Thursday 28 August 2014

1. Principal News Week 6 Term 3

Deep Learning Family Hui Number 2 
Last Monday many of our families came together to join with staff to explore and understand deep learning and the role that devices and modern learning environments play to support this.
 I have created a page on my principal's blog that explains some of the information about the evening. It includes links to our thinking progressions and some other resources.
You can access it by clicking here or going to this link-

This is a link to an interesting video that helps to explain changes in the way we learn today. It is called expanded learning opportunities. You can access it here.

Staff v Yr 8 Daffodil Day Fundraiser Thursday 4th Sep 2:30pm
The daffodil is one of the first flowers of spring, whose bright yellow blooms remind us of the joys the new season will bring. It represents the hope there is for the 1 in 3 New Zealanders affected by cancer.

Every year our staff play the Year 8's in a fun netball challenge. We ask that all children bring a gold coin donation towards the Daffodil Day appeal for the Cancer Society. Children can choose to wear something yellow with their school uniform eg, scarf, headband, cap..
Come along and join in the fun at 2:30 on Thursday and see who will win the trophy this year!!

Our Year 6 combined team competed in a tournament in Dunedin on Tuesday and came 4th out of 30 teams. Well done to you all, we are very proud of you.

Thank you
Thank you to all of the coaches and managers and parents who have supported our winter sports this season. Thanks to Mrs Souness for coordinating our sports as well.

Tuesday will be the last day for the Brenner family before they return to Germany. We have enjoyed and appreciated all they have contributed to the school over the past few years (especially with the football). We will miss then all but we are looking forward to staying connected through our blogs and emails. They will be saying a special farewell to us during our assembly celebration tomorrow at 2:30pm
Home and School Quiz change of date
Get a team together for the new date of Friday 17th October. Thanks for all of the donations so far.
What do you think of ERO’s parent booklets?
The Education Review Office (ERO) publishes a series of five booklets for parents and caregivers.
They want to find out how useful the information is to parents, how the booklets can be improved, and if parents would prefer to receive the information in a different way.
They're starting with a survey of How is my child doing? To take part in the survey go to – Featured Publications. The survey runs until the end of September and only takes a few minutes to complete.

Meanwhile if you would like a copy of one of the booklets email

2. SPECIAL CHARACTER NEWS - Week 6, term 3


Whanau groups gather to share their learning about the Church strand, led by the senior students.
In the second half of term children will be learning about sacrament.  Grace is the strength and power of God working within us.  We can receive grace in many different ways.  One of the ways is through receiving sacraments.  Each sacrament has its own symbols and rituals which symbolise the essence of the sacrament.  These things help to make us think about God and the meaning of the sacrament and help us to be more receptive to God's grace.  The seven sacraments are: Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, Marriage and Holy Orders.  The key concepts which will be covered at each year level are identified below:

3. School Notices - Week 6, Term 3

(a)  Altar Servers
Saturday 30th August - Halalova Asi, Antonio Frances-Rees, Ben Cullimore and Nicholas Plieger
Sunday 31st August - Kelsey Mills,  Abbey Mabon and Mekeisha Hurley

(b)  Happy Birthday Greetings to:
Aarran Aitcheson and Tara Brenner

(c)  Home and School Quiz
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Home & School Quiz will now be held on Friday 17th October instead of Friday 12th September.  We apologise for any inconvenience caused. The last day for all prizes and donations to be dropped off is tomorrow.

(d)  Community Notices - Please check the notice board for the full information
  • Jill McCartie is down sizing!! - Garage Sale at 52 Torridge Street, Oamaru this Saturday 30th August from 9.00 am.  There will be furniture, house hold items and much more.
  • Disco Fundraiser for the Football Waitaki 12th Grade Rep team on Friday 5th September from 6.30 to 8.30 pm for years 4-8 at Fenwick School Hall.  $5.00 entry
  • Car Wash Fundraiser for the Football Waitaki 12th Grade Rep team on Saturday 6th  September from 10.00 am at the New World on South Hill.

