Thursday 25 November 2021

Principal's News Term 4 Week 6 2021

Miss Sollano's Graduation

We celebrated Miss Sollano's graduation as a fully-fledged teacher yesterday at the NZEI dinner.  When teachers graduate from university, they do two years of provisional registration under the direction of a mentor teacher until they are able to receive their full registration.  Mrs Winders has been mentoring Miss Sollano for the last two years and now Miss Sollano is able to get her full registration.  Our staff attended the dinner last night and it was a wonderful celebration for us.

Home and School

We would like to give a huge thank you to Rebecca Heffernan who has headed up our Home and School for the past three years.  Rebecca has brought her energy, enthusiasm and outstanding organisational skills to this role and has been a wonderful asset to St Joseph's.  She instigated the Hungry Horse cafe fundraiser which has brought some substantial funds into the Home and School to support St Joseph's.  As we could not have our International Food Fair for two years in a row due to Covid, the Hungry Horse fundraiser has been able to carry us during this time.  It is now time for her to move on and we will miss her greatly on our Home and School.

In the new year when we return to school, I will be inviting all parents to come along and discuss the purpose and future of the Home and School and find out what direction and purpose you would like this body to move in for the future and how you individually, and collectively can contribute.  

Junior Disco and Year 7 & 8 Social

These are two of the events organised by the Home and School.

This year our Junior Disco is planned for Friday 10th December, 6-7pm.

The Year 7 & 8 social is Friday 3rd December, starting at 5.30pm for the year 8s for photos before dinner.

Technology at St Kevin's

Our intermediate students are really enjoying St Kevin's new technology facilities.


School is closed next Tuesday 30th November for professional development.

Principal's Retreat

I attended a marvellous retreat last week in Cromwell with the other Catholic principals from Dunedin and Southland.  It was a time for refreshment, reflection and personal and spiritual growth with a group of like-minded colleagues and I was very grateful for the opportunity to attend.

Moeraki Marae Visit

Last week Kaycee-Mae and Jac went to Moeraki Marae to learn the new waiata and haka that has been written for the Waitaki region.  Kaycee-Mae and Jac will be our eldest Maori students at St Joseph's next year and will have a lead role in our kapa haka and mihi whakatau protocols.

Policies for Review

Our religious Education and Maori Educational Success policies are due for review.  If you would like to give feedback on our policies please go to our School docs site at: To login, click the link and enter the following details when prompted:
username: stjosephsoamaru

password: veritas

Go to the "Current Review" tab

God Bless and Aroha

2. Special Character Week 6 Term 4 2021

Welcome to Week 6

Special Character Focus- Advent

This week our R.E teaching is Advent. Beginning the Church's liturgical year, Advent (from, "ad-venire" in Latin or "to come to") is the season encompassing the four Sundays (and weekdays) leading up to the celebration of Christmas.  Advent is a time of preparation for the birth of Jesus Christ. Advent tells us not to waste our time with predictions. Advent is not about speculation. Our Advent readings call us to be alert and ready, not weighted down and distracted by the cares of this world (Lk 21:34-36). It is the perfect time to bring your family together and spend time learning about and celebrating the true meaning of Christmas. 

First Holy Communion-Congratulations to the last two groups of children who received their First Holy Communion last weekend. Thank you to their families for their continued support in preparing them for this holy sacrament. Every Blessing to you all.

School Mass-
Last week's gospel presentation was Ruma Hoiho- Year 5/6. 
This week's gospel presentation was  Ruma Kakapo- Year 4&5. 
Next week's gospel presentation will be Ruma Kiwi- Year 3. 
Thank you to all teachers and children for preparing these masses with a great and awesome gospel presentation. God bless.

In the Fraction Rite, the celebrant breaks the consecrated bread as the people sing the Agnus Dei or "Lamb of God". John the Baptist proclaimed Jesus as "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" (Jn 1:29). The action of breaking the bread recalls the actions of Jesus at the Last Supper when he broke the bread before giving it to his disciples. One of the earliest names for the Eucharistic celebration is the breaking of the bread.

Faith Facts

Week 6:  22 November- 26 November
21st World Youth Day
22nd St Cecilia (Red)
23rd St Columban (White)
24th Sts Andrew Dung- Lac and Companions (Red)

The Global Celebration of Young People takes place annually on the Solemnity of Christ the King. On Sunday, November 21, 2021, in every diocese and community around the world, including at the Vatican with the Holy Father. 

First week of Advent: Hope.

Advent is the period before the Christmas season. It begins on Sunday the nearest, November 28. On the first Sunday of Advent, the first purple candle (symbolising hope) on the advent wreath is lit. The candle is typically called the "Prophecy Candle" in remembrance of the prophets, primarily Isiah who foretold the birth of Christ. 

