Milah A, Ryan B, Mary B, Michaela C, Victoria F, Kaycee-Mae G, Kayden H, Ellie J, Asher M, Angelina P and Dhairya S.
Absent Children
Please let the office know the reason why your child is absent from school when you leave a message. Also if you have changed your address or contact details recently, please let us know. Thank you.
Chocolate Fundraiser
Next term in week 2, all families will be given a box of chocolate to sell as a fundraiser for our Pasifika Cultural group. If you think you can sell more than one box per family, please let the school know. Mrs Adrienne Spillane will be overseeing this fundraiser.
Polyfest & Fiefia Evenings
A copy of this letter was sent out to all families this week.
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
This year our Pasifika Cultural group will be participating in the Polyfest for 2023 and also the Fiefia Night. The polyfest will be next Term from September 11 to 19 (Week 9). Fiefia Night will be in week 10 of Term 3. We are looking forward to starting teaching our items at the beginning of Term 3.
We have a Pasifika mother who will be teaching our children and preparing them for performing at the Polyfest and Fiefia Night. This is who we are, our mana, and are proud to be representing our school by showcasing our talents in Pasifika performing art.
We are open to taking children from Yr 3 up, who show interest in wanting to learn about Pasifika cultural dance. Be aware that we need full commitment from your child and participate fully during practices.
If your child is keen to take part in the performance and be part of the group. Please reply to this email on tmisiloi@stjoseph.school.nz or by ringing the school office on 03 434 8856 if your child wants to perform at the Polyfest and the Fiefia Night. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards, Tua Misiloi, Pasifika Liason
Parish Freezer
Yesterday, Mrs Spillane and our intermediate children prepared and cooked food for the Parish Freezer. These meals are handed out to any parish or school families in times of need and are always appreciated by the recipients. Thank you to Mrs Spillane for your organisation and preparation for these meals.
The sports draw for week 1 in term 3 for basketball, miniball and netball will be emailed on the Monday of term 3. The netball goal-athon cards need to be returned to Mrs Brien at the school office by Friday 21st July.
St Joseph's Yr 3/4 netball team on the dress up day |
We warmly welcome Eidyn A who started school this week to our new entrants class.

Laudato Si’ reflection
Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.” [Mt 10:40]
The flow of hospitality, care and manaakitanga, from and for people and planet enriches all
of us.
Pope Francis notes that ‘…The human person grows more… to the extent that he or she
enters into relationships, going out from themselves to live in communion with God, with
others and with all creatures…. Everything is interconnected, and this invites us to develop a
spirituality of that global solidarity which flows from the mystery of the Trinity.’ [ LS 240]
Community Notices
- Matariki Brochure - attached to the email is a brochure about Matariki and what is happening within the Waitaki District.
- Noel Leeming Family Deals - please see the flyer attached to the email.
- Basketball Camp - The Otago Nuggets and the Southern Hoiho professional basketball teams will be hosting our July School Holidays Camp.
Otago Nuggets and Southern Hoiho July School Holidays Basketball Camp
Monday 10 & Tuesday 11 July – Years 4-6 only
Wednesday 12 & Thursday 13 July – Years 7-13 only
12noon to 3pm
Edgar Centre, Portsmouth Drive, Dunedin
Cost: $40.00 per day
Register online:
Contact email: