Friday, 9 December 2022

Principal's News Week 8, Term 4 2022


We have been told that our new build is likely to start in the first quarter of 2022.  Of course nothing is guaranteed but we are thinking ahead and making some preparations.

David, Alex and Genne were awesome helpers yesterday when I moved our senior bookroom over to set up in the parish centre.  A big thank you also to Fr Wayne and the parish for letting us use a couple of rooms in the parish centre.

The junior school are well under way preparing their Nativity for our end of year Mass.  Yesterday, Mrs Brookes, Miss Sollano and myself made sure we knew how to use the audio visual equipment in the basilica in order to be able to livestream our Christmas end of year celebration to our Facebook page for people who are not able to come.


The end-of-year teacher comment will soon be (or maybe already is) on your child's Educa profile.  Please let your child's teacher know if you have any difficulty accessing the profile.  

End of Year Celebrations

Thursday 15th December at 6pm in the Basilica.  Children are to meet at school at 5.45 pm.

We will be celebrating Mass and including:

The junior school nativity performance

Awarding the JJ awards to one child in each year group.

Prize-giving for our year 8s

The graduation candle ceremony.

I have looked back to last year's Newsblog and we were in a very difficult time where we couldn't do these events the way we normally do them because of Covid and everything had to be organised to keep people separate.  This year we are able to celebrate together and it would be lovely to see all our families participate in our celebrations. 

Just Like Jesus Awards

These Just Like Jesus (JJ) awards are given out annually, one to each year group.  The recipient of the JJ award in each year group is a child who we think most exemplifies being Just like Jesus and who is a role model to others.  

Friday 16th December - Final Assembly

Our head students will present their leaving speeches in our final assembly starting at 11.45 am.  We will present the leaver's certificates and hand over the leadership roles to the year 7s for next year.  We will finish with carols and please organise for the children to be picked up at 12.30pm.

Start date for term 1 next year is Tuesday 31st January

Stationery lists will be on our school webpage.  They will also be emailed out next week.

Thank you whanau for your support and encouragement in 2022 and I wish you a Happy Christmas and every blessing for the New Year.

Ma te Atua e manaaki a aroha,

(God bless, and love)


3. School Notices - Week 8, Term 4 2022


"There will be a short newsletter next Thursday for things that may come up in the next week".

Birthday Greetings for December and January

Ellie C, Chris G, Maria H, Henry H, Chelsea & Ricky K, Hila'atu L, Roger L, Soa M, Anashae M, Theo M and Tryphena C.

Buses - Next Week
All country buses will be running at the normal times in the morning but will be 20 -30 minutes earlier in the afternoon.  Next Friday, the buses will only run in the morning and we ask for all families to collect their children from school that day.

Christmas and Holiday Mass Times
Please refer to the Mass timetable and Mass expectations on another page in the blog.

Christmas Rotations
On Tuesday students wear school uniforms but may add something Christmasy. It may be a badge, headband, ribbon etc. House Captains are running Christmas rotations and thought it would be great to add something special for the last rotation. 

Contact Details
If you are moving addresses in the holidays or your contact details change including emergency contacts, please email the office at

Farewell to the Following Families
We farewell the following families who leave St Joseph's for high school.  We thank them for their contributions to our school and wish them all the best.  Good luck in all your endeavours.

- Chen, Fraser, Kilgour, Mafi, Melecio, Morondoz and Roberts, 


We thank all our parents, family and friends who have helped during the year with our class and school activities.  We always appreciate any help you give to the school.

Lost Property
There is a large number of items in the lost property area, please come and check if they belong to your children. All leftover items will either be donated to the uniform shop or given away.

Road Patrol
Our road patrollers were acknowledged at assembly today for their duty this year. 

School Stationery
All class stationery lists will be sent out next week and will be on the website for 2023.  If you purchase your child's stationery from OfficeMax online at: you will be able to purchase at their very low Back to School discount prices which are available until the end of February.
Alternatively, you can purchase packs online from or in-store at Paper Plus.  If you already have certain parts of the stationery list, contact Paper Plus Oamaru who will organise a custom pack for you.

Both companies enable parents to purchase their children's stationery at lower prices and both companies will make a donation to St Joseph's.

