Reporting to Parents
All of the senior school children received their Mid Year reports last week.Today is the second afternoon of meetings about these reports and we thank you for coming along to discuss your child's engagement in learning and progress with our class teachers.
Our junior children receive reports on the 6 month and 12 month anniversaries from when they turned 5 for their first 3 years at school. Junior school parents are also expected to meet with class teachers to connect and learn more about your child's progress and engagement socially and academically.
We encourage you to contact us at any time if you have any questions or concerns. When we come together, we have a greater chance of finding solutions than when we search on our own.
This was also the message from a workshop I attended with Dr Brian Annan. You can learn more here or watch a short video here
Year 8 Catholic Cultural Leader Talent Show
Yesterday, some of our senior school children shared their talents as part of a special show organised by our Catholic Cultural Leaders. Thanks to Tia, Ryan and Antonio who did an excellent job of organising the whole event. Thanks to Mr Cartlidge, Polly and Tia who were the judges.Here are some photos. Congratulations to Rhea Ratgali (1st), Utu and Sive (2nd) and Emily and Rhea (3rd).Thanks to all of the children who took part in this student organised event.
Thursday, 31 July 2014
2. St Joseph's Whanau Groups - Week 2, Term 3
On Friday 25 July, we had our first St Joseph's Whanau Group session. The children have been organised into groups of about 12 children each. Each group contains at least one child from every class in the school. Families are grouped together. We got together first thing in the morning for prayers prepared and led by the year 7s. Every child brought something to share which they had learnt about God during the second half of term 2.
On Friday 25 July, we had our first St Joseph's Whanau Group session. The children have been organised into groups of about 12 children each. Each group contains at least one child from every class in the school. Families are grouped together. We got together first thing in the morning for prayers prepared and led by the year 7s. Every child brought something to share which they had learnt about God during the second half of term 2.
These are some of the children's comments:
“I liked it.”
“Awesome because I learnt new things.”
“I liked it because I got to share with other people”.
"Kawakawa students came back very excited to have gone to a different classroom and meet new friends and share their learning in a different way. They were amazed to hear everyone had been learning what they had been learning about! Year 7’s and 8’s were wonderful role models."
3. School Notices - Week 2, Term 3
(a) Altar Servers
Saturday 2nd August - Elizabeth & Nicholas Plieger, Joseph Spillane and Ben Cullimore
Sunday 3rd August - Mekeisha Hurley, Abbey Mabon, Kelsey Mills and Rhea Ratgali
(b) Happy Birthday Greetings to:
Vince Vidallon and Michael Misiloi
(c) Home & School News
Disco - The Home and School are organising a disco on Friday 5th September. More information to come out later.
Quiz - A quiz night will be held on Thursday 18th September in the St Joseph's school hall. Tables will be $30 per team of 6 people. Can each family please donate either $10.00 or a prize for the quiz/raffles and leave it at the school office. More information will follow next week.
(d) Scholastic Book Club
Book orders close on Friday 8th August 2014.
(e) St Kevin's College Comment
Did you know? Your student can learn a lot about maths when you are baking. Skills include weighing, double numbers (for a big batch of kiwi scones) and using fine motor skills.
(f) Community Notices - Please check the community notice board for full information
Saturday 2nd August - Elizabeth & Nicholas Plieger, Joseph Spillane and Ben Cullimore
Sunday 3rd August - Mekeisha Hurley, Abbey Mabon, Kelsey Mills and Rhea Ratgali
(b) Happy Birthday Greetings to:
Vince Vidallon and Michael Misiloi
(c) Home & School News
Disco - The Home and School are organising a disco on Friday 5th September. More information to come out later.
Quiz - A quiz night will be held on Thursday 18th September in the St Joseph's school hall. Tables will be $30 per team of 6 people. Can each family please donate either $10.00 or a prize for the quiz/raffles and leave it at the school office. More information will follow next week.
(d) Scholastic Book Club
Book orders close on Friday 8th August 2014.
(e) St Kevin's College Comment
Did you know? Your student can learn a lot about maths when you are baking. Skills include weighing, double numbers (for a big batch of kiwi scones) and using fine motor skills.
(f) Community Notices - Please check the community notice board for full information
- 'Worried about your Child's Reading and Spelling' (Easyread) - Thursday 31st July 2014
- Selfies in the Library - Monday 4th August 2014
- Community Conversations (Caring for a family member with a disability) - Monday 11th August 2014.
