to make a video about the 'Called by Christ' programme that the parish will be running over four weeks from August to September. We are all invited to join in with the small group reflection sessions that will take place in people's homes. Sign up forms are available from the office and you can talk to Mrs Marsh , Mrs Plieger or myself if you want to find out more.We hope that our school families will be keen to get involved as we all continue to grow as life long learners in the Catholic faith. 

2. Special Character Week 10, Term 2 2015

Catholic Special Character Focus

In Term 3 the children who were confirmed in Term 2 will be preparing to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist. I will be teaching the programme with Year 4  during the weeks leading up to receiving the Sacrament.  

  • Week 3 - Monday 3rd to Thursday 6th August and Week 4 - Monday 10th to Thursday 13th August  with a practice on Friday 14th August   
  • Please make a note of the times for the parent meetings. The Parent Meetings are on Monday 27th July and Monday 3rd August at 7.00 pm. It is very important that you attend these meetings so you are able to support your child on their next step on their Journey of Faith. 

We are all in this together, Home/School/Parish.
Ann Dooley/Co/DRS




3. School Notices - Week 10, Term 2 2015

Altar Servers
Saturday 27th June - Joseph & Sebastian Spillane, Maximus Fatafehi and Vince Vidallon
Sunday 28th June - Cameron & Laura Mather, Antonia Black and Sebastian Whiston

Birthday Greetings to:
Atlanta Williams-McDowell, Riley Little, Kristiana Whiston, Sam Keno, Alexie Phillips, Mya Lindsay and Shem Gutierrez.

Mufti Day Tomorrow
Following the success of the Highlanders on Saturday, we have decided to hold a blue and gold/yellow Highlanders themed mufti day tomorrow as a way of supporting our local lads as they go into their game against the Warratahs this coming Saturday.  We will collect a gold coin donation to go towards our Caritas Missions fundraising efforts.  There will be no mufti day on Friday 3rd July.

Library Books
Remember tomorrow is the last day for library books to be returned to school.

Canteen Orders
There will be no canteen orders on Friday 3rd July due to the sausage sizzle.

Sausage Sizzle
Will be held on Friday 3rd July to raise funds towards the ski transport for term 3.  Order forms will go out early next week.  Please return them by Wednesday 1st July.

Ski Meeting
Preparations for our optional ski programme commencing in term 3 are well underway and there are over 50 children signed up to participate.  Keri Robinson and Mr Cartlidge will be holding a parent ski information evening at school tonight at 7.00 pm.  It will cover all aspects of the programme including safety gear, safety lessons, transport and finances.  We request that if you have a child on the programme that you have at least one parent here at the meeting. If you are not able to attend, please make arrangements to speak to Mr Cartlidge asap.  You can email him at  The programme will start on the first Monday of term 3 (Monday 20th July) and will run for eight weeks, weather permitting.

Garden Club
Congratulations to Susie Jorgensen and her team of very keen gardeners who have managed to raise $60 which is being donated to St Vincent de Paul.  Well done.
Elenoa presented the cheque to Mrs Marsh who accepted on behalf of St Vincent de Paul.

Any empty toothpaste tubes and caps, toothbrushes and/or packaging, floss containers and any other oral care products.  Bring them to the school office where we can send them away for rewards.

U13 North Otago Girls Basketball Team
Due to lack of numbers, there will be no North Otago U13 girls basketball team this year.

U13 North Otago Rep Hockey
Registration day will be held on Sunday 28th June at 12.00 pm at the turf for all players from Yr 5 - Yr 8. If unable to attend, please contact Julie on 027 782 1975 or email

Jennian Homes Junior Netball Academy
Provides quality coaching experiences to young netballers aged 8-14 years old of all abilities.  Learn the fundamentals of the game - movement, fitness, ball skills, shooting, attack, defence, tactical and technical awareness - all while having fun each week.  The dates for term 3 are Friday 31st July to Friday 18th September.  Costs $100 per player.  Go to for more information.

North Otago Cricket July Holiday Programme
A holiday programme for children aged from 5 to 12 years of age.  Conducted by NOCA Director of Coaching, Derek Walker.  All equipment provided, great giveaways, small sided games and skill sessions with an emphasis on fun!

Date: Wednesday 8th July to Friday 10th July (3 day course) or Monday 13th to Wednesday 15th July (3 day course).
Times:  5 to 7 years from 9.30 to 11.00 am and 8 to 12 years from 11.15 am to 12.45 pm
Where:  St Kevin's Gym and Astroturf
Cost:  $30 per child
To enrol: email or phone 027 649 0000.  A detailed information sheet will follow your enrolment.