4. Congratulations - Week 6, Term 3

Principals Award
  • Congratulations to Roger Neri who received the award for being such a supportive and caring bus buddy.
  • Congratulations to Mekeisha Hurely and Laura Mather who received the award for being recognised as being helpful and supportive netball players.

Yr 6 Mixed Netball Team
Congratulations to the Yr 6 mixed netball team who played in the Otago Yr 6 netball tournament and got 4th out of 32 teams.  Well done.

5. Cross Country Trophy Winners 2014

Congratulations to all the children who competed in our annual cross country at the race course recently and to our trophy winners who received their trophies at assembly last week.

8 yrs    -   Grace Keno and Sebastian Spillane
9 yrs    -   Ellie Jorgensen and Toby Lewis
10 yrs  -   Harriet Heaphy, Yneke Edzes and Jacob Fowler
11 yrs  -   Maria Wallace and Timothy Jorgensen
12 yrs  -   Laura Mather and Zach Dickie
13 yrs  -   Taylor Pickworth and Jack Souness

Thursday 21 August 2014

1. Principal News Week 5 Term 3

Family Learning (fish and chip) hui Monday 25th August 5:30pm - 7pm

All families and friends are invited to bring along their takeaway meal and join other families for our second evening of family learning and fun.
Our theme is 'Deep Learning Partnerships' and we already have an agenda prepared in response to your ideas from our last hui.
Looking forward to catching up with you in our school hall. Bring along any digital devices you have or just bring yourselves.
These are the plans so far. If you have any further ideas then let us know:
-Representatives will be sharing some special deals with regards to digital devices in response to feedback from our family hui in Term 2.
-A day in the life of a BYOD classroom
-Addressing the learning needs of juniors with technology
-Modern learning spaces in classrooms and how they work
-Keeping track of multiple blog sites for families
-Cyber Smart ideas

Staff news
We warmly congratulate Mrs Siobhan Patterson our Deputy Principal who has just been appointed as principal of Tirau School near Hamilton. Mrs Patterson has been sharing her excellent teaching and leadership skills with students, staff and families here at St Joseph's since 2008. She completed both the Catholic and National Aspiring Principal Programmes during her time here and is well prepared for the next stage in her career. We will be planning a special farewell at the end of this term and look forward to inviting all of you to say thank you to Mrs Patterson for her wonderful contribution to our school during her time here.

We have reviewed staff responsibilities for Term 4Mrs Frances-Rees will remain as Year 7 teacher and step from her Assistant Principal role into acting Deputy Principal. We will also have a senior and junior school Assistant Principal. Mrs Siobhan Burke (junior school) and Mr Paul Cartlidge (senior school) will take on these new roles.

Applications for the Term 4 junior school teacher for the extra class due to roll growth closes tomorrow. We will keep you informed of progress here.

Thank you

Our library cushions have had a makeover! Special thanks to Leanne Tuffley and Judith Phillips who made bright new covers for our cushions. We love them !

Maths Parent Workshops
Thanks to Mrs Patterson and Mrs Burke for leading the recent maths workshops. It's been great to see so many of you attend and learn about the way number knowledge is taught these days. These are some links to some helpful websites that were provided during the workshop. There will be some more of these workshops in Term 4.

Home and School Quiz night
Our Home and School parents work tirelessly to raise funds for our school. Thanks to the Home & School for the Term 2 donation of $2500.Please support the quiz night and drop your prizes or donations at school tomorrow.
St Joseph’s School
 Friday 7pm 12th Sept @ the St Joseph’s school Hall
$30 per team up to 6 members
Cash bar
Supper provided
Call Adele on 0274343338 to register your team

First Communion
Congratulations to all of the children who made their communion on Sunday. Special thanks to Fr Wayne and Mrs Dooley and all family members and prayer partners who supported the children. Thanks to Mrs Brookes, Mrs Frances- Rees, Mr Cartlidge and the Dominican Choir who performed and sang so beautifully. Thanks also to Mrs Marsh and her team of helpers for morning tea in the hall - Susie Jorgensen and the family, Jasmin, Jino and Roseanne.

