Altar Servers
Saturday 26th October - Lachlan Criddle, Serah Staju, Mariah Cunningham and Jayla Strong
Sunday 27th October - Indeg & Nye Jones-Hogan and Henry Robinson
Birthday Greetings
Milly Campbell and Michael McLaren
A reminder to let the office know if your child will not be at school for any reason. Please contact us by email on or phone 434 8856 and leave a message or text 027 434 8860. Please let us know the reason why your child is absent.
Book Fair
Our Book Fair starts next Tuesday 29th October to Friday 1st November and is held in the school hall. It will be open from 8.40 to 9.10 in the morning and 2.45 t0 3.15 pm in the afternoon. If you are able to help with the Book Fair, please let the office or Mrs McRae know on Eftpos is available.
We will finish the Book FAir celebration with a Book Character Dress Up day on the Friday.
Good luck to our Yr 7 & 8 students, teachers and parents who are off to Raincliff camp and Mt Somers next week. Lets pray the weather is a bit more settled!!
Molly-May Mestrom entered the North Otago A&P association Have a go Equestrian day on Sunday 20th October and she had a very successful day winning Overall Champion in her class and also 4-1st places 2-2nd places and 1-3rd place. Well done Molly on a very successful day.
Touch Rugby - Congratulations to Ben Gillies and Michael Woodhouse who got selected for the Otago U12 touch rugby team. They have 3 tournaments coming up before Christmas and will practice twice a week in Dunedin. Congratulations also to Lee Woodhouse who was selected as an Otago touch rugby coach for the U12 team.
Cricket Players
We urgently need a couple more girls from Yr 5-8 to play in our girls only team on Friday nights from 4.00 to 6.00 pm starting next Friday. Please let Mrs Brien know if you are interested.
Hungry Horse Cafe - Christmas at the Races meeting
We are looking for volunteers to help with this big race day and help out with the cafe. A letter was posted to all families last term asking you to donate 2-3 hours once a year to help with this major fundraiser for our school. If everyone volunteered their time, each family would only have to do it once a year.
If you are able to help on this day Saturday 30th November for a couple of hours, please let Rebecca Heffernan know on or contact the office. At this particular race meeting, there will be lots of activities to keep the children entertained.
A very big thank you to our Home and School who donated 15 basketballs for the classrooms to use during class PE time. This means the teachers can now teach ball drills and games to all the students in the class.
Induction/Welcome Mass
Every new student who has started school this year has received a letter inviting them to an Induction Evening on Wednesday 13th November at 6.00 pm and to the Welcome Mass on Sunday 17th November at 9.30 am. Please let Mrs Brien know if you can or cannot make these events. Thank you.
North Otago Pastoral Services
It's just got easier to support our school. In the last two years North Otago Pastoral Services and yourself have helped our school receive $900.00 worth of valuable sponsorship. All thanks to North Otago Pastoral Services Poncho Seed Promotion who are once again running their Poncho Seed Promotion to help the region's local schools. For every hectare of seed you purchase from North Otago Pastoral and treat with Poncho, they will donate $5.00/ha.
For further information visit or talk to Matthew Paton, your local field rep on 027 443 4701.
Plastic Free Fridays
The Envirogroup students want to introduce Plastic Free Fridays to St Joseph’s. We will start this initiative next Friday. This is a day when you don't use single use plastic in your lunchbox.(e.g muesli bar wrappers, chip packets, glad wrap and yoghurt containers)
School Athletics
Our whole school athletics is on Tuesday 12th November and we need some more parents/carers to help us on the day for both the junior and senior rotations. If you can only do half a day, that will be fine. Thank you to the 6 parents who have offered to help already. Further information will come out next week.

We are looking for volunteers to help with this big race day and help out with the cafe. A letter was posted to all families last term asking you to donate 2-3 hours once a year to help with this major fundraiser for our school. If everyone volunteered their time, each family would only have to do it once a year.
If you are able to help on this day Saturday 30th November for a couple of hours, please let Rebecca Heffernan know on or contact the office. At this particular race meeting, there will be lots of activities to keep the children entertained.
Food Fair
The Home and School wish to thank all the families who helped make the Food Fair a successful day whether you baked a cake, manned a stall, donated equipment, helped set up or packed away gear. A special thank you to the dads who started very early in the morning and/or worked on the Saturday in preparation for the day.
A very big thank you to our Home and School who donated 15 basketballs for the classrooms to use during class PE time. This means the teachers can now teach ball drills and games to all the students in the class.
Induction/Welcome Mass
Every new student who has started school this year has received a letter inviting them to an Induction Evening on Wednesday 13th November at 6.00 pm and to the Welcome Mass on Sunday 17th November at 9.30 am. Please let Mrs Brien know if you can or cannot make these events. Thank you.
North Otago Pastoral Services
It's just got easier to support our school. In the last two years North Otago Pastoral Services and yourself have helped our school receive $900.00 worth of valuable sponsorship. All thanks to North Otago Pastoral Services Poncho Seed Promotion who are once again running their Poncho Seed Promotion to help the region's local schools. For every hectare of seed you purchase from North Otago Pastoral and treat with Poncho, they will donate $5.00/ha.
For further information visit or talk to Matthew Paton, your local field rep on 027 443 4701.
Plastic Free Fridays
The Envirogroup students want to introduce Plastic Free Fridays to St Joseph’s. We will start this initiative next Friday. This is a day when you don't use single use plastic in your lunchbox.(e.g muesli bar wrappers, chip packets, glad wrap and yoghurt containers)
1.Instead of buying little chip packets, buy a big bag of chips and put what you need into a container.
2.Use extra fruit - it’s good for you.
3.Use hummus/crackers/carrots as a plastic free option
4.Use beeswax wrappers.
5.Use a lunch box with compartments in it (without any wrappers!)
Our Young Vinnies have made beeswax wrappers as part of their volunteer work and will be for sale in a couple of weeks time. Prices to be notified. Please let the office know if you are interested in buying any.
Please help us by trying to reduce our plastic waste at school.
Thank you!
Our whole school athletics is on Tuesday 12th November and we need some more parents/carers to help us on the day for both the junior and senior rotations. If you can only do half a day, that will be fine. Thank you to the 6 parents who have offered to help already. Further information will come out next week.

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