Saturday 9th April - Elizabeth & Samuel Plieger, Matthew Gough, Isabella McNaught and Vince Vidallon
Sunday 10th April - Stefanie & Sylvia Lavrijsen and Jonathan Jorgensen
Birthday Greetings to:
Lisiate Hausia and Indya Cunningham
Busy Bumbles - After School Care
Is super excited to confirm our opening date at St Joseph's school for Monday 2nd May. They will be based in the school hall. You can enrol online or feel free to pop in and see us anytime in Term 2. They will be open for After School Care from 3.00 to 6.00 pm every day and will be running a Holiday Programme from the hall and the hours will be from 7.30 am to 6.00 pm. There is lots more information on their website They look forward to meeting all the lovely families at St Joseph's school. Thank you Busy Bumbles.
Last Sunday, some of our Yr 7 and 8 boys went to play in an U13 years division, 10 aside rugby tournament in Pleasant Point where they played against teams from South Canterbury. St Joseph's was the only North Otago team entered in this competition. They played 3 games of 7 minutes each way against Geraldine, Mackenzie and Old Boys in which they won all their games. They went on to play against Old Boys in the final and beat them 5-2. For winning the competition they were awarded a first place medal for their efforts and the boys would like to thank everyone who helped make this day a success.
Footsteps Dance Sessions
On Friday 15th April, parents are invited to watch the Footsteps Dance sessions from 1.00 to 2.30 pm. All classes have been learning the dance moves throughout the week.
Giant Leaps Speech and Drama
Are currently accepting enrolments for Term 2 for speech and drama which is during school hours. Please phone 0800 4SPEECH or Flyers are available from the school office.
Seth Bartley has lost his named school jacket. Please check your child's jacket to ensure they have the correct jacket.
Lost Property
There is a number of lost clothing in the Lost Property area and a lot of it are the school jackets. Please check to see if your child has their school jacket as all the lost property will either be going to the St Vincent de Paul or the Uniform Shop next week.
Matthew Cullimore
Is a Yr 13 student of St Kevin's College and an old boy of our school and he came to talk to us at assembly last Friday about his fundraising efforts for the Leukemia society. Matthew is raising funds as he competes in the Sky City Challenge in his full fire fighting uniform next month as he is a volunteer fireman with the Weston Fire Station. He has done this by volunteering him time to move rocks in a paddock, chopped and stacked firewood, mowing lawns, gardening and walking dogs. He has raised over $1300 so far and his goal is $2000. Matthew is encouraging students to help in the community and using your time to support worthy causes. The children thought he was very interesting to listen too, gives up a lot of his time and is an amazing volunteer. Last Friday, the children were to bring or wear something red to show support for Matthew and raised $87.50. Fr Wayne matched this total dollar for dollar and presented Matthew a cheque.
Nacho Lunch
An order form for the nacho lunch for next Wednesday has gone home with the youngest child in the family. Please check your child's bag for this order form as orders have to be in by next Monday. A copy of the nacho order is also attached to the email.
Polar Fleece
The new order for the school polar fleeces will arrive late next week.
Last day for buying a poppy is next Friday 15th April from the school office.
Principal's Blog
There will be no principal's blog this week and there will be one next week.
Rippa Rugby Tournament
School Garden
St Joseph's Big Print Phone Book or North Otago Community Directory or 2016 Phone Directory
Which ever way you know this phone book by, you will be delighted to know that it is due to come out for sale next Tuesday 12th April. As the phone books will not be coming home with families as in previous years, the Home and School will give each family 10 flyers tomorrow and ask if you can put a flyer in 10 letter boxes around your area to get the word out about the phone book. Look for this in your child's bag. If you are at a business/workplace or area that would be happy to sell some phone books, or have any other queries, please contact Rachel or email The copy of the flyer will be attached to the email.
The Home and School needs your help to sell the North Otago Community Directory Phone Book which is a fundraiser for our school. (This happens every 3 years) in the supermarkets. We will be looking at selling them on Tuesday 12th April at Countdown and Thursday 14th April at both New Worlds. If you are available to help for 1 1/2 hours on either day, can you please fill in the roster at the office. If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Fowler on 027 237 8234.
The first person for the day needs to collect the books, float, table and chairs and 2 students from the school office and take to the supermarket and then return the students back to school. The other people just need to pick up the next 2 students from school and return them.
Ski Fundraiser
Huge thanks to all of the wonderful helpers last Saturday morning as we managed to cover around 11 hectares of turnip field which has broken the back of the kob. We still need to cover around 6 or 7 hectares to finish the job and we'd appreciate as much help as possible. That way we will have it done in no time. It is on Saturday morning from 8.00 am out at Clarke's Mill and children are welcome. No tools required but gardening gloves and gum boots are advisable. Please email Mr Cartlidge on if you are able to help.
We warmly welcome Seini Hausia who started school this week to our new entrants class.
Winter Sports
Basketball - the teams will be notified next week.
Netball - thank you to the parents who have offered to coach the netball teams. We now have enough coaches.
Football - We still require coaches for the Junior 2 and Primary teams.
Rugby - We still require coaches for the 7 and 8 year old team and 2 coaches for the combined 5 and 6 year old team.
Please note that we have to register the football and rugby teams next week and if we do not get any coaches, we will not be able to register the team. If you can help, please let Mrs Souness know on or ring the school office on 434 8856.
Community Notices
- Waitaki Community Recreation Centre Notices - please see attachment to the email
- Movie Social Event - (Francisco: The Man Behind the Pope) - the parish would like to know if there is anyone interested in attending this movie in a group social situation on either Tuesday 19th April, Thursday 21st April or Friday 22nd April. Please contact Elaine in the parish office if you wish to go on 434 8543 or 022 632 6600 or email
- Bike Recycling - the bike project at the recycling centre is starting to turn out some bikes which are very good quality and are to be given to kids in need of a bike but because of family circumstances probaly would not get a bike. The bikes available at the moment are larger sizes and are suitable for older kids and teenagers. There will be different size bikes available as the project progresses. If you know of anyone who fits this criteria, please ring Dave at the Recycling Centre on 434 0999 or Senior Constable Carrie Hamilton on 021 192 385.
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