Friday 24 November 2023

1. Principals News - Week 7, Term 4 2023

Dear Parents and Whanau

I will be on camp with the year 7 and 8 students when you receive this newsletter.  We have been staying in Peel Forest for 3 days and 2 nights.  The student's challenges are high ropes, confidence course, white water rafting and short nature walks.

Staffing 2024
As it often happens at the end of a school year, there are staff changes.  We have experienced quite a degree of change in the last 2 weeks.

Sarah Sollano has been granted a year's leave to study and to complete her post-graduate studies.  She will return to St Joseph's in 2024.  We hope to see her doing some relieving and volunteering in our school next year.

Leanne Brookes has resigned and taken up a position in Christchurch at Our Lady of Victories School effective next year.  We wish her well in a new city and an exciting challenge of a larger Director of Religious Studies role.

Nicola Winders has also resigned and taken up a new position at Weston School at the beginning of 2024.

We are in the process of advertising for a new classroom teacher and Deputy Principal for the school.  This week, we have been pleased to have made three new appointments to replace staff and take up the reins in 2024.

North Otago Athletic Championships
We were well represented by students at the North Otago Championships on Monday evening.  A big thank you to Paula Brien for all her organisation in the zone and regional entries.  Also to Sarah Sollano for being an official on the night.

Year 8 Transition Day
On Wednesday 29th November, the year 8 students attending St Kevin's next year will spend the day in their new school.  Parents should have received a letter with all the details of the day.  If you are unsure, please contact the St Kevin's School office.

Multicultural Day
Thank you in advance for all the organisation that is going into this day.  Our multicultural celebration is on Friday 1st December.  Please see the flyer later in the newsletter.

Board of Trustees Meeting
We will be holding the last BOT meeting for the year on Tuesday 5th December.  This is an open meeting that you are most welcome and encouraged to attend.  Our meetings are held in the school staffroom at 6.30 pm.  Minutes are available for you to view at any time.

God Bless
Allan Mitchell
Acting Principal

2. Faith Facts - Week 7, Term 4 2023

 Welcome to the end of Week 7 Term 4

Week 7    20th - 24th November     Christ the King

At our Parish/School Mass last Thursday 16th November,  Levi and Tineka Rankin received the Sacrament of Catholic Baptism with Father Fredy.

                       May be an image of 7 people and violin

Our Year 7 & 8 students have been at camp this week. Year 5 & 6 students have competently taken on the Leadership roles at Mass with Kapahaka, Waiata and Technology and leading Friday’s Assembly.

We also are very proud of and thank Ruma Kereru who led Mass this week so Respectfully and Reverently.









33rd SUNDAY in Ordinary Time

World Day of the Poor



The Presentation of Blessed Virgin Mary


St Cecilia



Sts Andrew Dũng-La. c, priest, and companions, martyrs


November 21 - The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The tradition is that Mary was taken to the temple in Jerusalem when she was 3 years-old and dedicated to God. What we celebrate on this day is the fact that God chose to dwell in Mary in a very special way. 

November 24th
Sts Andrew Dũng-La. c, priest, and companions, martyrs

St. John Paul II canonised a group of 117 martyrs who gave their lives for the faith in Vietnam during the 19th century. On this feast day, the Church remembers the sufferings inflicted on the Vietnamese Church, which are among the most terrible in the long history of Christian martyrdom. 

We can also think and pray for all the Vietnamese refugees who came to New Zealand in the late 1970’s and some later. May they always find peace and be at home here. Protect their hearts and minds from painful memories.

Nga mihi nui

Leanne Brookes

3. School Notices - Week 7, Term 4 2023


Birthday Greetings for the next fortnight:
Sam L, Dristi M and Laken N

Athletic Trophy Presentation
The athletic trophies will be presented at the assembly next Friday starting at 2.30 pm.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

Christmas Parade
Come and be part of Oamaru Christmas Santa Parade -Sat 25 Nov 11am!
This year there’s going to be an ecumenical float with all the churches parading together. St Patrick's parishioners are going to promote PEACE and walk behind the main truck, dressed in white with a white hat saying PEACE.
Any St Joseph's staff or families who would like to take part  is invited to contact Nicola (021659757) by 24 November.
End of Year Celebrations
Friday 1st December - multicultural day
Friday 8th December - yr 7 & 8 social
Wednesday 13th December  - our end-of-year Mass, junior nativity and prize giving is on at 6.00 pm at the Basilica.  All children are expected to attend.
Thursday 14th December - Final Assembly at 2.00 pm
Friday 15th December - school finishes at 12.30 pm

Multicultural Day

Multicultural Day is next Friday and it's great to see some of the children getting on with their dance practices. Today is the final call for performances, so if your child is interested in performing on the day, please email Miss Sollano at  Everyone is welcome to come and watch the performances after lunch at 1.30 pm followed by assembly.

Shared Kai

Join us next Friday to connect with others over tasty finger food and share in the cultures of communities. 