- Certificate in Parenting & Care of Children Course - 11 August 2014 - runs for 12 weeks
- Tear Fund Christian Action (Talk about "I am not Forgotten") - Thursday 14th August 2014
4. Health Snippets - Week 2, Term 3
Head Lice
Head lice are an unwelcome part of life, and are easily spread between people, particularly children. The key to managing head lice is early detection; look through your child's hair on a regular basis and nominate a certain night of the week so it becomes routine.
Use your fingers or a head lice comb, and look for little brown insects on the scalp. The eggs are almost invisible before they hatch, so by the time you spot the little white eggs on the hair shaft, they are already hatched.
Do not treat your child unless you see live lice.
The best treatment is thoroughly combing with a head lice comb and lots of conditioner in the hair. This should be done every 2nd day for 10 days. If you choose to use a head lice shampoo, you should still do the combing as described above. Shampoos do not kills eggs, and do not always kill all the live lice.
Do not use animal products on your child's scalp. They are harmful to humans.
For more information look up or contact your public health nurse - Lesley Henderson on 433 1161 or
Car Seats
A law change last year meant that all children under the age of 7 must now sit in a booster seat when travelling in a car. It is recommended that children stay in a booster seat until they reach a height of 148 cm, because adult restraints are usually unsafe for children below that height.
It is the responsibility of the driver that children under 7 are restrained appropriately in the car. If not, they must not be transported.
For more information look up
Head lice are an unwelcome part of life, and are easily spread between people, particularly children. The key to managing head lice is early detection; look through your child's hair on a regular basis and nominate a certain night of the week so it becomes routine.
Use your fingers or a head lice comb, and look for little brown insects on the scalp. The eggs are almost invisible before they hatch, so by the time you spot the little white eggs on the hair shaft, they are already hatched.
Do not treat your child unless you see live lice.
The best treatment is thoroughly combing with a head lice comb and lots of conditioner in the hair. This should be done every 2nd day for 10 days. If you choose to use a head lice shampoo, you should still do the combing as described above. Shampoos do not kills eggs, and do not always kill all the live lice.
Do not use animal products on your child's scalp. They are harmful to humans.
For more information look up or contact your public health nurse - Lesley Henderson on 433 1161 or
Car Seats
A law change last year meant that all children under the age of 7 must now sit in a booster seat when travelling in a car. It is recommended that children stay in a booster seat until they reach a height of 148 cm, because adult restraints are usually unsafe for children below that height.
It is the responsibility of the driver that children under 7 are restrained appropriately in the car. If not, they must not be transported.
For more information look up
Thursday, 24 July 2014
1. Principal's News Week 1 Term 3
Welcome back to a new term of engagement in deep learning for success for all of us.
We hope that you have all had a happy and restful holiday break.
Congratulations to Germany for winning the World Cup. We know one family at school who was very happy about this win!!
We can now look forward to following the athlete's progress in the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow over the next couple of weeks.
We can now look forward to following the athlete's progress in the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow over the next couple of weeks.
Parent Interviews and Reports Year 4-8
Please look out for your child’s Mid Year reports on Friday.
These reports share progress in relation to the National Standards for reading,
writing and mathematics. You need to book an
appointment for a meeting with your child’s teacher for either Tuesday 16th or Thursday 18th July. Please book these online Our school code is MNXX4. Contact the office if you need support to book an appointment.
appointment for a meeting with your child’s teacher for either Tuesday 16th or Thursday 18th July. Please book these online Our school code is MNXX4. Contact the office if you need support to book an appointment.
Children in Year 1-3, receive their reports on the
anniversary of their time in the junior school and meetings are ongoing throughout the year.
Commenting on Blogs
Our staff and students are enthusiastically sharing their
learning on class blogs. Remember you can access all of these from the homepage
on our school website under the 'Learning' tab at the top of the page.
Some of you have been asking how to comment on you class or
child’s blog posts. Mannix Fraser in Year 7 has created a short video for you
to watch that explains this process for you. You can access this below or find
more details through this link to the Parents as Supporters part of my blog
Sports Committee Code of Conduct
During the last couple of sports committee meetings we
drafted and finalised a new St Joseph’s Code of Conduct to ensure that we all
have a clear understanding about how sport works for all of us at school –
students, coachers, managers and parents and caregivers.