Peace Week and Science enrichment week activities in Year 7 &8
Our Year 7 & 8's spent a fabulous day in Dunedin yesterday and have been focusing on Science enrichment activities this week. You can view a slideshow further down on the next  blog post.
I was especially impressed with a song that 3 of the girls in Year 7 had written.
No War for Us (or anyone else) - A song composed by Siva, Utu and Laura You can acces it here.
Congratulations to these talented girls and all of our children who have wonderful opportunities to enrich and extend their learning by our talented staff. They are showing us how to Reach for the Stars as Lifelong Learners in the Catholic Faith.

2. Promoting Engagement in Deep Learning in Learning in RE

Graphic Organiser from Pam Hook & Julie Mills and Essential Resources Publishing
One of the things the SOLO (Structure of Observable Learning Outcomes) taxonomy helps us to do is to move into deeper thinking.

Multistructural thinking is about knowing and understanding pieces of information about something.  Once upon a time this was all that was needed.  Many of us adults will remember systematically learning facts and figures to sit tests and exams.  A good result often meant we had successfully recalled the facts and figures we had committed to memory (and soon afterwards, forgotten).  Of course this wasn't nearly enough at higher levels of learning, and it sometimes meant people were badly prepared for higher learning.

With lots of information available online and with an information rich world all around us, recalling information stored in our heads is neither particularly impressive nor useful.  However, we certainly need to know how to access, filter and assimilate information which are all skills we can develop at the multistructural stage.

What sets our thinkers apart is what they do with the information and the SOLO taxonomy is ONE way of guiding this.  If you look at our chart in our staffroom, which will be available at the Parent Learning Hui next Monday 24 August, you will see we have many ways of promoting this type of thinking.  One of the most crucial things is to take the first step into relational thinking.  Many people need to be supported into this sort of thinking.  One way of doing this is to think of the opposite:  what would happen if the story had the opposite ending? or what would the world be like with no rules?

In RE, we have been learning about the Church strand and an activity which promotes this type of thinking is an "Analysis Map (above)."  Students are helped to analyse and understand the function of the parts by imagining the effect on the whole if that part were missing.  The Analysis Map helps children to further understand the whole by analysing its parts which is an essential thinking skill.  

3. School Notices - Week 5, Term 3

(a)  Altar Servers
Saturday 23rd August - Joseph Spillane, Lachlan  Brookes, Mackenzie Cunningham and Nicholas Plieger
Sunday 24th August - Antonia & Francesca Black, Laura & Cameron Mather

(b)  Birthday Greetings to:
Henry Robinson, Neighton Fraser, Lucas Shaw and Eva Keno

(c)  Floral Plate
This plate was left behind at the rugby break up last Saturday at St Kevin's College.  Please see Rachel Fowler to collect it.

(d)  Community Notices
  • Garage Sale this Sunday 24th August at 9.00 am at 64 Alamein Terrace, Oamaru.  The Brenner family is moving back to Germany and have children's toys, clothes, furniture, garden items etc for sale. 
  • Save the Children Fundraiser presents Celia Lashlie, an international best selling author and public speaker who will speak about the "Lives led by women at the centre of at risk families in New Zealand" at Fenwick Hall on Wednesday 3rd September 2014.
  • Waitaki  Boys High School Amazing Race - teams of one adult and one child aged 7-12 years complete a series of varied tasks and challenges - Saturday 1st November
  • Garage

4. Home & School Quiz

St Joseph’s School

 Friday 7.00 pm 12th September @ the St Joseph’s school Hall

$30 per team up to 6 members


Cash bar

Supper provided

Call Adele on 027 434 3338 to register your team

·         The Home and School needs you to register your teams for the quiz night asap.

·         We need your prizes or donations urgently.  Please drop them to your class teacher.

·         The Home & school committee needs your support so we can support your children.

5. Congratulations and Welcome Week 5, Term 3

We warmly welcome Hunter Gough and Rheanna Coscos who started school this week to Ruma Kauri.