Speech and Drama 
After school Speech and Drama Classes will be available from Term 1 2023 on-site at school. Michele Fatafehi will be teaching classes aimed at 5-13 year olds. These classes will teach students to speak more confidently, communicate more effectively, improve their listening skills and use their imagination! All skills gained are lifelong and are transferable into everyday life. The classes are structured using Speech NZ’s syllabus with the opportunity to do exams and competitions but these are not compulsory.
There will be limited spaces in the classes so for further information or if you would like to enrol please contact Michele at:

Sport Coaches and Managers
Thank you, thank you, thank you, words cannot describe how much you are appreciated for giving up your time in coaching and managing our sports teams. You are all superb and magnificent people who ensure that our children are able to play a sport. If you have managed a team and your name is not mentioned, please accept our apologies and we thank you very much for your time.

Basketball - Rjay Neeri and Judith Leo
Futsal - Rory McGeown, Andy Bradley, Natasha Lindsay and Sacha Curle
Miniball - Victoria Forrest, Toby Lucas and Adele Whiston
Netball - Paula Brien and Katiana Taiti
Rugby - Jason and Victoria Forrest 
Touch - Lee Woodhouse, Adele Whiston, Victoria & Jason Forrest, Teagan O'Connell, Jessica Mohenoa, Katiana Taiti and Rebecca Laming. 

School Sports Certificates
Children who played a sport for St Joseph's received their sports team certificates for Fair Play and Most Valuable at assembly this afternoon.   Some of the sports codes did not present their certificates to the players at the end of the season and were given directly to school while some codes had no certificates so our school acknowledged these players. Coaches nominated the children for these awards.  As some codes did not include the 'Most Improved', we opted with the Fair Play and Most Valuable. (Although a couple of codes did Most Improved).

Photos of the group award will be on our school's Facebook page.

Fair Play - Tendayi R
Most Improved - James L
Most Valuable - Lincoln M

Yr 1/2 - Fair Play - James A
           -  Most Valuable - Ian Rosas R

Yr 3/4 - Fair Play - William A
           - Most Valuable - Alexander R

Yr 5/6 - Fair Play - Tendayi R
            - Most Valuable - Emily M

Yr 7/8 - Fair Play - David K
            - Most Valuable - Emily C

Yr 3/4 - Fair Play - Zachary C
              Most Valuable - Hunter F

Yr 5/6 - Fair Play - Manu A
              Most Valuable - Sephrin S

Yr 2/3/4 - Fair Play - Maria H
                Most Valuable - Taylor D

Intermediate - Most Improved - Sephrin S
                     - Most Valuable - King M and Patricia M

5/6 yrs - Fair Play - Jayden H
            - Most Valuable - Carter F

Yr 1/2 - Fair Play - Clare L
           - Most Valuable - Carter F

Yr 3/4 - Fair Play - William A
              Most Valuable - Hunter F

Yr 5/6  Ferns - Fair Play - Luke L
                      - Most Valuable - Zachary C

Yr 5/6 Broncos - Fair Play - Milah A
                          - Most Valuable - Luke B

Yr 7/8 - Fair Play - Analiese W
           - Most Valuable - Daniel W

Swimming Lessons
The confirmed school swimming lessons for the whole school for next year are as follows:

Lessons for Yrs 1-8
Week 1 - Thursday 2nd February - 1.00 pm, 1.30 pm and 2.00 pm
Week 1 - Friday 3rd February - 1.00 pm, 1.30 pm and 2.00 pm
Week 2 - Tuesday 7th February - 1.00 pm, 1.30 pm and 2.00 pm
Week 2 - Wednesday 8th February - 1.00 pm, 1.30 pm and 2.00 pm
Week 3 - Tuesday 14th February - 9.30 am, 10.00 am and 10.30 am
Week 3 - Friday 17th February - 9.30 am, 10.00 am and 10.30 am

Senior School Swimming Sports
Week 5 - Tuesday 28th February from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm

We require parent helpers to help walk the children down to the pool.  If you can help, please contact the office.  Further information will come out in January as we have swimming in our first week back at school.

