Moana H and Joaquin P
Casual Vacancy for a Parent Representative for St Joseph's School Board of Trustees
A casual vacancy has occurred on the school board for an elected parent representative. The board has decided to fill the vacancy by selection.
If 10% or more of eligible voters on the school roll ask the board, within 28 days of this notice being published, to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy, then a by-election will be held. Request for a by-election should be sent to:
Presiding Chair Member St Joseph's School Board or send to 36 Usk Street, Oamaru by 22nd September.
Pasifika Group
This is a copy of the letter which was given to the children last week.
Talofa lava, Mālō e lelei.
Thank you for continuing to support your child/children in attending the School’s Pasifika
group. The enthusiasm and commitment the children have displayed is wonderful to see. They are all growing in confidence and working hard at learning the dances and songs we will perform for the Otago Polyfest and Fiefia night. It is now two weeks until the Polyfest and three weeks to Fiefia night.
Considering the length, we have been practicing since the beginning of this term, we the tutors believe that we are fully prepared and entirely ready if we run an extra practice before the big day.
So, we have decided to have this extra practice on: Saturday 9 September 2023, from 11.00am to 2pm
at St Joseph’s School Hall.
ALL CHILDREN are expected to attend this practice and to be on time.
We ask all children to bring a plate of food for a shared lunch at this practice. Could girls please bring a plate of savory food and boys bring a plate of sweet/treat food. There will be lunchtime and playtime in the middle of the session.
We are scheduled to perform on Thursday 14 @12.30pm. The details of traveling to and back from the Polyfest we will inform you later.
Lastly, our Pasifika group’s last get-together after the Fiefia night will be on Thursday 21 of September @ 10am where we will have a small Pasifika Morning tea (Tutors and students will bring something to share) to celebrate our tamariki for being awesome. Parents and whānau are welcome to join us.
Faafetai lava.
Pasifika Group Tutors.
Summer Sports
Next week, forms will be sent out asking for children who wish to play touch rugby or futsal for term 4. Mrs Misiloi will be the teacher in charge of these two sports.
Touch Rugby
Below is a message from North Otago Touch Rugby regarding some changes for term 4.
Some key details:
- Touch is moving to Awamoa Park. With the new Event Centre getting closer to its start date, North Otago Touch has made the decision to relocate our competition to Awamoa Park. Increased use from other sports at Centennial Park along with congestion and field availability have put the ability to deliver our school competition on one day in one place under pressure.
This change will enable our fields to have clearer and more consistent markings and consistent field sizes. It also enables the whole Junior competition to be delivered in one place on one day.
We haven't taken the decision to move lightly and understand this may make it more difficult for some players to attend. This is the only way we can ensure the competition can run for all age groups as we juggle volunteer and field availability.
- With the change of venue, the time of games will be impacted. At this point, we are working with at least 8 fields. With 8 fields available, and going off team registrations from the past couple of years, round times would be 4.00, 4.30, 5.00, 5.30, 6.00 and 6.30. There is the potential of starting earlier, and also the potential of another field or 2 being available, but we are planning on the 'worst case scenario' currently.
- Subs will remain the same
- Competition is being pencilled to begin Tuesday 17th October.
- With the main road running alongside the fields, we are concerned about safety - especially of the younger players. We plan on running the youngest games on the top part of the park, which is partially fenced.
If you have any further questions, please reach out. We will also be publishing the field change information on Facebook to make sure the touch community is well informed.
North Otago Touch Conveynor
Touch Trials
We held our first trial on Sunday and are short on Under 12-year-olds (both boys & girls) trialling. We would really appreciate it if you could advertise this Sunday's trial (1.30pm @ Centennial Park) amongst your school communities. We would like to stress that children can trial for North Otago only, if they make the team they get to attend a tournament in Dunedin, and they only trial for Otago if they opt into it.
If any of your students are interested they can register using the following link.
Below is a message regarding Futsal from Football South.
Please see below, the information regarding the Schools Futsal Competition in Term 4.
Term 4 Futsal 2023
To be played at Waitaki Rec Centre.
Start Dates:
Monday 30th October 2023
End Dates:
Monday 4th December 2023
Grades (& approx. game times):
Cost: $250 per team (6 weeks) –
As in previous years, these teams do not need a coach, only an adult that can look after the team on the day and manage substitutions.
- As in previous years, these teams do not need a coach, only an adult that can look after the team on the day and manage substitutions.
- Shin pads to be worn by all players during games.
- 8 players per team – we’d like to keep teams at 8 players maximum, so each player is guaranteed a good amount of game time.
- All teams MUST be accompanied by a team manager/coordinator and not left to their own to organise or to make subs etc.
- School sports uniforms to be worn please. (we will have bibs if colours clash)
- Draw for each week will be emailed to team managers – we will also email it and post on Football Waitaki Facebook page
We warmly welcome William F to our yr 4 class.
Winter Sports Uniforms and Gear Bags
Can all winter sports uniforms and gear bags be returned by Monday next week so we can store the uniforms and gear bags away until next season.
Netball - Gold Intermediate team |
Miniball - Breakers Yr 3/4 team |

Miniball - Rebels - Yr 5/6 team
Community Notices
Oamaru Swim Club - We have our next Oamaru Swim Club Fast and Furious coming up on 15th September at the Waitaki Aquatic Centre. We would love to see as many swimmers, at all different levels of swimming. There are events for beginners and also experienced swimmers.
Entries need to be back at the pool or emailed through by the 13th September, as per the flyer attached to the email.
- Kia ora my name is Kuramairangi and I’m in year 7 at Totara School :) together with my brother Hei Manaaki Te Ahurei we have developed a program called Te Kura Manaaki. We have been lucky enough to get some funding to run a Te Ao Māori program for tamariki aged 9-12 years old. We are emailing to let you know of this program we have some amazing people helping us get this off the ground and to help everything run smoothly! If you think you might have some tamariki there that would be interested please email us! We have attached our flyer for your information. tekuramanaaki@gmail.com Nga mihi, Kuramairangi
Waitaki Library Brick Build-Off (Lego)
The Library has a brand new competition coming up on September 23, and we’re currently looking for teams to apply to be a part of the fun! You don’t need to be an experienced LEGO builder, The Great Waitaki Brick Build-Off competition is for everyone. And with teams comprising one adult (18+) and one or two children, it’s a great chance for some whanau bonding!
If you’d like to be part of the competition you can grab an application form from the display just inside the front doors of the Library; or download it from the website: https://www.waitaki.govt.nz/Libraries/Events-Activities/The-Great-Waitaki-Brick-Build-Off or simply print off the copy attached to this email
Applications close 5.00pm Friday September 8.
There’s also a Facebook event page – if those who have FB accounts would be kind enough to follow the page and, even better, share it around your personal and extended networks, that would be much appreciated!
https://www.facebook.com/events/1032104374628654 or search ‘The Great Waitaki Brick Build-Off’
September is Love Your Library Month for Waitaki District Libraries.
This September, Waitaki District Libraries are offering new members the chance
to win one of four $50 Prezzy cards. New members can sign up in person, or through the Waitaki District Libraries website. There will be a weekly draw of the new members. The six Waitaki District Libraries are host to a world of resources, and your library card is the key to unlocking them. By signing up to the library, you can borrow books but also get access to our e-book and e-audio collection on the Borrowbox platform.
For more information check out the Waitaki District Libraries website at:
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