First Holy Communion
Last Sunday a group of our children made their First Holy Communion at the Basilica.  A very special day was had by all.

6. Yr 7 & 8 Science Week 5

Our intermediate department was turned into an interactive science hub on Monday and Tuesday where students worked in groups across 12 different stations. You can see more on the Matai and Manuka learning sites/blogs. Yesterday they went to the Otago Museum in Dunedin and learnt about multi cultural kiwis and world explorers. They had a really fun day and learnt a lot of information which they bought back to the classroom. They also enjoyed Discovery World and the Tropical Forest. Thanks to all the parents who handed their forms in so promptly to allow us this opportunity.

7. Health Snippets - Measles and Scabies

Since December last year there have been 190 confirmed cases of measles in New Zealand and of those, 20% have required hospital treatment.  The outbreak has so far been limited to the North Island, mainly Auckland and the Waikato areas.  However, as people travel around the country (holidays, sports tournaments etc.) the risk is high that the disease will spread to other areas.

The best protection against measles is vaccination.

Make sure your child has had 2 doses of the MMR measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, as per the National Immunisation Schedule.  Most of the people contracting measles so far have been in the 10-24 years age group.

If you are unsure of how many MMR vaccinations your child has had, please get in touch with your practice nurse at your medical centre.  MMR vaccine is free for anyone born after 1 January 1969 who has not had 2 documented doses of the vaccine.

For more information go to

Scabies infections are relatively common among children and can spread easily by direct body contact.  Scabies parasites burrow into the skin causing red, raised 'bumps' on the skin which are very itchy.  The most common sites for scabies infections are the hands, wrists and elbows, but can happen on other parts of the body too.

It is important to treat the scabies infection to avoid it spreading to other people at home or at school.  Constant scratching of the skin can lead to skin infections, which may need treatment with antibiotics.  Scabies treatments can be bought over-the-counter at a pharmacy or can be prescribed by a GP.  Everyone in the household must be treated at the same time and clothes, bed linen and towels washed in hot water. 

Scabies rashes can look like eczema, so if you are in doubt about your child's rash, please see your GP.

For more information go to

Your public health nurse is Nikki McMillan  ph 433 1162

Thursday 14 August 2014

1.Principal News Week 4 Term 3

Family Learning Hui (Fish and Chip Techie Evening No 2)
Make sure that you keep Monday 25th August free and come along with your family to our next learning event at 5:30. Last time, many of our families brought some fish and chips or a subway meal as a family treat to share at the beginning of the event.

We are in the process of preparing the agenda and would love you to share your ideas or thoughts about what you want to learn more about as we continue to focus on ways to engage our students in deep learning. Please email any ideas to

Representatives from Harvey Norman will be sharing some special deals with regards to digital devices. This is in response to your feedback from our first event in Term 2. 
Some of the other ideas already suggested include:
A day in the life of a BYOD classroom
Addressing the learning needs of juniors with technology
Modern learning spaces in classrooms and how they work
Keeping track of multiple blog sites for families

Fun and learning at Fish and Chip Hui No 1
Casual Board Vacancy Notice

St Joseph's Board of Trustees
Casual Vacancy for an Elected Trustee
A casual vacancy has occurred on the board of trustees for an elected parent representative.
The board has resolved under section 105 of the Education Act 1989 to fill the vacancy by selection.
If ten percent or more of eligible voters on the school roll ask the board, within 28 days of this notice being published, to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy, then a by-election will be held.
Any eligible voter who wishes to ask the board to hold a by-election should write to:
Board of Trustees
St Joseph's School
36 Usk Street Oamaru
by: Thursday 11th September
Community Garden Coordinators
We welcomed Sophia and Lucianne to our kotuitui assembly on Friday and they shared their exciting news about supporting our school gardens. Their enthusiasm and passion for growing was infectious especially when they planted the beans in the crowd !!

Flowers given out during mass today
The children from Pohutukawa shared their gospel presentation for the Feast of the Assumption of Mary and presented all of the mothers in the church with a hand made flower. Thanks to the children who made these beautiful flowers and helped us to remember the blessed Mary, mother of Jesus. 