Technology Dates for 2023
These classes are held on Fridays at St Kevin's College and will start early in term 1.

Community Notices
  • Sat 17 Dec
    Come to a FREE Christmas Concert at Basilica followed by afternoon tea.  Melbourne Grammar School Choir.
    Donations gratefully received for the Gumboot fund.  Queries to Nicola Mountain 021 659 757.  Please see page 5 of this week’s Oamaru Mail.  
    thanks, NIcola 
    Happy Christmas

4. Christmas Mass Timetable


Friday, 2 December 2022

1. Principal's News Term 4 Week 7 2022

Upcoming Events This Weekend

Disco FOR YEARS 1-6 - This is for years 1-6 and is Friday 2nd December, starting at 5.30pm until 7pm.   $3 entry includes a glo stick, chips and a drink.  Further glo sticks are 50c each.  Parents can stay and pre-schoolers can come with parent supervision.

Family Fun Day
 - We would love you to join us at the 9.30am Mass on Sunday 4th December and a BBQ in the school grounds, provided by Claybrooke Farm.  There will be a slippery slide for children so please bring togs.

Multicultural Day
We celebrated a fantastic multicultural day on Tuesday.  We loved welcoming our families to lunch and to our afternoon performances.  The performances were wonderful and I am still impressed with the older children's Filipino dance - the intricacy of the footwork was incredible.  We have 16 different cultural backgrounds represented at St Joseph's and we are very lucky to have access to this depth and beauty brought from all over the world.

Tabloid Sports
Our year 8 leaders have had an outstanding year of leadership.  This has been particularly notable in the House leadership, the group meetings, singing cup preparation and tournaments led by our leaders this year.

They did a great job of their last big leadership job last week with the tabloid sports.  It was a lovely day which everyone enjoyed.

Year 7 & 8 interchange with St Joseph's Timaru

Our year 7 & 8s went to Timaru this week to do their annual interchange with St Joseph's in Timaru.  This is a great opportunity for them to meet other young people engaged in Catholic education.  They went to Caroline Bay and played beach-themed sports followed up by the pool and hydro slide at C Bay.  


End of year Mass, prize-giving, year 8 graduation and nativity production - Thursday 15th December.  Meet at school at 5.45pm (Juniors in the production may get further instructions) wearing full summer uniform.  The JJ awards will be presented for each class as well.

End of year assembly - head students' speeches, handover of year 8 leadership, presentation of leavers' certificates, carols.  Friday 16th December starting at 11.45am.  School will close at 12.30pm.

Ma te Atua e manaaki a aroha,

(God bless, and love)


2. Special Character Week 7 Term 4 2022

 Special Character

Key Ideas that you would like to talk about with your child at home of what they understand about Advent:

 On the Second Sunday, the Gospel reading recalls the preaching of John the Baptist, who came to "prepare the way of the Lord".

The second Sunday of Advent gives us the opportunity to prepare our hearts in faithful waiting, celebrate the birth of Jesus, and ready ourselves for his second coming.  

School and Family Mass 

Thank you to JH1- Year 1/2 for presenting Mass last week.

This week's Mass was presented by Ruma Hoiho-Year 5/6.

Next week Mass will be presented by Ruma Kakapo Year 4/5.

We are looking forward to welcoming you all to our family school weekly masses next term. Thank you.

Faith Facts: Week 7  27 November - 2 December  (Violet ADVENT)









1st Sunday of Advent








St Andrew, apostle






St Francis Xavier, priest

1st Week of Advent - HOPE 

On the first Sunday of Advent, the first purple candle (symbolising hope) on the advent wreath is lit. This candle is typically called the "Prophecy Candle" in remembrance of the prophets, primarily Isaiah, who foretold the birth of Christ.

People of hope prayer
Encourage us not to be greedy for material possessions, but for justice and truth.
Enflame us with a love for others, which crosses boundaries of race, religion and nationality.
Stir within us a desire to fight for the integrity of creation and appreciate the immense beauty of the earth.
Be with us, Lord, at this time, that we may be a people of hope.

In this season of Advent, inspire us to be people of hope.