You can read the Code of Conduct on this link
on the Parents as Supporters part of my blog. Please take the time to read and
reflect on what this means for you and your family. We will have hard copies of
the Code of Conduct available at the Parent Interviews next week for coaches,
managers and parents. The children will receive their own copies at school as
Future Focused Learning
At St Joseph’s we are focused on engaging all learners into
deep learning for future success. We can’t predict what the work force will
look like when our young students finish school but we can prepare them to be
resilient, skilful and adaptive self-motivated learners, ready to lead the way.
You can learn more about the term Future Focused Learning (
the name that replaces 21st Century learning because we are well and
truly into the 21st Century now) on my blog via this link
Last term we held a family evening to experience future
focused learning. We have another one of these evenings planned for Monday 25th
August. This will be a combined informal social event where you can bring along
your take away tea and any devises that you have. Learn more about our last
event via this link to an older post on our news blog
Modern Learning Environments
Some of you will have already been into classrooms and
noticed that the rooms have been reorganised to accommodate the different
learning styles of our students. As teaching and learning becomes more
personalised and future focused, we offer flexibility within the environments
and spaces that our children are exposed to. Here is a photo of the
children engaged in learning in one of these flexible learning spaces. You can see more photos on our class blogs or on our school Facebook page Don't forget to 'like' us on Facebook to keep up to date with our news

2. Term 3, Week 1 Special Character
3. School Notices - Week 1, Term 3
(a) Altar Servers
Saturday 26th July - Elizabeth & Nicholas Plieger, Lachlan Brookes and Mackenzie Cunningham
Sunday 27th July - Rhea Ratgali, Tia Hunter, Joel Kunnethedan and Tyler Bolitho
(b) Birthday Greetings to:
Fritz Arsi, Cameron Pink, Daniel Gilbert and Bella Moriarty
(c) Sacrament of the Eucharist Meeting
A meeting for the parents of the children preparing to receive the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist will be held on Wednesday 30th July at 2.15 pm in Ruma Koru (school staffroom). A Timeline notice was sent home earlier in the week.
(d) Bibles for New Entrants
Due to unforeseen circumstances, these bibles will be handed out at assembly next Friday and not tomorrow as stated in the last blog.
(e) Found Scooter
A Mongo scooter in Torridge Street has been found. Please contact the school office if it is yours.
(f) School Banking
There will be no more school banking due to the very low number of families using this service.
(g) St Kevin's College Comment
Did you know? An important life skill for students is to be able to use money, including giving change and counting notes and coins. The ability to 'shop' involves important skills like asking for help and public speaking.
(h) Community Notices - Please check the Community Notice board for full information
Saturday 26th July - Elizabeth & Nicholas Plieger, Lachlan Brookes and Mackenzie Cunningham
Sunday 27th July - Rhea Ratgali, Tia Hunter, Joel Kunnethedan and Tyler Bolitho
(b) Birthday Greetings to:
Fritz Arsi, Cameron Pink, Daniel Gilbert and Bella Moriarty
(c) Sacrament of the Eucharist Meeting
A meeting for the parents of the children preparing to receive the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist will be held on Wednesday 30th July at 2.15 pm in Ruma Koru (school staffroom). A Timeline notice was sent home earlier in the week.
(d) Bibles for New Entrants
Due to unforeseen circumstances, these bibles will be handed out at assembly next Friday and not tomorrow as stated in the last blog.
(e) Found Scooter
A Mongo scooter in Torridge Street has been found. Please contact the school office if it is yours.
(f) School Banking
There will be no more school banking due to the very low number of families using this service.
(g) St Kevin's College Comment
Did you know? An important life skill for students is to be able to use money, including giving change and counting notes and coins. The ability to 'shop' involves important skills like asking for help and public speaking.
(h) Community Notices - Please check the Community Notice board for full information
- OSCAR Child Care are looking for a new Treasuer (honorarium paid) - July 24th 2014
- Kids Snoring Research Study Invitation - July 24th 2014
- St Kevin's College Home & School Art Auction - Saturday 2nd August at 6.30 pm
- Poetry Week Waitaki - Monday 11th August to Sunday 17th August 2014
4. Sacrament of the Eucharist Timeline
Timeline for
Preparing to Receive The Sacrament of
The Holy Eucharist
Sunday 17th
August 2014

Wednesday 30th July
- Parent Introductory Meeting for Eucharist at 2.15 pm in Ruma Koru

Friday 15th August
- Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Practice for Sunday
- Finger food lunch to follow.
