Altar Servers
Saturday 12th December - Joseph & Sebastian Spillane and Maximus Fatafehi
Sunday 13th December - Cameron and Laura Mather, Antonia Black and Sebastian Whiston

Xanthea Moore, Christopher Jorgensen, Sam Asi and Lachlan Criddle
There will be a shortened news blog which will come out next Wednesday.
All bus services will run only in the morning of Thursday 17th December. Parents will need to pick their children up at 12.30 pm on this day.
Christmas in the Park
If any children are interested in attending 'Carols in the Park' where they will sing as a group for 15 minutes on Sunday 20th December from 3.00 to 6.00 pm, please let Mr Cartlidge know. They are to wear their school uniform and to bring a change of clothes for the bouncy castle. Parents are to stay and not drop them off.
To the St Joseph's Dynamos Touch Rugby team who won their Yr 4/5/6 division and to the St Joseph's Pumas who got runner up in the Yr 7/8 division. Many thanks to the coaches who coached the teams and to all the parents who supported them.
We have a collection of children's watches, jewellery, 2 x pair of girls pink glasses and one with a purple case and 2 x pair of adult brown sun glasses. If they are yours, please come and claim them from the office.
Home and School
A notice has gone home today regarding the Food Fair on Sunday 6th March asking if there are any families who would like to be involved with the fair. They would like help in the following areas:
- Making and serving cultural food
- Setting up gazebos on the day and/or providing one
- Baking cakes for the cake wheel
- Music/entertainment
- Running an activity
- Other suggestions
The first Food Fair meeting will be held in Week 1 on Thursday 4th February. Everyone is welcome. Please fill in the notice and return it to the school office by this Monday 14th December.
New Families for Term 1, 2016
We have sent you an email with the link to our school news blog which will have information on it for next year.
Piano Tuition
There are vacancies for 2016 on Monday mornings. For further details contact Peter McMullan (piano teacher) on 027 421 1216.
School Lunches
This is the last week for school canteen lunches and there will be Thai lunch next Wednesday. Thai lunches will resume again on Wednesday 10th February.
Sports Draw
Touch Rugby will resume again on Tuesday 16th February and cricket will resume on Saturday 13th February.
Cricket - Saturday 12th December
4th Grade - St Joseph's v Union at SKC 1
5th Grade - St Joseph's v Valley at SKC Artificial 2
A reminder that boys going into the Yr 7 class for 2016 wear the long sleeve blue shirt and grey shorts and the girls can wear a kilt.
Uniform Shop
Would like any donated second hand PE gear, pinafores, jerseys and jackets as their stocks are running low. The shop will be open on Monday 14th December from 2.30 to 3.00 pm, Friday 29th January from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm and Monday 1st February from 8.30 to 9.00 am. If you require any further information, please ring Adele on 027 434 3338.
We warmly welcome Isaac Downes-Diack to our new entrants class this week.
Community Notices
- The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe – End of year show for the Victoria Cooper Academy of Dance held at the Oamaru Opera House on Sunday 13th December at 1.00 pm and 5.00 pm.
- Aoraki Polytechnic Certificate of Care and Parenting Course - Have you four mornings a week spare? Are you thinking of returning to study in a supportive environment? Would zero fees interest you? Maybe the idea of acquiring some new skills and exploring theories around caring for and working with infants, school aged children and teens interest you. Then this short 12 week course could be the New Year's challenge for you. Red Cross comprehension first aid is also embedded in this certificate. The times are 9.15 am to 1.00 pm Monday to Thursday and the tutor is Susie Sinclair. Ring 0800 426 725 for further information or pop in for a chat/interview.
- Waitaki Twilight Market - Saturday 19th December from 5.00 to 9.00 pm in the Scottish Hall on Tyne Street. Flyer attached to email.
- Oamaru Farmers Twilight Market and Victorian Precinct Christmas Party - Wednesday 23rd December from 4.30 pm till 9.00 pm. Flyer attached to email.
- Tennis Camp - for all ages on Wednesday 13th, Thursday 14th and Friday 15th January. Time is 9.00 am to 10.30 am for 5 to 9 years where they learn ball skills and activities and fundamentals are taught. Venue is Waitaki Girls and costs $20 daily or $55 for 3 days. Intermediate/Advanced 10 yrs and up is from 10.30 to 12.30. Venue is Waitaki Girls and costs $25 daily or $60 for 3 days. Please book online at or call or text Steve on 027 284 9578.
- Oamaru Library will once again be running a reading programme over the summer. It runs from December 19th with cards needing to be returned by Monday 1st February 2016 to be eligible for the prize draw.
- Weet-Bix Kids Tryathlon - Held on Sunday 28th February in Dunedin and Sunday 13th March in Christchurch. Register now on 0800 Weetbix or
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