Friday, 27 May 2022

1. Principal's News Week 4, Term 2, 2022

I'm proud to share my section this week with Emily Chen our year 8 Lima House Captain who is updating on year 8 leadership opportunities

From Emily:


On the 24th of May the year 8 students participated in a program hosted by Sport Waitaki where we learned how to be good leaders with other schools in the district. PALS stands for physical activity leaders. We learned the difference between a boss and a leader.

We did activities using communication and learned how to modify games so that people who weren't as capable could play and have fun. In one of the activities, everyone in the group had a big part. One person was blindfolded and the others had to get that person to their destination without touching them while keeping them safe. One person had the instructions but they couldn't talk. The person who could talk didn't have the instructions. We also did an activity where we got to lead a group of people in games and receive feedback.


Each term our school will have a sports tournament. For term 2 our year 8 leaders will host a basketball tournament as we did for rippa. We will be taking classes out for basketball and creating our teams later on. These sports tournaments will be in house groups and it's for juniors and seniors. We heard some feedback from students last term and they recommended an MVP for each team after the tournament. Houses will receive house points which go towards the big prize at the end of the term.


Matt Brien is one of our staff members' sons. He plays basketball overseas and will be coming to help us out and take lessons in preparation for the basketball tournament.

Thank you Emily for your contribution to our news.

To add to Emily's news, Matt is Paula Brien's son, an ex St Joseph's student who is now playing basketball for the University of Nebraska in the USA. We are lucky to have him around this term and the house leaders are looking forward to learning from him.

"Let Your Light Shine"

Classes are now busy preparing their dance sequences for our movie.

and our intermediate students are recording tracks on Garageband for the soundtrack.

Ma te Atua e manaaki a aroha,

(God bless, and love)

2. Special Character

Special Character

This term our R.E Curriculum that the children are learning about is Holy Spirit/Church. The focus is "You have a responsibility to listen to and respond to the Holy Spirit.

One of the key ideas that our children are focused on when learning about Te Wairua Tapu- The Holy Spirit:

  • The Holy Spirit appears in the bible story.

In Acts 1:8-11 it talks about:

  • power of the Holy Spirit
  • The Great Commission
  • The Ascension of Jesus

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”. Acts 1:8

School and Family Mass 

Thank you to Ruma Kiwi Year 2/3 for presenting Mass last week.

This week, the school Mass was led by Ruma Pukeko & Ruma Kereru- Year 1/2 

Next week Mass will be presented by Ruma Takahe -Year 7/8

Parents are welcome to attend. We are looking forward to welcoming you all to our school weekly masses. Thank you.

Faith Facts

 Week 4 - May 23-27 (White) 


Sixth Sunday of Easter



Monday of the Sixth Week of Easter



Tuesday of the Sixth Week of Easter

Our Lady help of Christians


Venerable Bede, P & D; Gregory VII, Po; Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, V

Opt. Mem.





Augustine of Canterbury, B

Opt. Mem.


Saturday of the Sixth Week of Easter


In May, there are three Marian feasts that are celebrated which help us to understand what Mary can teach us about being followers of Jesus.

The Feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians, which is celebrated on May 24, dates back to the sixteenth century, which was not a peaceful time in Europe. In 1571, Catholics throughout the continent joined in praying the rosary in the hope of peace. This day is just as important today. A special time to ask Mary to help us all in our prayer for peace.

Malo Aupito/Thank you
God Bless
Tua Misiloi (Co DRS)

3. School Notices - Week 4, Term 2 2022


Birthday Greetings to:

Alexander R, Mikayla P and Phoebe C

Catholic Theological College

Coughs and Colds
Over the last couple of weeks, there have been numerous children away with chesty coughs and head colds and we thank the parents for keeping them at home so they can get well.  Some children have got over the chesty cough and cold but have a lingering dry cough and even though they have tested negative for covid, it is hanging around. 

These children can come back to school and if we notice the children are unwell and unable to learn, we will send them home.

Friday 3rd - Rippa Rugby tournament for Yr 5 & 6 team
                  - Technology for Yr 7 & 8

Weekly Sports Draw
The draw is on another page on the blog.

ILT - Kidzone Festival Booklets
Each family has received a Kidzone Festival Booklet which starts on Wednesday 13th to Monday 18th July at Southland Girls High School in Invercargill. It is themed 'Winter Wonderland' and there are more than 160 activities for the children.  You can download the booklets on

Sport Photos
The Yr 3/4 maroon netball team was in action last Friday.

