Friday, 27 September 2019

1. Principal's News Week 10, Term 3 2019

Thank You For A Great Term
To mark the end of a full and successful term of worship, learning, culture, and sport in our Catholic school, here is a short video of the children telling us what they love about learning.

Young Vinnies Senior Citizens Visit
Each week groups of our year 7 & 8 students visit and spend time with senior members of our community.  This week our Young Vinnie's coordinator, Adrienne Spillane, organised for our senior citizens to visit us.  Our year 7 & 8 students prepared a morning of entertainment for them.

Here's our head girl, Bridie, welcoming our visitors:

Celebration Assembly on Friday starts 2.15pm featuring Ruma Tui wearable arts fashion show

Thank you to all of St Joseph's staff for your dedication to our children, our special character and helping to provide the highest quality education possible.  Thank you parents and caregivers for your support.

In particular thank you to:
Rebecca Heffernan - President of our Home and School Association
Jessica Fogarty - for collating the Subway orders.
Adele Whiston - for running the uniform shop
Judy Anderson - for helping with the pies and milo
To our sports coaches and all community members who have helped out this term and our Board of Trustees.

We wish Morgan Lee all the best as she moves into her promotion at Papakaio School after 7 years at St Joseph's.

Have a safe and happy holiday.

God bless and aroha
Lorraine Frances-Rees

Thursday, 26 September 2019

2. Special Character Term 3 Week 10

                                      Welcome/Kiaora/Malo e Lelei

Special Dates this week

23rd St Pius of Pietrelcina
27th St Vincent de Paul
YV Logo
Since the early 1900’s, young people have been involved with the work of the
St Vincent de Paul Society in New Zealand. Many of our schools in the Dunedin Diocese
have Young Vinnies groups.
The Society was founded by seven people, most of whom were teenagers. The object of having a youth arm of the Society that caters for people from age about 11 to 30ish is to help them to realise that there are people in society in need, and to encourage them to help those people. They are also encouraged to realise that the reason Vincentians help people is not just because they feel good doing this work, but because of the Gospel message to love your neighbour as yourself.

Lautado Si
We can encourage our children and grandchildren to appreciate creation by planting seeds or seedlings, watching them grow, and even transfer to their plates. Have you considered growing some vegetables of your own - nutritious fresh-from-the-garden greens for better health.  A small garden can easily produce lettuce, cabbage, silver-beet, spinach, spring onions, celery and those health-giving herbs … and … it’s not too late to plant a couple of ‘new potatoes’ for Christmas dinner. The garden is a constant reminded of our God through Mother Earth’s/Papatuanuku’s loving provision for us.

Together we make the difference by being the change we wish to see!
Spiritual Reading
“Private prayer is like straw scattered here and there: If you set it on fire it makes a lot of little flames. But gather these straws into a bundle and light them, and you get a mighty fire, rising like a column into the sky; public prayer is like that.”
--Saint John Vianney

Thank you
God Bless
Tua Misiloi Co DRS
Children holding Happy Holidays word — Stock Vector

3. School Notices - Week 10, Term 3 2019

Altar Servers
Saturday 28th September - Annalise & David Kilgour, Luse & Sami Asi
Sunday 29th September - Indeg & Nye Jones-Hogan
Saturday 5th October - Mariah Cunningham, Cooper & Madison Jones and Jayla Strong
Sunday 6th October - Lilly Kelcher, Alexie Phillips and Henry Robinson
Saturday 12th October - tba
Sunday 13th October - tba

Birthday Greetings to

Aki Tahitu'a, Ziah Rollan, Xia Hui Li, Iverson & Adriana Wylie-Taukolo, Stephanie Morondoz, Kenton Tokai, David Kilgour, Olivia & Paige Geypen, Ashlyn Marshall, Holly Ridgway, Analiese Whiston, Liam Lindsay, Troy Chikowore, Mariah Cunningham and Mia Catalan-Gomez