Community Notices
  • Aoraki Poloytechnic - Accounting for Non Accountants course - flyer attached
  • Hot Shots Tennis Free Racket and 5 Weeks Programme - for ages 5 to 10 years on Fridays in term 3 from 3.30 to 4.10 pm.  Costs $65.00.  Book online    to receive free racket, limited stocks so be quick.  Phone or text Steve on 027 284 9578 to reserve a place.
  • Explore Your Museum - flyer attached
  • The What Next?! Holiday Programme - flyer attached

4. Winter Sports Draw - Week 10, Term 2 2015

Netball - Saturday 27th June
St Joseph's is on duty this Saturday. Please ensure that all parents are aware of this with 2 parents required in the office for duty.

8.30 - 9.00 am - set up - Gold and Steel (all parents required to help)
9.00 - 10.00 am - office - Gold
10.00 - 11.00 am - office - Blue
11.00 - 12.00 pm - office - Rebels

Please note there is no netball on Saturday 4th July (beginning of school holidays) as previously stated.

Intermediate 1.1
9.00 am - St Joseph's Gold v OIS Mystics – Adore Spa court
Intermediate 1.2
10.00 am - St Joseph's Rebels v Valley Diamonds – Sport & Outdoors court 
 Intermediate 1.3; Section 2
9.00 am - St Joseph's Steel v Papakaio – Fitness 24 court
 Year 5/6; Section 1
9.00 am - St Joseph's Blue v Valley Magic – no court written down
 Year 4
9.00 am - St Joseph's Maroon v Pembroke Ferns – no court written down
 Year 3
10.00 am – St Joseph’s
 Yr 1 & 2
10.00 am – St Joseph’s – Pearsons court

9.00 am – Tegan Souness
11.00 am – Mekeisha Hurley, Siva Katoa, Jordan Clarke and Cushla Bridges
Rugby - Saturday 27th June 
5 yrs 
10.30 am – Valley Blue v St Joseph’s – Weston (note change of time)
 7/8 yrs
10.00 am – Excelsior Black v St Joseph’s - Maheno
 9/10 yrs
11.00 am – St Joseph’s v Union – WCS 6
 11/12 yrs
11.00 am – Athletic Maroon v St Joseph’s/Excelsior – WCS 5
Football - Saturday 27th June
Midget Grade
11.00 am – St Joseph’s Aces v Meadowbank Mystery – St Joseph’s
 Junior Grade
St Joseph’s Knights has the bye
 Intermediate Grade
10.30 am – St Joseph’s United v Awamoa Spurs – Awamoa Park
Hockey (Kiwi Sticks) – Tuesday 30th June
St Joseph’s has the bye
Miniball - Tuesday 30th June
4.15 pm – St Joseph’s Bullets v Fenwick Lakers – front court
4.45 pm – St Joseph’s Apollo v Totara Titans – back court

Referee and Score Bench
3.45 pm – St Joseph’s St Joseph’s Bullets – referee – front court
4.45 pm – St Joseph’s Apollo – referee – back court
Basketball - Wednesday 1st July
St Joseph’s Warriors has the bye

4.00 pm – St Joseph’s Saints v OIS Heat – front court
4.50 pm – St Joseph’s Thunder v OIS Honey Badgers – front court

Referee and Score bench
4.00 pm – St Joseph’s Thunder – referee – front court
4.50 pm – St Joseph’s Saints – score bench – front court


5. Congratulations - Week 10, Term 2 2015

We warmly welcome Lars Finn who started in the new entrants class this week.

Speech Competions
Last Sunday, 5 of our students attended the Lion's Club speech competitions where they had to prepare a speech on any topic within a required time frame.  The success criteria was marked on confidence, presentations, topic choice, message from the speech, audience acknowledgement and good content. They participated against children from other schools throughout North Otago.
Congratulations to:
Rhea Ratgali - 1st in Yr 7 & 8
Joel Kunnethedan - 2nd in Yr 7 & 8
Vince Vidallon - 1st in Yr 6
Stefanie Lavrijsen - 3rd in Yr 6
Molly Whittaker - participation in Yr 6

North Otago Highland Dancing Competitions
Last weekend, Charlotte Thornley and Vannisah Ramu competed in the North Otago Highland Dancing championships.  Charlotte got 2nd in the U7 sword dance and first in the U7 fling and jig which meant she won most points in the U7 grade and was awarded a trophy.  Vannisah got 3rd in the U12 irish jig and 4th in the U12 sailors horn pipe and got highly commended in the U12 highland fly.  Both girls competed against dancers from North Otago and other regions.  Well done.

