Special Character, Term 2 Week 7
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from: outsidedabox.com |
This weekend we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi - the Body
of Christ. The body and blood of Christ present in the Holy Eucharist is the central sacrament of the church, which was instituted at the Last Supper on Holy Thursday. Jesus says, "He
who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up
on the last day." John 6:54. The Eucharist is one of the mysteries and central beliefs of the Catholic faith.
Paul also tells the Corinthians that now the Church is the Body of Christ:
"Now you are the
body of Christ, and each one of you
is a part of it." 1 Corinthians 12:27
Teaching about God
Classes throughout the school are now studying the God strand of the Religious Education curriculum. These are the key concepts at each year level:
Concepts For God Strand
Concepts For God Strand
Year 1:
God is the creator of all that is and keeps it
in being
Each person is God’s unique creation made in
love for love
We praise God for all the good gifts of
creation, both seen and unseen
Year 5:
Scripture stories of God’s call to people and
their responses
The meaning of covenant and God’s faithfulness
God calls people to be reconciled in
The call to believe in God and build up Te
Rangatiratanga – the Reign of God on earth
Year 2:
God’s gifts to people are a sign of God’s love
God’s greatest gift is Jesus who showed us God
is a loving and forgiving Father
People are called to appreciate God’s gifts and
be grateful for them
Year 6:
Images of God reveal something of what God is like
Christians come to know God through Jesus and
respond in worship and action
Catholic beliefs within the Creed
Year 3:
God is everywhere in the world through creation
God works through people who accept God’s gift
of grace
God speaks to people through the Scriptures
God works in the world through every culture
Year 7:
People are created to grow through grace to
become like Jesus and turn away from sin
Using talents for the work of the Church and the
Reign of Tika, Rangimarie and Aroha on earth
God’s desire for humanity
Although affected by sin, all creation is
redeemed by God and has been given its own tapu and mana
Year 4:
God is the mystery of the Father, Son and Holy
Giving respect to the gift of God’s creation
because it is tapu
God’s love expressed through the ten
Year 8:
God is mystery – personal and distant (immanent
and transcendent)
God revealed as a Trinity of three persons –
creating, redeeming and sanctifying
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