Welcome to the End of Week 6 and Trinity Sunday celebration on this our 1st Kings Birthday Weekend.
Thank you to Father Fredy for guiding our Parent Meeting last Tuesday evening on the introductory rite of Baptism. Our candidates will receive the Sacrament of Baptism in our school Mass in week 10 after receiving in-school instruction.
Our Thanks and Appreciation go to our Yr 7 and 8 leaders for proclaiming the Gospel, sharing prayers and Mihi for our Pentecost Mass in Week 5, and again to our lovely Ruma Kiwi students for their growing leadership with proclaiming the Gospel, sharing prayers and Mihi for our Mass celebrating Trinity Sunday.
A special mention to our Altar servers, Technicians and Kapahaka leaders as they all practice Reverence in their ministeries.
The month of June is devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Week 6 29th May - 2nd June
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity