Birthday Greetings to
Tendayi R, Hunter F and Emere K
Pies and Milo
Children can bring a named pie wrapped in tinfoil to be heated up and a named cup and 50c for a warm milo each Wednesday of term 2. The pie and milo are to be dropped off on the bench in the hall before 9.00 am. Please do not bring noodles to be heated up.
Friday 6th - netball starts
Saturday 7th - rugby starts for teams who didn't play Thursday
Sunday 8th - Mothers Day
Tuesday 10th - miniball starts
Wednesday 11th - basketball starts
- can bring a pie and milo to be heated
Thursday 12th - scholastic book club orders due
Scholastic Book Club
Book orders are due back by Thursday 12th May.
We warmly welcome Zoey C to our new entrants class this week.
Winter Sports Information
Please be a great supporter and a good sport out on the fields and courts this season.
Sport played at another Club
If your child plays either rugby or football for another club, can you please let us know which club, grade and team they play for and we will put the draw in the newsletter.
Your coach will contact you if your game is cancelled due to bad weather. It will also be on your sports code Facebook page e.g. North Otago Rugby/Excelsior Rugby, North Otago Netball, Awamoa Football etc and our school Facebook.
If practice is cancelled due to bad weather, your coach will notify you as well as the school and we will let the children know. We will also put it on our school Facebook page and email you.
All teams now have coaches and they will be in contact with you if they have not done so already. Coaches please set up a group text on your phone to contact your team and let them know game times or any other information.
Contact Details
All families have received contact details of team members and coaches so they can contact them if they need a ride or other information. If you need a paper copy of this list, please see Mrs Brien. Each gear bag will have a laminated copy of the contact phone list.
The basketball and miniball draw have not come out at the time the newsletter was printed. It will be emailed to you on Monday.
Please email any photos you take of the children playing their sports to the office.
Sports Information
Score bench Roster - most weeks, our teams have to do score bench duty and each family is allocated a week for them to do it. Everyone has to have a turn at doing their duty otherwise our teams lose competition points if no-one turns up to do the duty. An adult has to be there as children are not allowed to do score bench duty by themselves. If you are unable to do your allocated duty week, please arrange for someone else to do it for you. A copy of the roster will be sent out either today or Monday. You may only need to do duty twice in the season.
Court Controller Duty - each school has a duty day for setting up the equipment needed for basketball/miniball. This only takes 10-15 minutes before the games start and we will let you know when our school is on duty.
Uniform - wear your school pe shorts and allocated basketball/miniball singlet. You cannot wear bright t-shirts underneath your singlet but you can wear a dark coloured short-sleeved top if it is cold.
Uniform - players are to wear their school PE top and netball skirt for the maroon team (Yr 2/3/4) The gold team (Yr 5/6/7/8) wears a netball skirt and top for the girls and a netball top and school pe shorts for the boys. Please ensure you have sports shoes and wear your school polar fleece as a warm-up top and bring a drink bottle. You are not allowed to wear leggings under netball skirts. A navy thermal can be worn under your netball top but no other colour.
Games - this year are played on a Friday afternoon either at 3.30 or 4.15 pm either at the Taward Street netball courts or at St Kevin's courts. If your child has the earlier game of 3.30 pm, please ensure your child is picked up straight away after school and taken to the courts so they can have a warm-up. Your child could get changed into their netball uniform at school if they wish to.
Duty - our club will be on netball duty twice this season and we will notify you when we are on duty.
Mouthguards - are compulsory for all players and are to be worn when playing your games.
Uniform - St Joseph's wear their rugby shirts and school PE shorts or a navy pair of shorts. Rugby socks can be bought from the uniform shop for $15 a pair.
Sports Uniforms
This week winter sports uniforms were handed out to all children as some games started this week.
Practice Timetable
Please remind your child about good sportsmanship behaviour on and off the field, especially when they are representing St Joseph's. Our school code of conduct is listed below.