Out in the Playground

Community Notices
  • Matariki Glow Show - Please come and celebrate Matariki with us!   

MATARIKI GLOW SHOW is a giant scale glow-in-the dark puppet show coming to Oamaru, Friday JULY 1st and Dunedin, Saturday JULY 2nd!  The flyer is attached to the email.


Friday July 1st at Oamaru Opera House has x 2 show times 10am for 0-5yo and 11.30am for 6-12yo - for school groups, ECEs and Kõhanga.


Saturday July 2nd at Dunedin's Regent Theatre has one show only at 11am - all ages FAMILY show!


Babies ( under 18 months) on laps, are free of charge with paying adult, to all shows.

  • Guinea Pig Show - Otago Cavy Club is a new club located in Otago. We held our first show in August last year but we haven't been able to hold a show in person since due to Covid.  Recently we held an online show which was very popular.  We are now organising a show in Oamaru on Sunday 5th of June.  We were wondering if you would be able to put details of our show in your newsletter and also your facebook please. Doing this would mean alot to the club AS we want our show to have lots of pet guinea pigs entered. We hope to have lots of public come along for a look and learn more about guinea pigs too. If you could let us know and we will send you the details. Contact Josh Wilson-Jones at the Otago Cavy Club by email or 021 055 2117.
  • Activities at the Oamaru Library - Does your school community know that the Ōamaru Library offers a Book Club for children aged 8-12 as well as a Lego Club for children aged 7 and up (younger children can attend if their parent/ adult caregiver stays)? Their numbers have been quite low due to Covid and not been promoting lately. The files are attached to the email.

4. Sports Draw - Friday 27th May to Thursday 2nd June 2022

 SPORTS DRAW - 27th May to 2nd June 2022

Sport Draws

All sport codes have their full draws for the term/season on their respective websites and facebook pages.


Netball - Friday 27th May

Sausage Sizzle - the North Otago U16 netball team is running a sausage sizzle at the Taward Street courts as a fundraiser.  The sausage sizzle costs $2.00 per sausage.

Intermediate Section 2

4.15 pm - St Joseph’s Gold v OIS Shooters - court St Kevin’s 1

Future Ferns Year 3 & 4

3.30 pm – St Joseph’s Maroon v Fenwick Suns – court 5 (Darryn Stewart Painters)


none this week


Rugby - Saturday 28th May

6 yrs

11.00 am - Kurow Hurricanes v St Joseph’s at Twizel


7/8 yrs 

11.30 am - Kuow Highlanders v Excelsior at Twizel

9/10 yrs

11.30 am - Union Maheno v Excelsior at Maheno

11/12 yrs 

12.30 pm - Valley/Maheno v Excelsior  Bulls at Maheno


FOOTBALL - Awamoa and Meadowbank teams - Saturday 28th May

7/8 Grade - kick off at 10.45 am 

Game 1 - Meadowbank v Awamoa Lightning - Showgrounds 

Game 2 - Meadowbank v Awamoa Thunder - Showgrounds 

9/10 Grade - kick off at 10.45 am

MB Machines v Awamoa Lasers - Awamoa Park

11/13 grade - kick off at 9.30 am

MB Marvels v Awamoa Falcons - Showgrounds

AFC Robins v AFC Royals - Awamoa Park

AFC Ravens v Awamoa Eagles - Awamoa Park



St Joseph’s Breakers is mixed Yr 3 & 4

St Joseph’s Rebels is mixed Yr 5 & 6

Miniball - Tuesday 31st May

4.45 pm - St Joseph’s Breakers v Pembroke Panthers - main court

5.15 pm - St Joseph’s Rebels v Pembroke Penguins  - back court

Score bench 

4.45 pm - St Joseph’s Rebels - back court - (Laming Family)

5.15 pm - St Joseph’s Breakers - main court - (Jing Family)