Thank you/Malo
God Bless
Tua Misiloi (Co DRS)

3. School Notices - Week 6, Term 4 2021


Birthday Greetings
Stirling H, Molly O and Evan S 

Athletic trophies and sport teams certificates are being presented at an assembly tomorrow. Unfortunately, no parents can attend but it will be live-streamed.

Futsal Draw - Monday 29th November

3.30 pm - Yr 1/2 St Joseph's Blue v Te Pakihi o Maru Incredibles on court 1, half court A
4.00 pm - Yr 1/2 St Joseph's Red v Fenwick Keas on court 2, half court A
5.30 pm - Yr 5/6 v Futsal Machines on court 1
6.00 pm - Yr 7/8 v OIS Golden Goals at SKC
Yr 3/4 has the bye for this week

Hungry Horse Cafe
The Home and School has its last fundraiser for the year at the Hungry Horse Cafe on Wednesday 8th December and Rebecca Heffernan would like as many volunteers to help out at the cafe.  If you are able to help even for a short time, please let her know.  The time slots are:

10.00 to 12.00 pm 
12.00 to 3.00 pm
3.00 to 5.30 pm 

Please phone Rebecca on 027 432 4056 by Friday 26th November if you can help.  Remember that all profit goes to the school to benefit your children.

Junior School Disco - Friday 10th December
For years 1-6, sorry no pre-schoolers
When - Friday 10th December 
Where - Our school hall
Time - 6.00 to 7.00 pm
Theme - Christmas
Cost - $2.00 for entry, a drink, glowstick and a small bag of chips.  Please bring correct change.
Pick up time - please ensure all parents are there by 7.00 pm to collect the children

Friday 26th - Technology for Yr 7 & 8 - last day
Tuesday 30th - School closed because of Teacher Only Day
Friday 3rd - Yr 8 Orientation Day at St Kevin's College

Summer Sports
Futsal finishes on Monday 6th and Touch finishes on Tuesday 7th December.  Please ensure all your touch fees are paid up to date and any other sports fees that are outstanding.

St Kevin's Orientation Day
The Orientation Day on Friday 3rd December is for all Yr 8 students who are attending St Kevin's next year.  The day starts at 9.00 am and goes to 3.00 pm. Children are to wear mufti clothes, bring a packed lunch, a pen and a chrome book/device.

Tooth Decay - Health News

Tooth decay (holes in teeth) is a preventable disease. Children with tooth decay may find it difficult to eat, sleep, learn and play.

Tooth decay begins when bacteria in plaque (the smooth sticky coating on our teeth) feed on sugar from foods we are eating, producing an acid. This acid dissolves the hard, outer surface of our teeth called enamel. Saliva helps to protect our teeth by neutralising the acid, but this can take up to an hour after eating. 

If these “acid attacks” occur regularly throughout the day, saliva may not have the chance to protect and heal teeth so, overtime, tooth decay (a hole) may appear.

Preventing tooth decay

The good news is, we can protect our teeth by:

  • Drinking tap water or plain milk instead of sugary drinks

  • Eating 3 healthy meals a day and only tooth-friendly snacks between meals. Examples of great snacks are vegetables, fruit, cheese, plain yoghurt, and wholegrain breads and cereals.

  • Brushing teeth twice a day with a regular strength fluoride toothpaste. Spit out excess toothpaste but, don’t rinse with water after brushing. This lets some fluoride from the toothpaste remain on the teeth, helping to strengthen them. 

Lift the Lip regularly and look in your child’s mouth for signs of tooth decay. Look for white or brown marks on the teeth, particularly near the gum line or on the chewing surfaces. Contact the Community Oral Health Service if you notice any changes.

4. Diary Dates - Week 6, Term 4 2021



Friday 26

Tuesday 30


Friday 3

Monday 6

Tuesday 7

Wednesday 8

Thursday 9

Friday 10

Monday 13

Tuesday 14

Wednesday 15


Monday 31




Thursday 14


Monday 2



Friday 8

Monday 25



Friday 30


Monday 17



Athletic trophies & Sport team certificates  presented at assembly *

Yr 7 & 8 Technology 

Teacher Only Day - school closed 

St Kevin’s Transition Day  - no technology this day 

Yr 7 & 8 Social 

Yr 8 Meal 

House choirs live streamed *

Board of Trustee meeting 

Yr 7 & 8 Camp 

Hungry Horse Cafe 

Yr 7 & 8 Camp 

Yr 7 & 8 Camp 

Yr 7 & 8 Camp 

Junior Disco 

End of Year Mass & Junior Nativity- no parents - will be live streamed 

Leavers assembly at Basilica - no parents - will be live streamed 

School finishes for term 4 at 12.05 pm 

School starts for 2022 

Term 1 finishes

Term 2 starts

Term 2 finishes

Term 3 starts

Term 3 finishes

Term 4 starts

Thursday 18 November 2021

1. Principal's News Term 4 Week 5 2021

Senior Athletics

I'm so proud of our staff and children for making things happen.  We had an absolutely lovely day last Friday for our senior athletics.  Everyone was happy and giving their best go and we really enjoyed each others' company and the element of excitement and competition.  All the photos I took are on our Facebook page.