St Joseph's Boys Basketball
Last night St Joseph's basketball supporters were treated to an exciting and tightly contested game of basketball played between two St Joseph's teams at the Waitaki Rec Centre as part of the weekly basketball competition. The Thunder and the Warriors teams played the game in great spirit in front of many St Joseph's supporters with the Warriors winning 30 to 29.  At the beginning of the season, the boys had to trial for their teams and both teams were selected on equal ability which showed in last nights game.  Well done boys.

6. Speech Competitions

Yesterday children from each class performed a poem in front of the school.  Here is a selection of some of the children.

7. Diary Dates - Week 10, Term 2 2015

* Means new entry or date

Friday 26                   -  Reports to be sent home
                                      -  Library Books due back today

Monday 29                -  Parent/Teacher meetings 3.30 – 7.30 pm
Tuesday 30                -  Board of Trustees meeting

Wednesday 1            -  Parent/Teacher meetings 3.30 – 7.30 pm
                                      -  North Otago Choir Festival
Thursday 2                -  Early Childhood Buddies (Yr 7) and Young Vinnies
Friday 3                      -  Last day of term 2, holidays begin

Monday 20                 -  School resumes for term 3
Thursday 23              -  Junior School Kapahaka Workshop

Monday 27                 -  First Communion Meeting at 7.00 pm
Tuesday 28                -  ICAS Exam – English
Wednesday 29          -  Teacher Only Day
Thursday 30              -  Early Childhood Buddies (Yr 7) and Young Vinnies
Friday 31                    -  Footsteps Dance trial for whole school

Monday 3                   -  First Communion Meeting at 7.00 pm

Tuesday 11                -  ICAS Exam – Maths
                                      -  Board of Trustees meeting
                                      -  Cross Country change of date
Thursday 13             -  St Mary’s Interschool
                                      -  Family Learning Hui  at 6.00 pm

Sunday 16                  -  First Communion
Tuesday 18                -  Enrolment Day
                                      -  Kapahaka Festival
Wednesday 19          -  Enrolment Day
Monday 24                 -  North Otago Cross Country
Tuesday 25                - Yr 5/6 Netball Tournament in Dunedin
Wednesday 26          -  Pasifika Fono at 6.00 pm
Thursday 27              -  Yr 7/8 Netball Tournament in Dunedin
Friday 28                    - Daffodil Day

Wednesday 2            -  Chinese Cultural meeting at 7.00 pm
Thursday 3                -  North Otago Kaupapa Maori Festival at Opera House *
Tuesday 8                  -  Open Morning from 11.00 am to 12.00 pm *
Wednesday 9            -  Family Learning Hui from 6.00 – 7.00 pm *
                                      -  Pagsasama from 7.30 to 8.30 pm *

Thursday 18 June 2015

1. Principal News Week 9 Term 2

School Interviews
Our parent, staff, student interviews are after school on Monday 29th June and Wednesday 1st July. Please go online to book a time that suits you and your family or contact the office to book a time for you. Here is the link and our school code.
Code: C7EML

Film Makers Club
This afternoon was the final session for the film making group. They have worked hard over the past couple of weeks to plan, act, direct and edit their very own movie with the help of two experts - Maddie Maxwell and Bridget Ellis. Their movie is called Lord of the Swings and will preview at a film festival later in the year. Everyone will be invited to come along. Many of the children are keen to create their own movies as a result of this unique experience.
Our film makers watch their movie

Catholic Convention
Horizons of Hope was the theme of this year's national Catholic Education Convention in Wellington. It was chosen because it was forward looking and inspirational. The phrase was coined by Pope Francis and reflects the bible passage in the book of Jeremiah: "Yes I know the plans I have for you, plans for peace....a future full of hope."
Every three years, representatives from 258 Catholic schools and early childhood centres across New Zealand come together to learn from and interact with one another.
This year Mrs Frances Rees and I presented a seminar called Authentic Catholic Leadership. You can watch the slide show and read more about it on this link.

Transition to high school
A couple of weeks ago, some of our Year 8 leaders got a chance to present a slideshow about the ways that they engage in learning to staff at St Kevin's College. This was part of our Whitestone Learning and Change network initiative.
You can watch the presentation and videos of some of the students sharing on this link.
Go to the student presentation on this link

Go to the LCN presentation on this link
Leadership Course
Today was the second day of a four day leadership course for staff from across North Otago being held at St Joseph's led by Murray Fletcher from the Otago Centre for Leadership. Mrs Burke attended this excellent course last year. Mr Cartlidge and Miss Huls are participating this year. There will be two more days here in Term 3.
Staff from different schools participate in the leadership workshop

Murray Fletcher the workshop facilitator
Thanks to Maree Wilson and her mother for supporting the workshop by supplying morning tea and lunch.
Stay warm and dry over the next few days as we all continue to Reach for the Stars as Lifelong Learners in the Catholic Faith in all that we do.

