Thursday 16 May 2019

3. School Notices - Week 3, Term 2 2019

Altar Servers
Saturday 18th May - Lachlan Criddle, Serah Staju, Mariah Cunningham and Jayla Strong
Sunday 19th May - Molly-May Mestrom and Henry Robinson

Birthday Greetings to
Hannah  Fowler, Jasmine McLaren, Vilivea and Kacymea Tahitu'a

EOTC & Generic Permission Forms
These forms have been given out to families who had not returned them from earlier on this year.  Please fill them out and return them by this Friday 17th May in order for the senior school children to visit the marae next week.

Enviro School Ideas
As an Enviroschool we are always looking for ways we can make the world a better place.  As we are just beginning in this journey we need to create a vision for what we would like to see happen in our school that will further impact on our local community.  As such we have started creating a 'Vision Map' at school, this has been done as a staff and in individual classes and now we are asking YOU to SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS and ideas for our school.  The Vision Map is on the wall opposite the hall.  In the coming days please come into the school and add your ideas (however big they may seem) to our school map.  There will be post it's and further instructions posted in the foyer but we really WANT and NEED your input please.  All of our ideas combined will help us create a Vision for St Joseph's Oamaru which will help guide our teaching and learning in years to come.

We warmly welcome Morgan Greening (Yr 4) and Hunter Forrest (Yr 1) who started at our school recently.
Community Notices
  • Mini Movers - Fundamental classes for 3 & 4 year olds.  Costs $36.00 for 6 sessions from Friday 17th May to 21st June at the Waitaki Rec Centre from 9.00 to 10.00 am.   Register online at

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