Cross Country
A special thank you to Mrs Souness and all staff and helpers who supported a well organised event on Tuesday. Congratulations to all of the children who participated with such energy and enthusiasm and to the staff as well!! Thanks Miss Huls for sharing such excellent photos of the children in action. (View these under the Cross Country heading below)

ICAS Science and Computer Certificates 
These certificates have arrived and will be presented at tomorrow's celebration kotuitui.

First Holy Communion
We look forward to celebrating mass with the children who are preparing to make their First Holy Communion this Sunday at 9:30am. Please let Mrs Dooley know if you can help to serve the refreshments as she only has one helper at this stage.

2. Special Character - Week 4, Term 3

Feast of the Assumption
This Friday, 15th August is the feast of the Assumption, the patron feast day of New Zealand.

The feast of the Assumption is the celebration of our belief that Mary went to heaven with both body and soul.  We believe that at the end of time our bodies and souls will be united, according to the teaching of the Nicene Creed, "We look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come."  When Pope Pius XII initiated this feast he hoped, "that by thinking about Mary's Assumption people all over the world would develop a deeper respect for their own lives and their own bodies.  He also hoped that people would grow in respect for the lives of others," (

In these times of terrible violence in the world, especially in the Holy Land, the Assumption stands as witness to the dignity of the embodied person.

The thinking behind the feast of the Assumption is based on how special Jesus was.  The woman who bore him and loved and cared for him as a growing child is believed to have been given this special honour, because of her relationship with Jesus.

3. School Notices - Week 4, Term 3

(a)  Altar Servers
Saturday 16th August - Ben Cullimore, Lachlan Brookes, Elizabeth & Nicholas Plieger
Sunday 17th August - Abbey Mabon, Emily Hayman, Tia Hunter and Kelsey Mills

(b)  Birthday Greetings to:
Campbell Fowler and Cameron Mather

(c)  Home & School Reminder
To all our school families who have not yet donated a prize or a $10.00 donation towards the Quiz night held on Friday 12th September 2014.  Please put your family name on the prize or donation so we can tick your name off.  Prizes and donations are to be dropped off at your child's classroom.

(d)  Help Required Urgently
As we have had only 1 response to help with the morning tea after the First Communion Mass this Sunday, we are wanting to know if there is anyone from the school community who is able to help.  Please ring the office asap (434 8856) and leave a message.  Many thanks.  Ann Dooley

(e)  Lost Property
Please check the pile of clothing that has accumulated by the Uniform Shop.  If it has not been claimed, they will be given to the Uniform Shop to sell.

A  size 10 pinafore was taken by mistake from the change rooms in the hall after gymnastics on Friday. It is named Whiston 434 3443 and Polly Harper on it.  Please return it to the school office.

(f)  Community Notices - Please check the notice board for full details
  • Guitar Lessons at Weston School - Contact Weston School on 434 5445 for further information.
  • The Impact of Alcohol on Adolescents - held at Waitaki Girls High School on Friday 29th August 2014.
  • Sister Margaret Mayce is a representative of the Dominican Sisters International at the United Nations in New York.  She will give a presentation in the Dean O'Reilly Lounge beside the Basilica in Reed Street on Sunday 14th September at 2.30 pm.
  •  Inspiring Garden Tour - Cancer Society Fundraiser - Sunday 23rd November 2014

4. Enrolment Notice for 2015

Enrolment meetings for all age groups take place on:
  • Tuesday 19th August 2014
  • Wednesday 20th August 2014
Our 5th junior class is opening in Term 4 ready for 2015.

Please contact the school office on 434 8856 or 027 203 1516 to arrange a time.  Go to the Learning tab on our school website and check our class blogs on

You are welcome to visit and see our learners in action.

5. Congratulations

Congratulations to Jerome Misiloi who got selected for the North Otago U13 rep rugby team.  Well done.
Principals Award
Congratulations to the whole school who received the Principal's Award last week by showing respect and reverence at the St Dominic's Day Mass at St Kevin's College. They were all fantastic.