Basketball - Wednesday1st June 

7.10 pm - St Joseph’s Cavaliers v OIS Nuggets - back court 

Score bench 

None this week


5. Diary Dates - Week 4, Term 2 2022



Tuesday 31


Friday 3

Monday 6

Thursday 9

Friday 17

Sunday 19

Monday 20

Tuesday 21

Friday 24

Monday 27


Friday 8

Monday 25


Sunday 14

Wednesday 31


Thursday 1

Friday 2

Monday 12

Monday 19

Sunday 25

Friday 30


Monday 17



National Young Leaders Day for Yr 7 & 8 *

Rippa Rugby tournament for Yr 5 & 6 

Queen’s Birthday - school closed 

Junior Quadrangular tournament in Dunedin 

Yr 7 & 8 camp forms due back 

Commitment Mass - Sacramental Programme *

Sacramental Programme - Reconciliation 1st parent meeting at 7.00 pm *

Board of trustee meeting at 6.00 pm *

Matariki Day - school closed 

Sacramental Programme - Reconciliation 2nd parent meeting at 7.00 pm *

Term 2 finishes

Term 3 starts

Sacramental Programme - Confirmation 1st parent meeting at 7.00 pm

Sacrament of Confirmation at 9.30 am *

Yr 7 & 8 camp 

Yr 7 & 8 camp 

Yr 7 & 8 camp 

Sacramental Programme - First Communion parent meeting at 7.00 pm *

Sacramental Programme - First Communion 2nd parent meeting at 7.00

First Holy Communion at 9.00 am *

Term 3 finishes

Term 4 starts

Friday, 20 May 2022

1. Principal's News Week 3, Term 2, 2022

Production Update

We are all working hard to prepare for our movie production.  Some students from year four and above will be involved in acting.  Our intermediate students are all involved in either acting or technical production.  Every child in the school will speak something and be involved in a dance.  Some are busy preparing the soundtrack.  It's been amusing this week to gather into our gym cupboard where we can get some good darkness and light our (electronic) candles.  The children have been really good sports with this.

Kiwi class preparing their candles for light up.

A Beautiful Teaching Moment

This week I have been learning something technical that I've really struggled with (Te Reo Maori pronunciation).  I come from Birmingham in the West Midlands in England and the accent where I come from has very particular vowel sounds.  So I have been struggling with learning Te Reo and getting the vowel pronunciation right.  A fellow principal offered to help me.  She has specialised in special needs learning and she broke it down for me in a way no-one else has been able to do.  She supported what I was doing well, stopped me from being too hard on myself for what was a struggle and gave me very simple and easy-to-use tools to help me create new neural pathways in my brain for vowel sounds.  I am so grateful to her because it meant I passed an assignment I've been working on and it taught me some things I didn't know.  This experience gave me a real insight as an adult into what it is to really struggle with something and how if you can find a teacher you trust and who has the capacity and competency to help you both with the subject and with the art of teaching the subject, how it can transform what you can do.  I say God Bless to our teachers and a particular thank you to Sandra Spekreijse from Totora who helped me this week.

Pink Shirt Day
Its great to see so many students turn up in Pink Shirts today to support anti-bullying week.

Ma te Atua e manaaki a aroha,

(God bless, and love)

2. Special Character Week 3 Term 2 2022

 Special Character

This term our R.E Curriculum that the children are learning about is Holy Spirit/Church. The focus is "You have a responsibility to listen to and respond to the Holy Spirit.

Here are some key ideas that our children are focused on when learning about Te Wairua Tapu- The Holy Spirit:

  • The Holy Spirit acts in people and in the church.
  • The Holy Spirit appears in the bible story
  • The Holy Spirit is the third person in the Trinity
Trinity is one of the mysteries in our tradition. How our God can be Triune, can be both one and three is mystery and yet it also gives us consolation. We have images of the Holy Spirit but these are not the Holy Spirit. These images remind us of the beauty and mystery of the Trinity.

School and Family Mass 

Thank you to Ruma Kakapo for presenting Mass last week. This week, the school Mass was led by Ruma Kiwi- Year 2/3 

Next week Mass will be presented by Ruma Pukeko and Kereru-Year 1/2

Parents are welcome to attend. We are looking forward to welcoming you all to our school weekly masses. Thank you.

Faith Facts

Week 3 - May 16-20 (White)


For centuries, people from around the world have sent prayer requests to Rome. From them, the Pope selects intentions for each month. 

Pope Francis Prayer intention for May

We pray for all young people, called to live life to the fullest. May they see in Mary’s life the way to listen, the depth of discernment, the courage that faith generates, and the dedication to service.

Malo 'Aupito

Thank you

God Bless

Tua Misiloi (Co DRS)