Altar Servers
Saturday 26th September - Clarence & Rheanna Coscos and Luse Asi
Sunday 27th September - Lilly Kelcher plus 2 others from other schools
Saturday 3rd October - David Kilgour and King Melecio
Sunday 4th October - No one from school
Saturday 10th October - Paddy Spillane and Isaiah Castro
Sunday 11th October - Lisiate Hausia and Rolfe Patalbo
Birthday Greetings
Tommy McGeown, Isaiah Castro, Bella Hubber, Fe'ofa'aki Tahitu'a, Ziah Rollan, Xiao hui Li, Iverson Wylie-Taukolo, Stephanie Morondoz, Kenton Tokai, David Kilgour, Paige Geypen, Holly Ridgway, Olivia Geypen, Analiese Whiston and Liam Lindsay
Words cannot describe how much we value our coaches for all of our sports and for the time and effort they put into coaching our teams in the various sports. We very much appreciate everything they do for our school and for the children and we thank them very whole heartedly.
Cross Country
Congratulations to the following children who received cross country awards at assembly last week.
Yr 1 - Manaia Darling and Kaleb Beattie
Yr 2 - Emily McGeown and Hunter Forrest
Yr 3 - Hila'atu Leo and Lewis Geypen
Yr 4 - Ellie Clark and James Laming
Yr 5 - Mikayla Criddle and Daniel Woodhouse
Yr 6 - Mya Robinson and Hunter Gough
Yr 7 - Willow Bartlett and Tommy McGeown
Yr 8 - Lavina Ma and Michael Woodhouse
Hungry Horse
Thanks to everyone who has helped so far at the Hungry Horse Cafe. There are still more gaps in the roster system for Sunday 18th October. Please let Rebecca Heffernan know if you can help on 027 432 4056.
10.00 am to 12.00 pm - need one person
12.00 to 3.00 pm - need two people
3.00 to 5.30 pm - need two people
There are also gaps for the next race meeting on Saturday 21st November.
Congratulations to our boys miniball team who received the 'Most Improved Team' overall trophy for both boys and girls. They played in an exciting final on Tuesday night and lost by just 2 points. Well done team. Absent is Jac Bradley.
Sadly there is no more netball for the players in Yrs 1-6 as Covid finished your season early. The Rebels and Gold team still play this Saturday. If it is raining on Saturday, any games that are played for first and second will be played at St Kevin's gymnasium so this means that both St Joseph's teams will not be playing.
8.30 am - Rebels v Athletic Mini Maroon on court 1
9.30 am - Gold v Kurow on court 1
Rugby Boots
There is a box of rugby boots to give away outside the uniform shop. Please help yourself.
Swimming Juniors
Thanks to all the families who ensured the children had their swimming gear this week which allowed them to finish their swim lessons for the year. Thank you to our amazing parent helpers who have offered to walk with the children and help at the pool.
Touch Rugby
All players have been given a hard copy of the touch rugby notice for term 4. Contact details will be emailed out to families on Friday incase there are any changes to teams. The draw will be out in the holidays so please look out for it on the North Otago Junior Touch Facebook page. We will send the draw out when we receive it at school on the Tuesday.
Coaches - gear bags can be collected on Tuesday, the first day back.
We have had a couple of extra players interested in playing touch in the Yr 1/2/3 team, is there a coach who will be willing to look after the second team? Please let Mrs Brien know asap. Thanks.
Please return your washed and clean winter gear bags to the office anytime from now on.
Pies and Milo
There is no more pies and milo next term however Subway lunches are still available on a Friday.
Teacher Only Day
A reminder about the Teacher Only Day on Monday 12th October. School starts back on Tuesday 13th October in summer uniform and hats are to be worn.
Uniform Shop
The uniform shop will be open on Tuesday 13th October at 8.30 am for anyone wanting summer uniform gear.
Yr 8 v Staff Netball Game
What an exciting game of netball it was on Tuesday afternoon when the staff played the Yr 8 students in their annual game. This year we changed the rules for the Yr 8 students so every student could participate in the game and be part of it. The game was closely contested all the way through and ended up in a draw so we had to play another 2 more minutes to see if there was a winner. Right at the very end, the students shot the winning goal which ended the game with a euphoric display of cheers from all the students. The game was played in very good spirt and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the game. Well done Yr 8 students for their win but look out next year!!

Community Notices
- School Holiday Family Entertainment - at the Repertory Theatre from Wednesday 7th to Sunday 11th October at 2.00 pm. Musical Theatre Oamaru Children's Theatre presents WIND IN THE WILLOWS, all tickets cost $10.00. Book online with iTICKET or at the Repertory Theatre Box Office. From Monday 5th to Sunday 11th October at 12.00 pm. These shows sell out quickly. Jump online to secure your ticket.
- Tumble Tots - term 4 enrolments now open. Enhance your tots physical development by enrolling them in active movement classes. We offer two separate classes for babies and toddlers from 3 months up to 3 years. See attached flyer to the email.
- Family Portrait for $10.00 - North Otago Plunket has arranged for a professional photographer from Jack n Jill to take photos of children, family and friends. Held at North Otago Plunket on Saturday 17th October. Contact Jennifer Bennett on 027 224 8749 and see attached flyer to email.
- Parenting Course - a free parenting for resilience, confidence and independence course. Designed for parents by parents. Book your free spot now or scan the QR or visit the link www.spectrumeducation.com/parenting-summit The flyer is attached to the email.