Thursday 19 November 2015

4. What has been happening in Week 6?

Yr 8 Camp
Last week our Yr 8 class, Mr Moore and Mr Cartlidge, Mr Brown and a great group of parent helpers went to our annual camp at Staveley and walked the Mt Somers track. They endured all seasons while they were away with warm sunshine and cold wet weather which resulted in them walking 2 days of the track in one huge day where everyone stepped up and finished the trek.  The following day they bused into Ashburton where some went swimming or to the museum and then went to the Ashburton Domain.
A MASSIVE thank you to all parents for their contribution to the success of their children on the camp over the past week. Without the huge amount of support and effort to provide the right equipment for the students, including those who selflessly loaned their gear to others in the class, this camp wouldn't have been the success it was. Here are some photos of their pre-camp preparation with walks through the Herbert Forest and walking through the reserve at the top of the Glen Warren Reserve as well as the Staveley camp.

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Saints Day
On Monday children were asked to dress up or bring along a symbol that related to a saint as part of learning in the Communion of Saints Strand.  We had children dressed up as Saints Rose, Francis, Patrick, Joseph, Mary and Delilah to name a few.

Yr 7 Camp
This week our Yr 7 students are at Iona as part of their annual camp where the children have experienced lots of different activities like abseiling, stream studies, bush walks, making bivouacs and staying in tents.  Here are a few photos that Mrs Jackson took of the children making bivouacs when she spent the day there yesterday.

Junior School Talent Show
Yesterday the junior school put on a talent show organised by the Yr 8 leaders.  There were magicians, skippers, Tae kwon do fighters, singers, dancers and even some Haka.  Thank you to the Yr 8 leaders for organising it and to the parents who came along to support it.  Here is a video of some of the acts.

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