Book Fair

The Scholastic Book Fair - Dino-Mite - will be running from Tuesday 29th October to Friday 1st November in our school hall.  The Book Fair works to benefit our school - every book you purchase earns the school points which we can use to purchase literacy resources for our children.
Your child has been sent home today with a Book Fair pamphlet - this has a very small selection of books that will be available at the fair.  Please come and check out the huge range during our Book Fair week.
The Book Fair will be open from 8.40 to 9.10 am and 2.45 to 3.15 pm each day.  To make this possible, we need at least 2 volunteers to be looking after the Book Fair at these times.  If you are able to do this, please let Mrs McRae or the office know asap.
We will finish our Book Fair celebration with a book character dress up day on Friday 1st November.

Celebration Assembly

Starts at 2.15 pm tomorrow as the Yr 2/3 class is putting on a fashion show.

Food Fair

This is a reminder about our International Food Fair happening on Sunday 20th October.
-  Gates open at 11.30 am and food is available from 12.00 pm
-  Plates cost $5.00 each
-  Eftpos facilities available
-  Bouncy castle and/or noddy train
-  Raffles
-  If wet, it will be held in the hall

We do need your help with the following items:

-  $10 per family to buy food for the food stalls.  Money into the office by Tuesday 15th October.
    Thank you to the families who have already paid.
-  Cakes to be baked for the Cake Wheel, cake notice on the wall outside the office door
-  Rice and Slow cookers are required, please name them clearly

If you can help with any of these items, please put your name up on the lists in the office foyer or contact Rebecca Heffernan on 027 432 4056 or email

Pies and Milo

There will be no pies and milo in term 4 as we usually have this hot lunch available in the colder months of terms 2 and 3.


Friday 27 - Celebration assembly starting at 2.15 pm
Monday 14 - School starts back in summer uniform
                   -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Tuesday 15 - School photos
                    - Touch Rugby starts today
                    -  Food Fair money due in

School and Sibling photos

Last week every child received an order form regarding information for their school and sibling photos.  Our school photos will be taken on Tuesday 15th October with sibling photos starting at 8.30 am in the hall and class photos at 9.00 am so please do not be late.

Sibling Photographs -  this system has also changed and you need to sign a Sibling Photo Booking form for you to have your family photos taken.  If there is no signed form, the photographers are not authorised to take a sibling photograph.  The school office has Sibling Photo Forms for you to pick up as there was not enough for each family

This year the system is different for ordering photos as it is now being done by PhotoLife and you order and pay for your photos online (no money and orders are to come to school).  Orders will be taken 2 weeks after the photo day and when printed the photos will be delivered to the school approximately 5 weeks after the photo day.

Singing Cup 

Last Friday we were treated to some wonderful singing from individuals, duets/groups right through to the House Choirs and even our own groovy staff choir. The entertainment groups with their acts finished off a great morning.  Well done to all our performers as it takes a lot of courage to get up on stage and sing in front of people.  Congratulations to the following winners:

Yr 5 - Mya Robinson and David Kilgour

Yr 6 - Lilly Kelcher and Tommy McGeown/Lachlan Criddle
Yr 7 - Mariah Cunningham and Sami Asi
Yr 8 - Annalise Kilgour and Troy Chikowore
Yr 5/6 - Duet/Group - Lilly Kelcher and Paige Strachan
Yr 7/8 - Duet/Group - Annalise Kilgour and Cooper Jones
House Choir - Siena

"Singers performing on the day"

St Kevin's College Cricket are selling hams

The St Kevin's College Cricket Club is fundraising for a cricket tour to India next year and they are selling Xmas hams.  Fishers Meat are offering delicious Manuka Smoked Hams in 3 sizes:
Half Ham (bone in) $65
Whole Ham (bone in) $100
Premium Boneless Loin Ham 2 kg (boneless) $45

Hams contain gluten.  If you are keen to get one or more, please contact either Leanne Brookes at or Justin Fowler at with your order.  Hams will be delivered at the end of November, start of December.


