Welcome back to a new term of engagement in deep learning for success for all of us.
We hope that you have all had a happy and restful holiday break.
Congratulations to Germany for winning the World Cup. We know one family at school who was very happy about this win!!
We can now look forward to following the athlete's progress in the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow over the next couple of weeks.
We can now look forward to following the athlete's progress in the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow over the next couple of weeks.
Parent Interviews and Reports Year 4-8
Please look out for your child’s Mid Year reports on Friday.
These reports share progress in relation to the National Standards for reading,
writing and mathematics. You need to book an
appointment for a meeting with your child’s teacher for either Tuesday 16th or Thursday 18th July. Please book these online http://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/ Our school code is MNXX4. Contact the office if you need support to book an appointment.
appointment for a meeting with your child’s teacher for either Tuesday 16th or Thursday 18th July. Please book these online http://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/ Our school code is MNXX4. Contact the office if you need support to book an appointment.
Children in Year 1-3, receive their reports on the
anniversary of their time in the junior school and meetings are ongoing throughout the year.
Commenting on Blogs
Our staff and students are enthusiastically sharing their
learning on class blogs. Remember you can access all of these from the homepage
on our school website under the 'Learning' tab at the top of the page. http://st.josephs.school.nz/index.php
Some of you have been asking how to comment on you class or
child’s blog posts. Mannix Fraser in Year 7 has created a short video for you
to watch that explains this process for you. You can access this below or find
more details through this link to the Parents as Supporters part of my blog http://jennyljackson.blogspot.co.nz/p/parents_21.html
Sports Committee Code of Conduct
During the last couple of sports committee meetings we
drafted and finalised a new St Joseph’s Code of Conduct to ensure that we all
have a clear understanding about how sport works for all of us at school –
students, coachers, managers and parents and caregivers.
You can read the Code of Conduct on this link http://jennyljackson.blogspot.co.nz/p/parents_21.html
on the Parents as Supporters part of my blog. Please take the time to read and
reflect on what this means for you and your family. We will have hard copies of
the Code of Conduct available at the Parent Interviews next week for coaches,
managers and parents. The children will receive their own copies at school as
Future Focused Learning
At St Joseph’s we are focused on engaging all learners into
deep learning for future success. We can’t predict what the work force will
look like when our young students finish school but we can prepare them to be
resilient, skilful and adaptive self-motivated learners, ready to lead the way.
You can learn more about the term Future Focused Learning (
the name that replaces 21st Century learning because we are well and
truly into the 21st Century now) on my blog via this link http://jennyljackson.blogspot.co.nz/2014/07/reflections-on-future-focused-learning.html
Last term we held a family evening to experience future
focused learning. We have another one of these evenings planned for Monday 25th
August. This will be a combined informal social event where you can bring along
your take away tea and any devises that you have. Learn more about our last
event via this link to an older post on our news bloghttp://stjosephslearningandnews.blogspot.co.nz/2014/06/principals-news-week-6-term-2-2014.html
Modern Learning Environments
Some of you will have already been into classrooms and
noticed that the rooms have been reorganised to accommodate the different
learning styles of our students. As teaching and learning becomes more
personalised and future focused, we offer flexibility within the environments
and spaces that our children are exposed to. Here is a photo of the
children engaged in learning in one of these flexible learning spaces. You can see more photos on our class blogs or on our school Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/St-Josephs-School-Oamaru/187426064739906 Don't forget to 'like' us on Facebook to keep up to date with our news

Hi Mannix. Thanks for showing everyone how to comment on a post. Great Movie. However Bloggers must also change settings in their accounts so an Anonymous person can comment, or else you must have a gmail account.
ReplyDeleteThanks Joanne.All school blogs are set to accept comments from anyone with or without a gmail account now. We also moderate all our comments before they are published to make sure they are appropriate.