Thursday 1 April 2021

2. Special Character Week 9 Term 1 2021

 Special Character Focus

Holy Week-

A Joyful Entry- On Monday Junior Hub children were leading the whole school prayer with the presentation of Palm Sunday. It is the day to worship and praise Jesus. Palm Sunday is the day when we remember how people celebrated when Jesus entered Jerusalem over two thousand years ago. 
Junior hub children waved their scarfs and played their musical instruments and sing hosanna just like when the crowd in Jerusalem sing Hosanna and wave their palms. Jesus and the disciples make their way slowly into Jerusalem. Thank you Junior Hub tamariki and teachers for the presentation of Palm Sunday.

The Washing of the Feet: Yesterday- Wednesday, Year 4/5- Mrs Streats class were leading the whole school with the presentation of the washing of the feet. Then children have shared lunch together, the presentation of the Last Supper. Thank you Year 4 and 5 tamariki for the presentation of the washing of the feet. 
Jesus taught his disciples a special lesson when he washed their feet. 
What was the special lesson Jesus was teaching the disciples and all the people who follow him today?

The Stations of the CrossToday year 7 and 8 lead us with the Stations of the Cross. Praying the Stations of the Cross is a Lenten tradition. As we walk today imagine the scene in Jerusalem as Jesus walked his Way of the Cross. 

Our school leaders lead us on a journey with Jesus reenacting what happened. We walked quietly to each station and listened carefully.

Jesus remember me

Jesus remember me, when you come into your kingdom

We have walked the journey of love which Jesus walked. Let us go now and remember what we have learned and shared today.

Thank you Mrs. Winders and Year7/8 for sharing the journey with Jesus today with your presentation of the Stations of the Cross.

Faith Insight

WEEK9 29th March – 1st April (Violet)

28th Palm Sunday

Holy Week

2nd Good Friday

Holy Days and Holidays Good Friday, Easter Monday, Easter Tuesday – 6 April

(a school holiday)

Holy Week marks the final week of the season of Lent and it recounts the final days of Christ's life, as well as his death, burial, and resurrection.

Easter is also called Pascha or Resurrection Sunday: it is the celebration and holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.

We sing Christ is Risen! Alleluia

“Christ’s Cross is a sign of the hope that does not disappoint; and it tells us that not even one tear, not one sigh is lost in God’s plan.” Pope Francis.

We wish you and your family a happy and blessing Easter. 

Thank you/Malo 'Aupito

God Bless
Tua Misiloi Co DRS

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