Netball - there are some Player of the Day netball trophies still outstanding.  Please check your daughter's room to see if it is there and return to the office.


Will be starting up again in term 4 and we are looking for boys and girls to play.  Games are played on Friday afternoons after school starting Friday 1st November.
-  3 grades from Yrs 3-8
-  girls team if enough players
-  16 over games or 20 over games
-  everyone gets to bat and bowl
-  lots of fun

If your child is interested in playing any form of cricket, please give their name to Mrs Brien before the end of term.

Touch Rugby

Reminder that touch rugby starts the first Tuesday back and our school is on duty.  Duty times will be allocated to teams once the draw is out which will be on Monday 14th October. 


We heard this morning that Subway is still not open so therefore there will be no lunches available tomorrow.

Summer Uniform

Please wear your summer uniform next term and remember to bring your hats.

Uniform Shop
Will be open on Monday 14th October from 8.30 to 9.10 am.

Community Notices

  • Christmas Extravaganza - held at the Oamaru Club, Severn Street on Thursday 7th November at 7.00 pm.  Organised by Altrusa, Oamaru.  Tickets cost $15.00 each and are available from Paper Plus, Brackens or contact Yvonne on 437 747.  Stalls, raffles and music available.

4. Diary Dates - Week 10, Term 3 2019

Friday 27                        -  Term 3 finishes
                                         -  Celebration assembly at 215  pm – note new time *
Monday 14                     -  Term 4 starts
                                         -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Tuesday 15                     -  School photos
                                         -  Touch Rugby starts today – St Joseph’s is on duty
                                         -  Food Fair money is due in today
Thursday 17                   -  Commissioning Mass at 9. 15 am *
                                         -  Yr 7 ECB & Young Vinnies *
                                         -  Terrific Thursdays at 2.15 pm *
Sunday 20                      -  Food Fair
Monday 21                     -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Thursday 24                  -  Home & School Racecourse Fundraiser
Monday 28                    -  Labour Day holiday – school closed
Tuesday 29                    -  Yr 7 & 8 camp
                                         -  Book Fair Week
Wednesday 30              -  Yr 7 & 8 camp
                                         -  Book Fair Week
Thursday 31                   -  Yr 7 & 8 camp
                                         -  Book Fair Week
Friday 1                          -  Yr 8 camp
                                         -  Book Character Dress Up Day *
                                         -  Cricket starts today at 4.00 pm *
Sunday 3                        -  Welcome Mass at 9.30 am
Monday 4                       -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Friday 8                          -  St Patrick’s Church 125 year celebrations
Saturday 9                      -  St Patrick’s Church 125 year celebrations
Monday 11                      -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Tuesday 12                     -  School athletics for whole school
Wednesday 13               -  Induction Evening at 6.00 pm *
Thursday 14                   -  School athletics postponement date
Monday 18                     -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 *
Wednesday 20              -  EOTC for Yr 6
Thursday 21                  -  EOTC for Yr 6
Friday 22                       -  EOTC for Yr 6
Monday 25                    -  North Otago Athletics
                                         -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Friday 29                       -  Multicultural Day
Saturday 30                  -  Home & School Racecourse Fundraiser

Monday 2                     -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Friday 6                        -  Junior school disco
Monday 9                     -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Tuesday 10                   -  Board of Trustee meeting at 6.00 pm *
                                        -  Touch Rugby finishes today *
Friday 13                       -  Yr 7 & 8 formal
                                        -  Cricket finishes today *
Monday 16                    -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Thursday 19                  -  School finishes for the year at 12.30 pm – note new day

Thursday, 19 September 2019

1. Principal's News Week 9, Term 3 2019

Singing Cup
It's coming... don't miss it.

