Birthday Greetings for the next fortnight to:
Alourah C
Administration / Sport Forms
We have only received half of the administration/sports forms back which were due back today. Please ensure the remainder of these forms are returned on Monday so we can process them. Thank you to the families who have returned their forms.
This a reminder, everyone is welcome to join our weekly school assembly on Fridays at 2.30 pm.
House Rippa Rugby Tournament
Our annual House Rippa Rugby tournament will be held on Thursday 23rd March at 1.30 pm at school. The Yr 8 students will be organising this tournament where each house will compete against each other for house points.
The junior teams are from Yrs 1-4 and the seniors from Yrs 5-8. If you have any props in the colour of your house, you are welcome to bring them to show your house support as the whole school will be watching and supporting their houses. You can bring tutus, glasses, hats etc.
Remember, the house with the most points at the end of each term will receive a prize. Parents and whanau are most welcome to come along to support.
From Yr 8 Physical Activity Leaders
Monday 13th - Administration/sports forms required back
Tuesday 14th - Scholastic Book Club orders due back
Wednesday 15th - North Otago Swimming Sports
- Technology for Yr 7 & 8 students
Thursday 16th - School closed - strike action
Friday 17th - Swimming trophies presented at assembly
Monday 20th - School closed - Otago Anniversary weekend
Wednesday 22nd - Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Thursday 23rd - School Parish mass at 9.15 am
- House Rippa Rugby tournament
Scholastic Book Club
The brochures went out this week and orders are due back to the office by Tuesday 14th March.
Children who have qualified for the swimming sports have been notified and further information will be given to you next week.
Swimming trophy presentation
The swimming trophies will be presented at the assembly on Friday 17th March. Please note the trophies and certificates are awarded to the swimmers who competed in the competitive races.
Teachers Together Flyer from NZEI
Please look for this flyer from NZEI on another page of the blog regarding the funding for schools.
Winter Sports
Below is a message regarding football registrations from the Awamoa Football Club.
Awamoa Football Club Registrations are open.
Registration and fees are due by 6th April 2023. The season starts on 13th May.
Follow the link to register. https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/232241
Community Notices
- Waitaki Museum has been undergoing renovations which include new spaces and more accessibility options with the installation of a lift. The museum is ready to reopen to the public and we’d love for you to come and have a look at our larger spaces and new exhibitions.
And to make things even easier, the Waitaki Museum & Archive will be open for extended hours
this weekend to celebrate - Saturday 11 March and Sunday 12 March, 10am-4pm.
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