St Joseph’s Sports Clubs - Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct for Students
● Ensure your child attends all practices and games on time. If you know will not be able to make a
practice or game please inform the coach at least 24 hours beforehand.
● Fees for sports need to be paid in advance or an automatic payment form completed and a plan
for payment in place before children are allocated to teams.
● Think hard before making a commitment for your child to play in a team because if they withdraw
it can affect a team’s ability to continue the season. Children who frequently withdraw or don’t
turn up will not be given preference when it comes to making up future teams.
● Respect the officials’ decisions.
● Understand that sports practices and games are not a child-minding service. You are responsible
for supervising your child and should not leave them to be minded by the coach. If you think your
child is old enough to be left unsupervised you need to understand the coach cannot assume
responsibility for the well-being, whereabouts and behaviour of all team members at the same
time as coaching the team.
● If there is any reason to think your older child may have behaviour that might disrupt the team
you need to stay and supervise them.
● Play by the rules
● Respect the adults’ decisions.
● Control my temper
● Work hard for myself and for my team.
● Treat all players in my team and sport as I would like to be treated.
● Cooperate with my coach, manager, team-mates and opponents.
● Be a modest winner - don’t brag or make a big fuss.
● Be a good loser - don’t whine or complain. Be happy for the winner.
● Respect all players regardless of ability, gender, cultural background or religion.
● Thank the opposition, officials and your coach at the end of the game.
Deliberate/repeated failure to abide by any of the above conditions will lead to a student being
stood down from any sport for the season. Should this happen school sports fees will not be
Coaches, Parents and Spectators are expected to:
● Encourage your family member and all other students in their efforts while playing sport.
● Display self-control on the sidelines at ALL times.
● Remain positive. Do not shout or ridicule players or match officials. Do not swear.
● Respect the efforts of those involved in taking and playing the sport regardless of whether St
Joseph’s has won or lost.
● Respect the decisions of those who volunteer their time - referees, coaches, managers.
● Do not place undue pressure on your child to play or perform.
Team officials are expected to:
● Liaise regularly with the Sports Coordinator and keep her informed of your team's progress,
problems and any actions required.
● Consult with Sports Coordinator before altering team compositions and when making team
compositions at the start of the season.
● Let other members of the team know if you cannot make training or games.
● Consult with the Sports Coordinator with regard to entries, uniform, conduct at tournaments, and
any exceptional effort that deserves credit or mention.
● Notify a parent/caregiver if a player is seriously injured as soon as possible.
● Encourage your players to enjoy participating while working towards achieving their potential.
● Give all players opportunities to participate.
● Understanding the development of skills, team play and a positive attitude towards participating are
equally important as winning.
● Uphold the principles of fair play at all times. Please ensure you are familiar with the Code of
Conduct for students, parents and spectators.
● Be an important role model for the team, accept officials’ decisions and maintain your dignity at all
times. Your example of reliability and punctuality will be observed, respected and often copied by
your team members.
● St Joseph’s school, through our sports coordinator, is here to support you at all times.
To all our wonderful mums in our school community and beyond.
Community Notices
- Waitaki Rec Centre
10 week circuit challenge at the Rec Centre. Mon / Wed / Fri 9-10am. Creche available. Suitable for all levels. Starts Monday 2 May 2022. You can join at any time.
Register Now! https://www.sporty.co.nz/.../9am-bootcamp.../Register-online
Members $125, Non-members $225
Register Now! https://www.sporty.co.nz/.../
Members $125, Non-members $225
2. CRECHE - parents did you know that the Rec Centre has a creche? Attend a morning class or a workout in the weights room knowing that your children are being well looked after just down the hallway! Price $3 per child per session (family discounts available).
- Art Classes - with Luzette Crossan starting Monday 9th May at 'The Loft' above the Harbour Street Collective Cafe on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3.30 to 5.00 pm and 4.30 to 6.00 on a Friday. Ph 021 077 2149 for further information.
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