Thursday 23 May 2019

1. Principal's News Week 4 Term 2 2019

Visit to Moeraki Marae
The senior school visited Moeraki Marae on Wednesday.  This is part of our Enviroschool focus and connects with the social sciences curriculum areas of "Identity, culture and organisation" and Place and environment."

Our Head Girl Bridie McGeown writes:

This week, the classes from year 4 to 8 visited the local marae located in Moeraki. Marianne warmly welcomed us by performing an amazing kaikorero, which took all of our breaths away. We then spent the rest of the day listening to Mr Higgins, who told us some amazing stories about the early Maori way of life. His stories varied from the use of the weapons in war, to the outfits, to how the Maori people gathered food- even a couple of Maori legends were thrown into the mix.
After that, we walked up to the whaling lookout point. It was a quiet walk up a winding road and at the top we gasped at the whale hunting stories Mr Higgins had to share.

Once we’d explored, we headed back down to the marae. Our trip was over, but the people we met and the memories we made had a lasting impression on us all.

Catholic Schools Day
Next Tuesday 28th May is Catholic Schools Day for New Zealand.  Have a look at the slideshow to see how we are part of a larger network of Catholic schools throughout New Zealand.  We will be having a liturgy to celebrate Catholic schools day at 9.00 am in the school hall, you are welcome to join us.

We Pray For You
Also: Mrs Misiloi and myself (LFR)
Every Friday morning a group of staff meet in the staffroom at 8.00 am to pray for our community.  We don't share the ins and outs of your situation but if we know something is happening for your family we add your name to our prayer list.  Please let us know if a member of our community is in need.  We also have the parish freezer stocked by our Home and School and can provide a meal as a measure of support and goodwill.  Our St Vincent de Paul society can also provide help to families who have got into temporary dire need.

God Bless and Aroha,
Lorraine Frances-Rees

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