2020 Swimming Groups and Times for Yrs 1-3 - Term 3
Hi Everyone
Here is a breakdown of our two junior swimming lessons starting next Wednesday 23rd September and Thursday 24th September.
** The swimming times are 1.15 pm and 1.45 pm and Miss Sollano’s Yr 3 class will be split between Mrs Brookes and Mrs Misiloi’s class. There will be 4 children from Mrs Brookes class going with Mrs Misiloi’s class as their lessons are in the big pool.
** The Year 4 children in Miss Sollano’s class will not be going swimming and will be looked after by other teachers.
** All the children have been put into groups based on their swimming ability from earlier this year. There will be 4 swimming groups for each swimming time.
** On the first day, there will be some children who need to be assessed and put in their correct groups for the next lesson.
** Children are to wear their PE gear to school on swimming days. Their PE days will be their swimming days.
** Please NAME your child’s underwear, shirts and shorts because some of the younger children tend to misplace their clothes when they take them off.
** Swimming is a part of our curriculum and we expect all children to take part in the lessons unless there is a medical reason, in which we require a note.
This is the timetable for each year group
Yr 3/4 Miss Sollano - 7 Yr 3 children - leave at 12.40 pm with Mrs Misiloi’s class and swim at 1.15 pm. These children will swim in the big pool.
Yr 3/4 Miss Sollano - 6 Yr 3 children - leave at 1.10 pm with Mrs Brooke’s class and swim at 1.45 pm.
Yr 1/2 Mrs Misiloi - 21 children - leave at 12.40 pm along with 7 children from Yr 3 and 4 from Mrs Brookes.
Yr 1/2 Mrs Brookes - 4 children - leave at 12.40 pm with Mrs Misiloi as they swim in the big pool.
Yr 1/2 Mrs Brookes - 20 children - leave at 1.10 pm along with 6 children from Miss Sollano’s class and swim at 1.45 pm.
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