Altar Servers
Saturday 27th July - Annalise & David Kilgour, Luse & Sami Asi
Sunday 28th July - Serah Staju, Indeg and Nye Jonges-Hogan
Birthday Greetings to
None for this week
Change of Contact Details
Please let the office know if you have moved or changed your contact details during the holidays or if your emergency contacts have changed.
First Communion and Confirmation Gifts
The Holy Shop is closing down and have given us some stock suitable for First Communion and Confirmation gifts. If you are interested in looking at these gifts, please contact the school office. All proceeds will go back to the Holy Shop.
Junior School Walk to Community Gardens
A notice went home yesterday about the junior school going to the community gardens and resource centre tomorrow morning. If you are able to be a helper please let your class teacher know. The children are to wear their PE gear and sport shoes.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Don't forget the parent teacher interviews next Tuesday 30th July and Monday 5th August. To book your time slot please go to and use the code rexwq.
Polar Fleeces
We have a limited number of the new polar fleeces available at our school from sizes 8-16. They cost $40.00 each. The Warehouse have size 16 in stock and sizes 10-14 are on their way. There has been a delay at the suppliers of the polar fleece and sizes 4-8 will be sent in due course.
Ranfurly Shield Visit
Yesterday the North Otago Rugby Union brought the Ranfurly Shield to school for the children to look at because North Otago Rugby are versing Otago Rugby tomorrow afternoon and it was a great opportunity to see this 117 year old original shield.

Club brochures went home today. Orders are due back by Monday 5th August.
St Kevin's College Application Forms
Please return these forms to our school office by next week or if your child is going to another high school please let us know so we can inform St Kevin's.
Sport Team Photos
Can all coaches please take a photo of their team and send it to Mrs Brien at If you have any photos of your team playing sport, we would love to have a copy.
Sports Teams Sponsorship Incentive
North Otago Pastoral Services are offering a great incentive based offer. All farmers who purchase a 1kg box of Granstar or 300 gm of Harmony from North Otago Pastoral between 1 August and 31 December 2019 will be able to nominate their local North Otago sports team of choice (St Joseph's basketball, cricket, football, miniball, netball, rugby, touch rugby) to receive the following sponsorship:
- $20 per 1kg of Granstar
- $10 per 300 gm of Harmony (equivalent to 2 x 150 gm)
Granstar and Harmony are selective herbicides, often used in conjunction with Roundup to control broadleaf weeds or buttercups and docks.
Teacher Only Day
A reminder about school being closed on Friday 9th August.
Young Vinnies
Will be selling chocolate chip muffins each Wednesday at lunchtime till the end of term for $1.50 each. Orders and money to be handed in to the office on the Tuesday before (in order to have enough muffins available). All proceeds are going to an orphanage in Uganda called the Orphanage of Hope.
Welcome new students
We warmly welcome Emma Hu, Tendayi & Mazvita Rondozai and Lachlan Wilkinson to our school.
Community Notices
- The Waitaki Boys High School community association are bringing Marcus Akuhata-Brown to Oamaru on Monday 5th August at 7.00 pm at the WBHS Auditorium. Inspiring young people with a powerful message. Lifting the glass lids on low expectations and achievements. Tickets cost $10.00 and are available from WBHS, St Kevin's and Brackens Print.
- Fun Fit Kids at the Rec Centre - is a fun fitness programme for primary/intermediate school kids. 45-60 minutes of fun and fitness. Held on Fridays at 4.00 pm for 4 weeks starting Friday 26th July. Cost $24.00 per child.
- Columba Scout Group - Keas for 5-8 yrs on Mondays from 4.15 to 5.15 pm. Cubs for 8-11 yrs on Mondays from 6.00 to 7.30 pm. Held at the Columba Scout Den, Awamoa Park. Scout groups provide safe and nurturing environments for children to have fun and develop their creativity through games, arts and crafts, challenges, indoor and outdoor activities and so much more so come along and join in the adventure. For more information contact Mary-Jane on 022 300 9690.
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