I think the news has travelled and I know the children know about it. I was in a head on collision on the highway the other night. Miraculously I am OK and recuperating from whiplash at home for a few days. I feel very blessed to have walked away from the accident and I thank the people who have sent messages of concern and I am OK and should be back at school on Monday. Prayers are always helpful though and gratefully received.
Heritage Photo Competition 2019
Please vote for our students in the Heritage Photo Competition 2019. They have submitted some very mature and perceptive photographs.

Student Achievement
Our students are achieving very well across the school with most classes on the whole showing more than a year's progress in reading, writing and maths. Most of our children are working at the expected curriculum level or above = 97% in reading, and 96% in maths and writing. This year we had targets to raise reading achievement in particular areas of higher need in year 5, 6 and 8 and we reached these targets. We had targets to raise maths achievement in year 6 and 8 and also met those targets. 19% of our children are above expectations in maths and 16% above in reading with 23% of writers at year 7 being above expectation. Thank you to our teaching staff and very experienced teacher aides for your work in ensuring our students attain the highest levels of achievement as well as having all the fun and broad curriculum that we enjoy so much at St Joseph's.
Pet Day
Yesterday our school councillors ran pet day. They have been wanting to do this all year. I have been part of their team preparing for this and due to my accident the night before, they had to go ahead and manage it themselves, supported of course by our staff and their peers but essentially, they had to make it happen. And they did. What great children - we are very proud of them. Well done to our council leaders: Adriana W and Cassidy R, councillors: Michael Mc, Mia C-G, Indeg J-H, King M, Jasmine Mc, and William P. Also our head students Liam and Henry and particularly Bridie and Hana who had a passion for this project. Thank you to Samsu Ramon for bringing in the river stones. And thank you to the Vet Centre at the Big Blue Cross for sponsorship of prizes and Bridie and Hana for organising that. Nice work team!
Sports Equipment Sponsorship
A huge thank you to Alps to Ocean who have funded us with $3222 for sports equipment. Also to our Home and School Association for funding sets of basketballs.
Reports will be going home on Wednesday or Thursday next week - we have been held up with proof-reading due to the Internet being out in Timaru last weekend due to the storms and now by my accident - but they are coming.
Junior Disco
Thank you to the Home and School for hosting our junior disco last Friday.
End of Year Date Reminders
this is a change from the previously notified start date of Monday 3rd February. We wholeheartedly apologise for any inconvenience this might cause. Our staff have been given the opportunity for a staff professional development day on Monday 3rd which will have a long term benefit for our school and is too good an opportunity for us to pass by. The outcomes are all about the children. Parents have all been emailed this information.
Start date 2020 = Tuesday 4th February
Last day of year 2020 = Thursday 17th December
School will be closed for teacher only days on
Monday 4th May
Monday 20th July
Friday 11th September
Monday 12th October
End of Year Activities
Friday 13 December - Year 7 & 8 formal
Monday 15 December - Christmas themed mufti day
Tuesday 16 December - water play, bring togs and a towel and water guns (no balloons)
Wednesday 17 December - Junior school nativity production, final mass, prize-giving, 6pm in the Basilica, meet at 5.45pm in playground in full uniform. We would love for all our families to attend.
Thursday 18 December - final assembly 11.45pm, school finishes 12.30pm
God Bless and Aroha
Lorraine Frances-Rees
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