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Parent are the first teachers of faith for their children |
5. Welcome
We warmly welcome 9 new children to our school this week ranging from new entrants, Yr 2, Yr 4 and Yr 7. Back left: Jayla Strong, Johnny Tapueluelu, Matthew Woodhouse, Jordan Woodhouse and Michael Woodhouse. Front left: Rolfe Patalbo, Tiffany Chen, Emily Chen and Jada Cooney.
Friday, 4 July 2014
Thursday, 3 July 2014
Principal's News Week 9
This week's highlights 1.St Joe's X Factor 2. Thank You Jo Gilbert 3. Sabbatical Video
1.St Joe's X Factor
There are certainly many very talented students at St Joseph's and they were all shining tonight during the senior musical. A huge thank you to Mr Cartlidge and all of our staff and parent helpers who contributed to the musical. A special thank you to our very own 'Old Spice' Girls for reuniting for a guest appearance.Thanks to the Home & School parents for providing the delicious food and drink as well.Thanks to our awesome audiences who supported the matinee and evening sessions so enthusiastically.Thanks to each and every one of our students who shared their God given talents so proudly.
2.Thank You Jo
A HUGE thank you to Jo Gilbert for the many hours of time given to taking care of our families and their uniform needs through our uniform shop. Jo has passed this role on to Adele Whiston and Kelly Bean. Thanks for your hard work with the uniform shop Jo.
May I take this opportunity to thank absolutely everyone - students,staff, board members and families for your passion and enthusiasm for everything that we have achieved at St Joseph's this term. We already have much more planned for Term 3 and look forward to 'Reaching for the Stars as Lifelong Learners' with you all next term. Have a safe and happy term break.
God Bless,
Jenny Jackson
1.St Joe's X Factor
There are certainly many very talented students at St Joseph's and they were all shining tonight during the senior musical. A huge thank you to Mr Cartlidge and all of our staff and parent helpers who contributed to the musical. A special thank you to our very own 'Old Spice' Girls for reuniting for a guest appearance.Thanks to the Home & School parents for providing the delicious food and drink as well.Thanks to our awesome audiences who supported the matinee and evening sessions so enthusiastically.Thanks to each and every one of our students who shared their God given talents so proudly.
2.Thank You Jo
A HUGE thank you to Jo Gilbert for the many hours of time given to taking care of our families and their uniform needs through our uniform shop. Jo has passed this role on to Adele Whiston and Kelly Bean. Thanks for your hard work with the uniform shop Jo.
3.Sabbatical Video
I am pleased to be able to share my own learning with you. I have turned my 6,000 word sabbatical essay into a 4 minute video ! Hope you enjoy it.May I take this opportunity to thank absolutely everyone - students,staff, board members and families for your passion and enthusiasm for everything that we have achieved at St Joseph's this term. We already have much more planned for Term 3 and look forward to 'Reaching for the Stars as Lifelong Learners' with you all next term. Have a safe and happy term break.
God Bless,
Jenny Jackson
3. School Notices - Week 9
(a) Altar Servers
Saturday 5th July - Elizabeth & Nicholas Plieger, Halalova Asi and Antonio Frances-Rees
Sunday 6th July - Antonia & Francesca Black, Cameron & Laura Mather
Saturday 12th July - Joseph Spillane, Seth Sinclair, Ben Cullimore and Nicholas Plieger
Sunday 13th July - Joel Kunnethedan, Trish Chikowore, Jerome & Michael Misiloi
Saturday 19th July - Elizabeth Plieger, Antonio Frances-Rees, Halalova Asi and Ben Cullimore
Sunday 20th July - Kelsey Mills, Emily Hayman and Abbey Mabon
(b) Birthday Greetings to:
Anthony Chen, Bronson Bartlett, Marianne Alegre, Abigail Jenkinson, Emily Hayman, Jack Souness, Niveek Wilson, Francesca Black, Utumalama Latavao, Eden Davison, Antonio Frances-Rees and Sivaenga Katoa,
(c) St Joseph's Football Skill Sessions
Will be held during the school holidays on Monday 7th July, Tuesday 8th July and Wednesday 9th July for St Joseph's players at St Joseph's. Primary and Junior players will be from 10.00 am till 11.00 am and Intermediate players from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm. The cost will be $1.00 per day for Primary and Junior players and $2.00 per day or $5.00 for all 3 days for Intermediate players. Please have with you suitable training gear and a drink bottle. Please let Mrs Souness know if you are interested.