Learning throughout the school

The staff has been working hard moderating their teacher judgements about student progress.  To do this we share students' work and assessment information with each other and ensure that we are all making a consistent judgment about where they are at in the curriculum, the progress they are making, and their next steps.  Hopefully, you are seeing samples of student work through the Seesaw app and staff are presently writing reports for you to get an overall picture of progress and achievement in 2021.  If you are having any trouble with the Seesaw app please contact your child's teacher.

Our main achievement target this year is engagement and we were looking not only for children to do well in their learning but really trying hard to ensure they enjoy it and want to do it.  For the most part, I think we have done well.  In the first half of the year, we were deeply engaged in finding out about our history both local and personal, with several trips and investigations, culminating in our Children's Museum and oral language presentations.  In the second half of the year, we have focused on Science and we are soon to be planting native plants around the school for the planting projects each class has devised.

Here are some of the intermediate students' plant sketches.


We are preparing for our end-of-year formal social for the year 7 & 8s and they have started to learn social dancing.

We are also preparing for house choirs and well done to our year 8 leaders who are planning and leading the house choirs and yesterday was the first practice.  This will be live-streamed this year.

Our end-of-year celebrations are documented under the School Notices.  Also that we are closed on Tuesday 30th November for a teacher professional development day.

God bless and aroha,


2. Special Character Week 5 Term 4 2021.

Welcome, Kia Ora Whanau/Malo e Lelei!

Special Character Focus: Church Strand-Community of Disciples

This week our R.E teaching, will continue teaching the Community of Disciples- Te Whanau o te Karaiti. Next week we will be teaching Advent. 

First Holy Communion- Congratulations to our first two groups of children who received their First Holy Communion last week. Thank you to their families for their continued support in preparing them for this holy sacrament. We are looking forward to seeing our last two groups on Saturday 20th at 5.00pm and Sunday 21st at 9:30 am Mass for their First Communion.

Please arrive very early, so you can be sure of a seat near the front of the Church (Every second seat is roped off) The children will sit with their families. We will give them their medals before Mass.

Parents, please spend time with your child/ children this week preparing them for this special Sacrament.

It is important that they realise that it is Jesus they are receiving in Holy Communion. It is a reverent occasion. Please have the children practise walking slowly forward with their hands joined and show them how they hold their hands out to receive the host. When Father says "The Body of Christ"  they answer "Amen". They then return to their seats slowly and reverently.

At the end of Mass, the children will be presented with their certificates and a goodie bag with a small gift for each one. We hope this will help make up for not being able to have a communal celebration at this time.

Every Blessing to you all

School Mass: 

Last week's gospel presentation was Ruma Takahe- Year 7/8. This week the gospel presentation was Ruma Hoiho- Year 5 & 6. Next week gospel's presentation will be Ruma Kakapo- Year 4 & 5. Thank you to all teachers and children for preparing these masses with great and awesome gospel presentations. God bless. 

The Rite of Peace follows the Communion Rite. The celebrant prays that the peace of Christ will fill our hearts, our families, our Church, our communities, and our world. As a sign of hope, the people extend to those around them a sign of peace, typically by shaking hands.

Faith Facts

Week 5: November 15-19 (Green)

14th World Day of the Poor

16th St Margaret of Scotland

17th St Elizabeth of Hungary

Sunday 21st Christ the King Sunday

The Church’s liturgical year concludes with this feast of Christ the King, instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925 to celebrate the Jubilee Year and the 16th centenary of the Council of Nicaea.  Instituting this feast, Pope Pius XI proclaimed: “Pax Christi in regno Christi” (“The peace of Christ in the reign of Christ”).  

5th World Day of the Poor

Pope Francis reminds us that poor people are not outsiders but part of our communities – ‘they’ are our sisters and brothers. While charity presupposes a giver and a receiver, mutual sharing generates fraternity and solidarity – it makes us sisters and brothers. It lays the foundation for justice. 

“My kingdom does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my attendants would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not here.”

Thank you/ Malo Aupito
God Bless
Tua Misiloi (Co DRS)

3. School Notices - Week 5, Term 4 2021


Birthday Greetings to

Eric John

Senior Athletics
Last Friday, the weather gods shone down on us and we had a brilliant day for our senior school athletics.  Because of Covid restrictions, we brought forward our athletics day a week earlier and held it at school so our wonderful parents could help out.  A massive thank you goes to: Adele Whiston, Rebecca Heffernan, Suzy Oakes, Pamela Vera and Antonio and Daniel Frances-Rees for giving up their time to help out with the rotations.

