Baptism follow up meeting
Tuesday 10th April at 6:30pm is the follow up meeting to our very successful baptism meeting. Special thanks to Mark and Adrienne Wylie, Mrs Marsh, Miss Pryce and Mr Cartlidge who all contributed to the meeting. If you are interested in seeing what we covered in our meeting, you can
go to this link.
Board elections and flyer coming home today
Board elections happen every three years. This year is our board election year. The election will take place on 25th May with our new board convening on the 25th June. If you are interested in joining the board, please read the flyer School Trustee Election flyer coming home today. If you wish to talk with other board members and find out more, then you can speak with our other parent trustees: Grant Finn, Sharni Cunningham, Claire Cameron, Michael Plieger, Lynn Cullimore and Fe Arsi.
Here is a link to a website with a video and more information.
Phone book sales
Our major fundraiser is underway. The North Otago phone directories are for sale. Make sure your let your family and friends know that they are available. All of the proceeds are contributing to our hall upgrade project. The books are $10 each and are available from the office. Spread the word.
Please Note: Unfortunately due to a printing error, a small section of names and numbers were omitted. These will be included in the new books being printed. If you already have a book, we have an insert with these numbers available at the school office.
Busy Bumbles After School and Holiday Care
We are excited that this award winning service will be operating from our school hall on Monday 2nd May and are looking for enrolments. Mrs Marsh has been appointed as the lead Supervisor and there will be two adults present at all times. For further information phone 03 347 3031 or email or visit our website on You can read more about this service in a flyer attached to the email.
Drop and Drive
Junior Hub 2 have shared some important information about the drop and Drive zone.
Please go to this link to learn more.
Yr 7 & 8 Anzac Expo 2016 and Ceremony
Senior Hub 1 will be displaying their Anzac project inquiries in the hall from 9:30 am to 12.00 pm tomorrow. Many of the veterans who feature in this display are local Oamaruvians. Instead of our normal assembly, there will be an Anzac Service in the playground at 2:30 pm. Everyone is welcome to join us. Thanks Mr Cartlidge for coordinating the service.
(During the week, the children from Yrs 3-8 have been busy with their ANZAC Inquiry. They have been busy filling ANZAC work sheets, making clay models depicting ANZAC, baking ANZAC biscuits, researching family members and the service battles they were in etc. Thanks to the family members who have helped with this Inquiry. Editors note - the ANZAC biscuits were very tasty!!)