(d) Bibles for New Entrants
A bible will be handed out to children who have started in Ruma Kauri this year on Friday 25th July at assembly.
(e) Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop will be open on Mondays from 8.30 to 9.00 am and Thursday from 2.30 to 3.00 pm. Please note that the shop only sells second hand school uniforms and new uniforms can be purchased from the Warehouse and Camerons. They require more pinafores, long sleeved white shirts and ties. The PE sports uniform, school jackets and beanies can be purchased from the Uniform Shop.
(f) Eftpos
Just a reminder that the school does not have eftpos facilities and we accept cheques and cash.
(g) St Kevin's College Comment
Did you know? Students need to be able to do long multiplication by the time they get to High School.
(h) Community Notices - please check the Community Notice board for full information
Saturday 5th July - Elizabeth & Nicholas Plieger, Halalova Asi and Antonio Frances-Rees
Sunday 6th July - Antonia & Francesca Black, Cameron & Laura Mather
Saturday 12th July - Joseph Spillane, Seth Sinclair, Ben Cullimore and Nicholas Plieger
Sunday 13th July - Joel Kunnethedan, Trish Chikowore, Jerome & Michael Misiloi
Saturday 19th July - Elizabeth Plieger, Antonio Frances-Rees, Halalova Asi and Ben Cullimore
Sunday 20th July - Kelsey Mills, Emily Hayman and Abbey Mabon
(b) Birthday Greetings to:
Anthony Chen, Bronson Bartlett, Marianne Alegre, Abigail Jenkinson, Emily Hayman, Jack Souness, Niveek Wilson, Francesca Black, Utumalama Latavao, Eden Davison, Antonio Frances-Rees and Sivaenga Katoa,
(c) St Joseph's Football Skill Sessions
Will be held during the school holidays on Monday 7th July, Tuesday 8th July and Wednesday 9th July for St Joseph's players at St Joseph's. Primary and Junior players will be from 10.00 am till 11.00 am and Intermediate players from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm. The cost will be $1.00 per day for Primary and Junior players and $2.00 per day or $5.00 for all 3 days for Intermediate players. Please have with you suitable training gear and a drink bottle. Please let Mrs Souness know if you are interested.
(d) Bibles for New Entrants
A bible will be handed out to children who have started in Ruma Kauri this year on Friday 25th July at assembly.
(e) Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop will be open on Mondays from 8.30 to 9.00 am and Thursday from 2.30 to 3.00 pm. Please note that the shop only sells second hand school uniforms and new uniforms can be purchased from the Warehouse and Camerons. They require more pinafores, long sleeved white shirts and ties. The PE sports uniform, school jackets and beanies can be purchased from the Uniform Shop.
(f) Eftpos
Just a reminder that the school does not have eftpos facilities and we accept cheques and cash.
(g) St Kevin's College Comment
Did you know? Students need to be able to do long multiplication by the time they get to High School.
(h) Community Notices - please check the Community Notice board for full information
- Community Conversations Oamaru - Monday 7th July 2014
- Kids Fest - 14th to 18th July 2014
- Circus Theatre Show - Thursday 17th & Friday 18th July 2014
- Oamaru Tap Dancing Assn July Competitions - 19th & 20th July 20143
- Glenavy Mobile Kindy presents Ian Blaine's Comedy Hypnotist Show - Wednesday 23rd July
- Pre Employment Skills for Teacher Aides - 9th August
- Certificate in Parenting and Care of Children (Level 2) - 11th August 2014
5. School Production
Ticket Sales
Due to an overwhelming response in ticket sales to the evening production, we regretfully advise there will be no door sales tonight.
Due to an overwhelming response in ticket sales to the evening production, we regretfully advise there will be no door sales tonight.
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
Special Catholic Character News Week 9
Key Concepts in our God Strand Learning
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1. Knowing that God loves us.
2. Understanding that we know about God through the Bible, through His Creation and through our personal relationship through prayer.
3. Images of what God is like - e.g. Father, Creator, everywhere, all powerful etc.
4. Understanding of God as the Creator
These four concepts will be the context of the God strand teaching throughout the school. We teach the learning outcomes for the Religious Education curriculum at each year level in the context of these four concepts.
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