This Friday 20th September 
9.15 am - solo and group finals
2.00 pm - house choirs, trophy presentations, staff choir.

This is a Dominican tradition with nearly 50 years of Singing Cup happening annually at St Joseph's School.

Here's a preview:

And our house choirs are poised ready to go.  Please come and support the children, they have done so well:

Tuakana Teina
Tuakana Teina means younger children learning from older children.  Our Ruma Tui class were a great example of this at Mass this week.  They are not old enough to do Singing Cup.  Nevertheless their singing in Mass this morning was outstanding.  We have some great young voices coming through.

Junior Wearable Arts Display/Performance
At next week's assembly - Friday 27 September, some of the juniors will be presenting a wearable arts display.  Assembly will start at 2.15pm.

Keeping Ourselves Safe
As part of this, some of our students are looking after an egg for the week.  This teaches them how to look after something.

God Bless and Aroha
Lorraine Frances-Rees

2. Special Character Week 9 Term 3 2019

Image result for 16th St Cornelius and CyprianMalo e lelei Welcome to week 9
Special Dates

16th St’s Cornelius and Cyprian
20th Sts Andrew Kim Tae-gon
21st St Matthew 
In the third century St Cornelius was a Pope who was arrested and banished. Roman emperor Decius thought that if Christians lost their leader, the religion would die. There are now over 2 billion Christians in the world today and more than 50% of those are Catholic. Unfortunately like in the 3rd Century, Christians today are still persecuted and amongst the most persecuted people in the world.
Christians are persecuted in more that 50 countries and are harassed in up to 144. Please pray for all people of faith and help stop the intolerance.
Lautado Si
THE SEASON OF CREATION helps us reflect on and appreciate more fully God’s call to oneness with all Creation; to be true Kaitiaki/Guardians of the earth and it's creatures. As Kaitiaki, environmental issues cannot be peripheral to our Christian beliefs.  To take environmental issues seriously we must undertake a conversion - an ecological conversion, which involves a change in our lifestyles.

DID YOU KNOW: UN Sustainability Development Goal No 13 calls for world-wide and urgent climate action. As followers of Christ we are called at this time in history, to be at the forefront of this crusade. Together we make the difference by being the change we wish to see!
Spiritual Reading
The most potent and acceptable prayer is the prayer that leaves the best effects. I don't mean it must immediately fill the soul with desire. The best effects [are] those that are followed up by actions-----when the soul not only desires the honor of God, but really strives for it.
--St. Teresa of Avila
Praise the Lord our God; worship before his throne! Holy is he!
Have a blessing week

Thank you
God Bless
Tua Misiloi Co DRS

3. School Notices, Week 9, Term 3 2019

Altar Servers
Saturday 21st September - Luse & Sami Asi, David & Annalise Kilgour
Sunday 22nd September - Lisiate Hausia, Alexie Phillips and Lilly Kelcher

Birthday Greetings to
Hamish Fowler, James Laming, Isla Anderson, Isaiah & Zachary Castro and Tommy McGeown

Food Fair
After another successful Food Fair last year, we are in planning for this year's event.  It will be held on Sunday 20th October on the school grounds with gates opening at 11.30 am and food available from 12.00 pm.  We want this day to be a fun, family day filled with music and great food.  Mark this date on your phone.  We do need your help with the following items:
-  $10.00 per family to buy food for the food stalls.
-  Money into the office by Tuesday 15th October
-  50 cakes to be baked for the Cake Wheel, put your name on the cake notice outside the office door
-  rice cookers and slow cookers for the day
-  help on the day, manning stalls, putting up and taking down gazebos.  Put your name on the helpers list outside the office door.
-  senior school class teachers will contact their parents if they need help with their activity but some students and parents maybe needed on the day to help with another class.

Immunisation Records
We still need verification of immunisation records for those children who have not sent in their immunisation records or who wish not to be immunised.  Please email the office.