2. Special Character Week 9, Term 2 2015

Annalise, Zara, Hana and Mrs Dooley would like to say a very big THANK YOU to Father Wayne for the wonderful Mass we celebrated on Saturday evening. Annalise, Zara and Hana were unable to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation two weeks ago so Father Wayne confirmed them together last Saturday night at the 5pm Mass. It was a wonderful celebration we shared with our Parish Community. We are so fortunate to have Father Wayne as our Parish Priest. He makes us all feel SPECIAL. 

3. School Notices - Week 9, Term 2 2015

Altar Servers
Saturday 20th June - Indya & Mackenzie Cunningham, Ben Cullimore & Joshua Criddle
Sunday 21st June - Rhea Ratgali, Grace Keno and Seth Bartley

Birthday Greetings to:
Liam Cameron, Lochlan McLaren, Jayla Strong, Cody Haynes, Mia Davison, Dawn Gargar, Summer Moriarty, Rolfe Patalbo and Makayla Bean.

Parent Teacher Interviews
These interviews will be held on Monday 29th June and Wednesday 1st July.  Please book your time at using the code C7EML.

Library Books

We would like all library books to be returned to the box outside the office by Friday 26th June.

Cross Country
Please note our school cross country has changed its date from Tuesday 18th August to Tuesday 11th August.

Volunteers Wanted
We are looking for volunteers to help shovel compost onto the gardens next Thursday 25th June as today was cancelled due to the weather. Please bring along your shovel from 1.45 pm onward to 3.00 pm.

To Jacob Fowler, Toby Lewis and Duran Cooper who were selected for the North Otago U13 Boys Basketball squad.  The boys will play in approximately 3 tournaments with the hope of qualifying for the national tournament in October.

Football Rep Trials
Football Waitaki - will be running a trial/expression of interest session on Sunday 21st June from 1.00 to 3.00 pm at the showgrounds for children born 2001 to 2005 inclusive.  If you are keen to play representative football, you need to be there or email if you are unable to make it.  The tournament is held in the October school holidays.  Please bring boots, shin pads and water.

South Canterbury Rep Trials - will be held on Sunday 21st and 28th June at Sir Basil Arthur Park in Timaru.  Football Waitaki players are eligible to trial for a South Canterbury Rep team but only if Football Waitaki don't have a rep team in that grade (check with Football Waitaki), girls, all age groups can trial as the rep tournaments are all either male or female.
The morning sessions starts at 9.30 am with a meeting for all players and at least 1 parent. Trials start at 10.00 am for.
Boys - 12 yrs - players born 2003
         -  13 yrs - players born 2002
Girls - 13 yrs - players born 2002

Afternoon session
12.45 pm is the meeting with trials starting at 1.15 pm
Boys -  11 yrs - players born 2004
Girls - 12 yrs - players born 2003 and 2004

Any enquiries to either James Coyle (021 245 0499) or Paula Irvine (027 637 4775).

Starship Phone Appeal
Remember to bring in any phones to the office that are not being used for the Starship Hospital Phone Appeal.

Colgate Community Recycle Drive Competition
The school is looking at earning reward points by collecting used oral care products.  These products can be:
1.  Toothpaste tubes and caps
2.  Toothbrushes and/or packaging
3.  Toothbrush, toothpaste and floss outer packaging
4.  Floss containers
5.  Empty pumps, stand up toothpaste bottles and any kind of non-electric toothbrushes

Please bring along any of these used products or other branded oral care products and place them in the box outside the office.  Colgate has partnered with TerraCycle to give New Zealand schools and clubs the opportunity to win prizes simply by signing up as a Colgate Oral Care Brigade and sending in oral care waste during this promotional period which starts from 2nd June to 1st November.

Community Notices
  • Oamaru St John Youth Contingent Fundraiser - are holding a movie fundraiser called 'Inside Out' on Thursday 25th June at 7.00 pm at the Limelight cinema.  Rated PG.  Tickets cost $15 which includes supper. This fundraiser will help them to attend the International St John Youth Festival in Hong Kong.  Tickets available from Tracey on 027 210 5149 or Felicia on 027 415 0446