There was some impressive talent on display amongst all the age groups and even in the sprints, it was so close between the top placings.  The high jump rotation saw the children challenging each other with the bar going higher and higher with the sportsmanship that was shown to each other being highly commendable. The children also had a chance to have some fun after their sprint races with some old-fashioned races like the sack races, wheelbarrow races, 3-legged relays etc.

The athletic trophies and certificates will be presented at assembly next Friday 26th November.

On Tuesday afternoon, the juniors celebrated their athletic skills amongst trying and windy conditions but they took it all in their stride.  They were very happy to go out there and show us what they could do. A  big thank you to our year 8 students who helped out with their rotations.

End of Year Celebrations
This year due to Level 2 restrictions, we will not be able to invite families into our celebrations.  Therefore, we will do them during the school day and live-stream them, also recording for later watching.

Monday 13th December - 11.15 am - Basilica
- Last school mass of the year
- Junior school will do their nativity pageant
- Only school present, no visitors - will be live-streamed

Tuesday 14th  December - 11.00 am - Basilica
- Leavers assembly
- Yr 8's enter with 'Prepare Ye the Way'
- Head Boy and Head Girl speeches
- Yr 8 trophies presented
- Leavers certificates, candles and ketes presented
- Yr 8's process out
- Only school present, no visitors - will be live-streamed
- 12.00 or thereabouts - Yr 8's to have fish and chip lunch with Fr Wayne in the Dean O'Reilly lounge

Wednesday 15th December - School Hall
11.45 am - Final assembly - prayers and carol singing
12.05 - home time - please note earlier finish time to previous years

Futsal Draw - Monday 22nd November
An email has been sent to all Futsal families regarding the requirements in the Waitaki Rec Centre in order to run the Futsal games successfully.

4.00 pm - St Joseph's Yr 1/2 Red v Fenwick Huia on court 2, half court B
4.30 pm - St Joseph's Yr 1/2 Blue v Papakaio Pumas on court 1, half court A
5.00 pm - St Joseph's Yr 3/4 v Papakaio Piranhas on court 2, half court B
5.30 pm - St Joseph's Yr 7/8 v Papakaio Pythons at SKC
6.30 pm - St Joseph's Yr 5/6 v Fenwick Kakapo on court 2

Hungry Horse Cafe
The Home and School has its last fundraiser for the year at the Hungry Horse Cafe on Wednesday 8th December and Rebecca Heffernan would like as many volunteers to help out at the cafe.  If you are able to help even for a short time, please let her know.  The time slots are:

10.00 to 12.00 pm 
12.00 to 3.00 pm
3.00 to 5.30 pm 

Please phone Rebecca on 027 432 4056 by Friday 26th November if you can help.  Remember that all profit goes to the school to benefit your children.

Friday 19th - Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Sunday 21st - School photo orders to be done online.  
Thursday 25th - Scholastic Book Club orders due back

Scholastic Book Club 
Orders are due back to the office by next Thursday 25th November.

St Kevin's Orientation Day
The Orientation Day on Friday 3rd December is for all Yr 8 students who are attending St Kevin's next year.  The day starts at 9.00 am and goes to 3.00 pm. Children are to wear mufti clothes, bring a packed lunch, a pen and a chrome book / device.

School Photos
A reminder to order your online school photos by this Sunday 21st November to ensure free delivery for your photos. You will need your online photo access key slip code.

St Joseph's Pumas Touch team

Touch Rep players - Warren, Daniel, Charlie

4. Diary Dates - Week 5, Term 4 2021



Friday 19

Wednesday 24

Thursday 25

Friday 26

Tuesday 30


Friday 3

Monday 6

Tuesday 7

Wednesday 8

Thursday 9

Friday 10

Monday 13

Tuesday 14

Wednesday 15


Monday 31




Thursday 14


Monday 2



Friday 8

Monday 25



Friday 30


Monday 17



Technology for Yr 7 & 8 

Shrub planting day 

Shrub planting day 

Athletic trophies presented at assembly *

Yr 7 & 8 Technology 

Teacher Only Day - school closed 

St Kevin’s Transition Day  - no technology this day 

Yr 7 & 8 Social 

Yr 8 Meal 

House Choirs live streamed *

Board of Trustee meeting 

Yr 7 & 8 Camp 

Hungry Horse Cafe *

Yr 7 & 8 Camp 

Yr 7 & 8 Camp 

Yr 7 & 8 Camp 

Junior Disco 

End of Year Mass & Junior Nativity- no parents - will be live-streamed*

Leavers assembly at Basilica - no parents - will be live-streamed *

School finishes for term 4 at 12.05 pm *

School starts for 2022 

Term 1 finishes

Term 2 starts

Term 2 finishes

Term 3 starts

Term 3 finishes

Term 4 starts