Prayer for Life
God, our Creator,
we entrust to you the cause for life in our nation Aotearoa/New Zealand. 

We ask, together with Our Lady Assumed into Heaven, the prayerful intercession of Suzanne Aubert, that legislation for abortion and euthanasia before our Parliament, be completely rejected by our politicians and the peoples of our land.

May our entire judicial system uphold the intrinsic value of all human life from conception to natural death. We pray protection for the honourable professions who care for our most vulnerable people in their need. May every person, born or unborn, be respected and cared for according to their dignity in being human.

In Jesus, we pray to be people of true compassion and mercy to care for all those in need, especially the sick and dying, the disabled and underprivileged, women in pregnancy crisis, those who have suffered abortion or been involved in the abortion industry.

We pray, God defend New Zealand.
May we proclaim God’s Truth and Love to all humanity, according to His Glorious Plan.

We ask this prayer, in proclaiming victory over death, in the Name of Jesus Christ,
The Resurrection and The Life,

Friday 20 - Singing Cup - soloist and groups in morning and house choirs at 2.00 pm
                 -  No subway lunches
Sunday 22 - Home & School Racecourse Fundraiser
Monday 23 - Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at 1.15 pm
Tuesday 24 - Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at 8.50 am

Singing Cup
Tomorrow is our annual Singing Cup which starts at 9.15 am with a welcome message.  Please enter the hall via the foyer once the singer has finished their song as it causes a distraction to the singer otherwise.  The hall door will be locked.  Good luck to all our finalists. The timetable is as follows:  Girls sing first then the boys.

9.15 am - welcome
9.20 am - Year 8 soloists and presentation of finalist certificates
9.40 am - Year 5 soloists and presentation of finalist certificates
9.48 am - Year 6 soloists and presentation of finalist certificates
10.20 am - Year 7 soloists and presentation of finalist certificates
10.30 am - morning break
11.00 am - Yr 5/6 Duets and Groups
11.18 am - Entertainment
11.25 am - Yr 7/8 Duets and Groups
12.00 pm - Entertainment

Basketball - Total Basketball Oamaru - Summer Training Programme 2019
This programme has been designed to enable young players (Years 7-10) in the Waitaki District to access high quality and specialised coaching without having to travel out of the area.  Former Otago Nugget and Basketball Coach Mitch McRae is the Head Coach of the Programme.  Coaching sessions will be held at the St Kevin's gymnasium.
Please complete the form to register for the basketball summer training programme.  The programme will focus on specialist basketball training, working on developing ball handling, dribbling and passing skills.  
Space is limited and you can either choose to attend all seven sessions for $175.00 or select which sessions you would like to attend at $25.00 per session.  Payment needs to be made before attendance at the session(s).  Bookings are open until Friday 1st November.

Please click the link to register for the summer training programme.

Total Basketball Oamaru Summer Training Programme


Will be starting up again in term 4 and we are looking for boys and girls to play.  Games are played on Friday afternoons after school.
-  3 grades from Yrs 3-8
-  16 over games or 20 over games
-  everyone gets to bat and bowl
-  lots of fun

If your child is interested in playing any form of cricket, please give their name to Mrs Brien before the end of term.

Rugby Photo

The 9 & 10 year old rugby team are having their team photo on Monday at 3.30 pm at St Joseph's.  Please meet in the hall. Please bring your rugby socks and boots and navy shorts.  This should all be finished by 4.00 pm or earlier.  Contact Lee Woodhouse for any information.