Amen.                           Susy Brouard

Ngā mihi

Tua Misiloi Co DRS

God Bless

3. School Notices - Week 7, Term 4 2022


Birthday Greetings to:

James A and Laken N

North Otago Athletics
On Monday, we had 20 students attend the North Otago Athletics and we were lucky with the day as it was not raining. They represented themselves and the school with pride and it was a pleasure to watch them competing against children from other schools.

At assembly today, the children were awarded trophies and certificates from both our own school athletics and the North Otago Athletics.

Congratulations to the following children who received podium placements:

8 yrs - Hunter F and Angelina P

9 yrs - Siale T and Emily M
10 yrs - Liam L and Ellie C
11 yrs -  Tendayi and Chelsea K
12 yrs - King M and Eva F
13 yrs - Emily C and Patricia M
Editors Note:  there were 6 photos taken of this group and this was the best one.  Apologies to the children who have their eyes closed.

North Otago 
10 yr boys - Liam L - 3rd high jump
10 yr girls - Tryphena T - 1st discus
12 yr boys - Elias F - 3rd high jump
12 yr girls - Eva F - shot put
13 yr girls - Patricia M - 2nd 100m sprint

Office Email
If you find the office emails are going to your spam folder, please save the email as one of your contacts as the computer should recognise it as a contact and not as spam.  If you have not been receiving the office emails, please go into your spam folder and mark the email as 'not spam'.
For further help on this matter, go into either google Hotmail, Gmail, extra, etc google to see how to stop your emails from going into spam.

Friday 2nd - Junior school disco for years 1-6 from 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm
Sunday 4th - Family Fun Day at school after 9.30 am Mass
Tuesday 6th - Board of Trustee meeting
Friday 9th - Social for Yr 7 & 8

School Photos
Photos that have been taken at school events can be found on our school Facebook page.

School Stationery 2023
Stationery lists for next year will be included with your child's school report.  Paper Plus will have our school's classroom packs made up in January or you can order online through Office Max My School.  An Office Max flyer is attached to the email regarding ordering your child's stationery.

Subway Lunches
Next Friday will be the last day for Subway lunches for the year.  We will resume again in week 2 of term 1.

Young Vinnies
Will be doing one more cooking session for the parish freezer.  If anyone has any spare ice cream containers or other suitable containers for storing food in, can you please drop them off at the office by next Tuesday.  Thanks  Adrienne.

We warmly welcome Feliz to our new entrants class this week.

Community Notices
  • Come and join us at the Waitaki Multicultural  Festive Feast on Sat 3 Dec at Fenwick school hall 5.30 for 6:15 pm.
    Please bring a plate of food to share. Free soft drinks, prizes and entertainment. RSVP Paula  027325 6151        Thanks Nicola
  • Christmas Concert - at 2.00 pm at St Patrick's Basilica on Saturday 17th December followed by afternoon tea.  Tony Ekkel is coming again from Melbourne - this time with St Michael's Grammar School Choir.  Free entry.  Donations will be gratefully received for the Gumboot Fund which provides mental health support for young people, locally and nationally.  All welcome.

4. Diary Dates - Week 7, Term 4 2022


December 2022

Friday 2

School disco for Yrs 1-6

Sunday 4

Mass and bbq afterward 

Tuesday 6

Board of Trustee meeting

Friday 9

Road Patrol Celebration 

Social for Yr 7 & 8

Thursday 15

End of Year Mass, Prizegiving and nativity

Friday 16

Yr 8 leadership, presentations, speeches, carols 

School finishes for 2022

January 2023

Tuesday 31

School starts for term 1 2023

February 2023

Thursday 2

Whole school swimming lessons 

Friday 3

Whole school swimming lessons 

Monday 6

Waitangi Day - school closed 

Tuesday 7

Whole school swimming lessons 

Wednesday 8

Whole school swimming lessons 

Tuesday 14

Whole school swimming lessons 

Friday 17

Whole school swimming lessons 

Tuesday 28

Senior school swimming sports 

Friday, 25 November 2022

1. Principal's News Term 4 Week 6 2022

 Tabloid Sports

We have had a fun, collaborative morning this morning.  Thank you to our year 8s for organising tabloid sports for the school.