6. Cross Country

Congratulations and well done to the children who participated in the Cross Country on Tuesday. It was a great morning and was excellent to see so many parents and supporters out encouraging and supporting the children. A big thank you to all our staff, marshalls and Sport Waitaki for their help in ensuring this was a success. Special thanks to the Oamaru Racecourse for letting us use their track. Students in Yrs 4-8 who qualified for the North Otago Cross Country will receive a note next week. Trophies and certificates will be presented at assembly on Friday 22nd August. Junior School Senior School

7. Health Snippets - Poisoning

Our houses/basements/garden sheds are full of toxic substances which can cause harm if used wrongly.  Children are particularly vulnerable as they are naturally curious and have little sense of potential danger.

  • Store medications out of reach of children.  Ask for child-proof lids
  • Supervise when children take medications
  • Don't share medicine, only give it to the person it is prescribed for
  • Make sure you do not exceed the daily maximum dose of a medication.  For example if both mum and dad are giving paracetamol to a child, they need to communicate when a dose has been given to avoid over-dosing.

Cleaning Gear:
  • Store out of reach of children.  It is tempting to keep dishwashing tablets in the cupboard next to the dishwasher, but this is very harmful to children if swallowed.
  • Explain to your child that the bottles of cleaning materials are not to be played with and are dangerous.
  • Keep your garden shed locked if it contains poisons.

Thursday 7 August 2014

1. Principal News Week 3 Term 3

Whitestone Learning and Change(LCN)Big Event
On Tuesday afternoon, the staff from Weston School, Papakaio School and St Joseph's united together to focus on aligning educational goals across our schools. Working together as part of the Whitestone LCN has meant that our schools firmly believe that collaboration is more important than competition. Collaboration to share our expertise and knowledge to benefit all of our children. Together and collectively we have the capability to achieve more for our learners and their families than individually. St Kevin's College and little Wonders are also part of our network of educational centres focussing on parent engagement and student agency (students driving their own learning).
You can learn more on the Whitestone LCN blog and by watching this video.
Special thanks to Maria Dickie who has been involved as a parent in the network from the beginning and came and participated in our session as well as kindly helped me to prepare for our visitors and clean up afterwards with our staff.

Board News
We are pleased to announce that Sharni Cunningham has been appointed to the Board of Trustees. Sharni has filled the parent trustee vacancy and will remain on the board until the next elections in 2016. Sharni is married to Gerard and has two daughters at St Joseph's Indya in Year 4 and Mackenzie in Year 6. Sharni has a wealth of experience to share in all areas, in particular, she will be an asset on the Grants Committee. Thank you to Sharni for stepping up to contribute to our school by taking on such an important role.

New Ministry of Education Parent's website
Our children have taken home bookmarks that provide information about this new site. You can access it here at
The goal of the website is to provide a central place to give you as parents and caregivers, information and answers to commonly asked questions in plain language so that you feel well equipped to engage in your child's education.

The Living Garden presentation on Friday
On Monday evening, a group of us attended a presentation about a new initiative from the community gardens. The Living Classroom (TLC) committee have the resources to visit our school once a week and help to set up and sustain our own school garden. Mr Jelgersma has built a long raised garden for us beside the new junior playground for the whole school to utilise. On Friday, representatives from the Community Gardens are coming to share a video and talk to us about their work. Everyone is welcome to come to our celebration kotuitui at 2:30pm on Friday and learn more about this initiative.

St Dominic's Day
Tomorrow we will be joining St Kevin's to celebrate St Dominic's Day as we are a Dominican school. Here is a special prayer for St Dominic's Day.

2. Special Character News, term 3, week 3

The children are presently learning about Church.  Based on the religious education curriculum, the staff have decided on four key concepts we would like our children to develop and deepen as they move through our school:

1. The Church is the people united with God

We want the children to know they ARE the church.  
Becoming part of the church - ceremonies, initiations, Baptism.
That we are Disciples- following the way of Jesus
Belonging and participating
The Church shows us how we need to act in our lives - we are the Church
Church as the bride of Christ
We are a community of disciples , our parish is a sign of God in the world - Jesus founded the Church and it is a sign which brings about God’s presence and love in the world.