Touch Rugby
Starts up again on Tuesday 15th October (the first Tuesday back after the holidays).  
-  The teams will be the same as in term one as this is a continuation of the season (which will finish at the end of the term) and points are carried over. Some players have been added to teams but the overall teams are the same.
- St Joseph's is on duty the first day of touch so we would like parent help from all teams to help out.  We only do duty once a term. Once the draw is out, we will allocate times to each team for duty.
-  The Tigers team has 13 players and unfortunately we do not have enough children to make two teams however we have spoken to the coaches who are happy to coach this number of children.  In term 1, teams will change as children move up year levels.
-  Children play touch rugby in their school PE gear

Teams are confirmed as follows:

Tigers - Yr 1/2/3

William Allardice
Pippa Campbell
Milly Fogarty
Hunter Forrest
Lewis Geypen
Lucas Kofoed
Liam Lindsay
Theo Mestrom
Dihviyn Soane
Aki Tahitu’a
Siale Tokai
Cooper van Rooy
Analiese Whiston

Pumas - Yr 4/5/6

Luse Asi
Clarence Coscos
Rheanna Coscos
Eva Fatafehi
Paige Geypen
Blake Meek
Warren Pardede
William Pardede
Kenton Tokai

Rockets - Yr 4/5/6

Willow Bartlett
Milly Campbell
Isaiah Castro
Lilly Kelcher
Alex Perniskie
Kacymea Tahitua
Vilivea Tahitua
Iverson Wylie-Taukolo


Co-Coaches – William Kofoed and Adele Whiston

Co-Coaches – Michelle Fatafehi and Charmaine Asi

Coach – Emma Perniskie

Ferns - Yr 4/5/6

Cameron Aston
Hamish Fowler
Hunter Gough
Indeg Jones-Hogan
Eva Keno
Chelsea Koay
Mya Robinson
Daniel Woodhouse

Turbos – Mixed Yr 7/8

Sam Asi
Liam Cameron
Troy Chikowore
Nye Jones-Hogan
Molly-May Mestrom
Jada-Rose Keno
Mya Lindsay
Kristiana Whiston
Lachlan Wilkinson

Dynamos - Competitive Yr 7/8

Ben Gillies
Lisiate Hausia
Paddy Spillane
Riley Tuffley
Michael Woodhouse

Weston School
Lloyd Fellows
Romeo Harris
Angus Loe
Josh Miller


Coach – Jody Robinson

Coach:   Ella Frew (SKC student)  
Coach: Lee Woodhouse

There is no subway lunches tomorrow.  They will resume again next week.

Remember there is technology on Monday afternoon at the normal time and Tuesday morning next week starting at 8.50 am. Please drop your children off at St Kevin's College in the morning and they will be bused back to school afterwards.

Understanding Anxiety
It's a word that keeps cropping up - in schools, in workplaces, in our communities of every kind, including nationally and globally.  For some anxiety is a response to a specific situation (like job interviews or exams).  For others, it's a constant and nagging part of everyday life.  So how do we deal with anxiety?  What can we do if anxiety is creating problems in our lives or our loved ones lives?

Locally basked Kate Finn is a certified NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Timeline Therapist and Registered Nurse.  In this insightful presentation, she is going to walk us through understanding anxiety and techniques we can use to help us create calm.

This is a free public presentation for all ages.  Tickets are necessarily limited by the venue size so please claim your free ticket so we can ensure a seat for everyone.  If this event is oversubscribed, we will endeavour to offer another one.  Book now for Monday 23rd September at 7.00 pm at 'The Business Hive'.

Young Vinnies
Every Thursday, a group of either Yr 7 or Yr 8 Young Vinnie students visit rest homes to interact with the residents, learn how to knit, cook, make bees wax wrappers, do gardening, stack firewood away and other jobs.  This is organised by Mrs Spillane each week and her wonderful band of parent helpers who transport the children to and from their destinations. Below are some photos of what the students have been up to. 
The students are knitting squares which will be made into blankets and are given to the Lions society who give blankets out to needy people.  The bees wax wrappers will be sold as an reusable alternative to glad wrap plastic for lunches.  Firewood is stacked away for parishioners.  A big thank you to our parishioners who come in and teach our students various arts and crafts.