Year 8 Leadership
Today's tabloid sports is the last major event our year 8 leaders have organised for 2022.  An outstanding feature of this year is the building of the house team spirit.  The house leaders have been proactive in organising, coaching, and running a different sports tournament each term.  One of the strongest feedbacks we get about St Joseph's is a sense of family/whanau and this has been promoted really well by our year 8 leadership team this year.  Thank you, year 8 and Mrs Winders.

Year 7
Our year 7s are presently preparing their leadership applications for 2023.  We do it like a job process to teach them how to go about applying for a job.  First, they have to make their curriculum vitae (CV) and write a cover letter.  They have to determine how their personal qualities will help them with the position they are interested in.  They have to approach adults to ask them to be referees for them.  Then they go to an interview with me and the referees are checked.  This teaches the students to reflect on their personal qualities, to see how these can be used to help others (this is leadership) and it helps them to build the confidence to present this to someone else and convince them.  It is a key part of what we offer at St Joseph's.

We love having a mixed year 7 & 8 class and it is really encouraging to see the year 8s helping the year 7s with their leadership applications as well as actively training them as apprentices to do the jobs they will be leaving behind.  This is something the year 8s have chosen to do for themselves and we really applaud them.

Junior Nativity
Our junior school has started to prepare for their nativity presentation at our final mass for the year.  Each year it never ceases to amaze me how beautiful they sound.  It is as if angels have arrived in the building.

Upcoming Events
We are looking forward to meeting and sharing with you in our upcoming events:

Multicultural Day - Tuesday 29th November - wear clothes that represent your culture, or a culture in the background of your family.  Please bring a meal which will be shared at lunchtime.  It would be awesome if the meal represents your culture.  After lunch, starting at 1.45pm we will be sharing some multicultural performances.  We would LOVE for you to join us for lunch and stay to watch the performances.  Lunch will be at 12.30pm.

Disco - This is for years 1-6 and is Friday 2nd December, starting at 5.30pm until 7pm.   $3 entry includes a glo stick, chips and a drink.  Further glo sticks are 50c each.  Parents can stay and pre-schoolers can come with parent supervision.

Family Fun Day - We would love you to join us at the 9.30am Mass on Sunday 4th December and a BBQ in the school grounds, provided by Claybrooke Farm.  There will be a slippery slide for children so please bring togs.

End of year Mass, prize-giving, year 8 graduation and nativity production - Thursday 15th December.  Meet at school at 5.45pm (Juniors in the production may get further instructions) wearing full summer uniform.  The JJ awards will be presented for each class as well.

End of year assembly - head students' speeches, handover of year 8 leadership, presentation of leavers' certificates, carols.  Friday 16th December starting at 11.45am.  School will close at 12.30pm.

Ma te Atua e manaaki a aroha,

(God bless, and love)


2. Special Character Week 6 2022

Special Character

This week for our Religious education we are teaching the first week of Advent:

The word “Advent” comes from the Latin word adventus, which means “coming.” Advent was a time of preparation for Jesus' birth. Advent is a chance to focus our thoughts on the gift God has given us in his son Jesus who stepped down from Heaven and took the form of a man so that we might believeThe tradition for the first Sunday of Advent includes lighting the candle of hope. This candle of hope symbolizes promises delivered through the prophets from God as well as the hope we have in Christ

School and Family Mass 

Thank you to Ruma Kiwi- Year 2/3 for presenting Mass last week.

This week Mass was presented by JH1 -Year 1.

Faith Facts

Week 6  21- 25 November (Green)











World Youth Day


The Presentation of Blessed Virgin Mary


St Cecilia, virgin, martyr



Sts Andrew Dũng-La. c, priest, and companions, martyrs





The Feast of the Presentation is the Feast day when we celebrate the day when Mary was presented in the Temple in Jerusalem. It is the feast day of the Presentation Sisters who came to teach in New Zealand in 1950 from Ireland and a small group arrived in Green Island Dunedin in 1954. Their Foundress was Nano Nagle. St Peter Chanel School in Green Island was started by the Presentation Sisters. The Nano Nagle Trust supports many families and children throughout New Zealand in Catholic Schools.

God Bless

ngā mihi

Tua Misiloi Co DRS