2. We all have a role in the Church
To take some responsibility like presenting the gospel or saying prayers or reading or children’s ministries such as altar serving etc...
What are we called to do because we are part of the church (vocations)
Roles in the church

3. Formal roles within the Church
The work of the priest in the church.
Teaching role of bishops
The role of the pope

4. The Mission of the Church

To understand that the church is the continuation of Jesus' mission to live God's Kingdom on Earth.

These four concepts will be the context of the Church strand teaching throughout the school.  We continue to teach the learning outcomes for the Religious Education curriculum at each year level in the context of these four concepts:

3. School Notices - Week 3, Term 3

(a) Altar Servers
Saturday 9th August - Halalova Asi, Mackenzie Cunningham, Antonio Frances-Rees and Seth Sinclair Sunday 10th August - Trish Chikowore, Jerome & Michael Misiloi

(b) Birthday Greetings for the following week
Aryan Singh, Fergus McMullan and Sebastian Whiston

(c) Eucharist Notice
Celebration of the Eucharist/First Holy Communion - Sunday 17th August @ 9.30 am Mass at St Patrick's Basilica
On Sunday 17th August, 18 of our children will be receiving the Eucharist for the first time. Parents of the children who received the Sacrament in 2013 are asked to help with the celebration in the hall afterwards. This involves making the tea/coffee, heating any finger food dishes and a tidy up in the hall. I will have the tables set up on Friday and the main table set for the children receiving First Communion. I am also sending a note home to the parents. If you are able to help, please let Mrs Dooley know as soon as possible. God Bless and many thanks. Ann Dooley

(d)  Cross Country
Mrs Souness would like some more parents to help out as marshalls.  Please let her know if you are available.

(e) McDonalds Carpark
It has come to our attention that the McDonalds carpark is for their customers only and anyone who parks there and is not in the restaurant may have their car towed away.

(f) St Kevin's College Comment Did you know?
 The St Kevin's College Equestrian tutor can work with younger students and their ponies. For information please phone Jo Walshe on 027 840 1330.

(g)  Community Notices - Please check the community noticeboard for the full information
  • North Otago Astronomical Society - Video Evening - Thursday 7th August 2014
  • Football Rep 12th Grade Fundraiser - Quiz Night - Monday 18th August 2014
  • Waitaki Newcomers - New to the area?  Newcomers runs a range of activities where you can meet others who have also moved.  A great way to make friends and become part of the community.  Check out the website at or ring 027 242 8643

4. Home & School - Week 3, Term 3

A notice has gone home with every child today, please look in your child's bag.

1.  Disco

Will be held on Friday 5th September at St Joseph's School Hall.
  • 6.00 to 7.30 pm for Yrs 1-4
  • 7.00 to 8.30 pm for Yrs 5-8
  • $3.00 entry fee and you get a packet of chips, drink and a glow stick

2.  Quiz and Social Evening

Will be held on Friday 12th September at St Joseph's School Hall.
  • Teams of up to 6 people, $30 per team.  Phone Adele on 027 434 3338 if you want to register a team.
  • There will be raffles and drinks
  • No eftpos facilities, cash only
  • Supper provided
  • Can each family provide either $10.00 or a prize for the raffle table.  Please bring the prize or money to your classroom teacher.
  • Please contact Rachel on 027 237 8234 if you cannot contribute any money or prizes, but could offer your time to help out in another way.
  • Someone from the Home and School committee will contact families who do not return the slip.
  • Anyone wanting to help out in the evening, please let Rachel or another Home & School committee member know.
  • Please return your slip to the classroom teacher with your donation by Thursday 28th August.
Home & School Committee Members
Rachel Fowler, Megan Phillips, Jo Gilbert, Maria Dickie, Suzanne Mather, Claudine Black, Justine Rodger, Adele Whiston, Maree Wilson and Emma Jackson.