Community Notices
  • Giant Leaps "Live in Five" Holiday Programme - be part of a live show in just five days from October 7th to 11th at the Waitaki Boys Auditorium from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm for the five days.  It is open to 5 to 14 year olds of all abilities and a live show on Friday 11th October at 3.00 pm. Cost is $230.00 (includes Live-in-Five performance t-shirt and CD of the live show)  Everyone will get their spot in the limelight.  For more information or to register email   Flyer attached to email.
  • St Patrick's Scouts Open Day - held on Tuesday 8th October from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm in the St Patrick's Scout Den in Fleet Street, Northend, Oamaru.  It is for Yrs 1-6 and you can stay the whole time or as long as you want.  Please bring a piece of fruit as all other food is supplied.  Games, arts, crafts, cooking, knots and much more.  Contact 027 294 9812 for any information.
  • Christmas Ham Fundraiser - Waitaki Boys Basketball are doing a Christmas ham fundraiser for their trip to Australia in 2020.  Order now and payment is due at the end of October with delivery approximately 9th December.  Prices are half ham is $65.00, whole ham is $100.00 and premium loin is $45.00.  Place your order with Mel Lewis on 021 560 921.
  • Holiday Fun - Dunedin Brick Show - held on October 5th & 6th at the Edgar Centre in Dunedin from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm. At the show there is a LEGO car racing ramp, LEGO tile making, a huge LEGO & Duplo play pit as well as other activities and the LEGO exhibition.  There is also two competitions, a colouring one and a building one and kids could win some great prizes.  The competitions are attached to the email.
  • School Holiday Fun at the Waitaki Arts Festival - Art on Bikes Workshop - Monday 30th September to Thursday 3rd October from 11.00 to 3.00 pm at St Paul's Church Hall.  Forrester Gallery are linking with the Waitaki branch of Forest and Bird to learn about endangered birds from the Waitaki, then create costumes for Art on Bikes. Bring your bikes and helmets along to the workshops at St Paul’s Church Hall to decorate and get ready for Art on Bikes on Sunday 6 October.  Each day we will learn about a different endangered bird with the aim to create a flock.  BYO imagination!  Suitable for all ages | $2 per child | no booking required | drop in for an hour session | dress for mess!
  • Cycle the Alps 2 Ocean Cycle Trail from Weston to Oamaru Harbour, with fun stops along the way!
    Starting at the corner of Westview Drive and Whiterocks Road in Weston, an awesome crew is on hand to guide you on your way. There are art stations for decorating your helmet, and coffee available to fuel up for your ride.
And you’re off!
    First stop: Waitaki Community Gardens – Make seed bombs for native birds and bee-friendly propagation, plant some seeds in the garden and hear Scott and Tracey from Oxford Bird Rescue talking about their birds of prey, where you may see them and the things you can do to help them.
    Second stop: Takaro Park (in front of the Aquatic Centre) – Have some fun on the Sport Waitaki Bicycle Obstacle Course! Tahu Mackenzie from Paradise Orokonui Ecosanctuary will be facepainting, advising on Backyard Bird feeding and sharing the wonders of our native species! Tahu is also the co-inventor of the native bird specific cat proof PekaPeka Bird Feeders!
    Your destination: Oamaru Farmers’ Market – Serving up delicious local fare and live music for the end of your journey!
  • Movie Night in the Park Thursday 10 October, 6.30pm (movie screens at 8pm), Oamaru Public Gardens (Craig Fountain Area).  Enjoy the greatest show in the Waitaki with the Waitaki Youth Council’s outdoor screening of The Greatest Showman! This is a great family night out with this stunning movie, also featuring live performances – live music, magic, astonishing arboreal aerial artistry, best-dressed competition and food trucks!  Come dressed in your best circus-themed gear and win prizes, bring a blanket and enjoy a picnic dinner on the grass while live performers entertain until the sun sets, then settle in for one of the most exciting movie experiences of recent years.  Entry by donation to Waitaki District Youth Council.