Children are to wear their PE uniform to school and bring their traditional dress with them to change into at school. 

Each child is to bring some food for a shared lunch which is to be dropped off at the hall kitchen before 12.00 pm. Please do not bring any food with nuts due to food allergies. Please do not bring food that needs to be heated unless you are willing to come in and heat it yourself. We would love for some parents to come at 12.00 pm and help put the food on the tables.

The timetable for the day is:

11.00 am - multicultural activities

12.30 pm - shared kai (lunch) in the hall

1.30 pm - cultural performances

2.30 pm - school assembly

School Lunches
It has been noted the children's lunch boxes are being filled with lots of processed packets of food and we would encourage you to put sandwiches and fruit in them which will help them with their learning.  A healthy lunch food chart has been attached to the email to give you some ideas.

Start of School 2024
Our first day of school for 2024 will be Wednesday 31st January.

Swimming Lessons 2024
The dates and times for our school's swimming lessons for years 1-8 are:

Friday 2nd February - 1.00, 1.30, 2.00 pm
Monday 5th February - 1.00, 1.30, 2.00 pm
Wednesday 7th February - 9.30, 10.00, 10.30 am
Friday 9th February - 9.30, 10.00, 10.30 am
Wednesday 14th February - 9.30, 10.00, 10.30 am
Friday 16th February - 9.30, 10.00, 10.30 am
Wednesday 28th February - senior school swimming sports from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm.

A notice will come out in January asking for parents to help walk alongside the children to and from the pool.

We warmly welcome Ava J who started at our school this week.
Community Notices
  • Victoria Cooper Academy of Dance presents - NARNIA, THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE
    Saturday 2nd December at Waitaki Boys High School Auditorium.   Starting at 1pm and 5.30pm 
    Get tickets via any VCAD student Or 
  • "Toot for Tucker" - Monday 4th December from 6.00 pm.  A combined Lions Clubs of North Otago Project for the Oamaru Food Bank.  Listen to the 'tooting' in your street.  Please give your donation of a non-perishable food item.
  • Christmas Charity Concert - Saturday 9th December at 1.30 pm at the Basilica, Reed Street, Oamaru.  A variety cultural concert with afternoon tea.  Entry is either a Christmas gift, monetary donation, or a non-perishable grocery item.  The proceeds go to the combined church's Christmas parcels.

4. Diary Dates - Week 7, Term 4 2023



Friday 24

Yr 7 & 8 camp 

Wednesday 29

Yr 8 Transition Day to St Kevin’s 


Friday 1

Multicultural Day 

Athletic trophies presented at assembly *

Tuesday 5

Board of Trustee meeting 

Friday 8

Yr 7 & 8 Social 

Wednesday 13

End of Year Mass at 6.00 pm 

Thursday 14

End of Year Assembly at 2.00 pm 

Friday 15

Last day of school - school closes at 12.30 pm 



School starts for term 1


Friday 2

Swimming lessons for yrs 1-8 

Monday 5

Swimming lessons for yrs 1-8

Tuesday 6

Waitangi Day - school closed 

Wednesday 7

Swimming lessons for yrs 1-8 

Friday 9

Swimming lessons for yrs 1-8 

Wednesday 14

Swimming lessons for yrs 1-8 

Friday 16

Swimming lessons for yrs 1-8 

Wednesday 28

Senior school swimming sports 

Friday 10 November 2023

1. Principal's News - Week 5, Term 4 2023

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Kia Ora, Wow we are halfway through the term and only 45 more sleeps until Santa comes.  We have a massive amount to cover between now and the end of school.

Teacher Only Day
School will be closed for instruction next Friday 17th November.  We are having training on the New Curriculum and other mandatory training from the Ministry of Education.

Athletic Sports
We had a great day of competition and fun when competing with Te Pakihi o Maru last Tuesday.  The weather allowed us to get all the events and activities covered.  Our juniors were hosted by Te Pakihi o Maru and we had the senior events here at St Joseph's.

We had a host of parents, ex-pupils and whanau supporting us in running the events.  A very big thank you to them for helping the day run so smoothly.  A very large thank you to Paula Brien for organising the day and preparing the event for the students.  It is very much appreciated from the staff, children and community.  

The North Otago Athletics will be held on Monday 20th November at Centennial Park starting at 4.00 pm.  As St Joseph's and Te Pakihi o Maru schools are combined into a school zone, we will send the top 2 qualifiers for the field events and the top 3 qualifiers for the track events to these sports.  Children who have qualified will be given a notice today and permission slips need to be handed back to the office by this Monday 13th November.

The senior athletic trophy presentations will be awarded at assembly on Friday 1st December starting at 2.30 pm.

Year 7 /8 Camp
The year 7 and 8 pupils, Nicola Winders and myself will be away on school camp from Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th November.  We will be having the group up in Peel Forest with outdoor challenges and experiences.

God Bless
Allan Mitchell
Acting Principal

2. Faith Facts - Week 5, Term 4 2023

 Welcome to the end of Week 5 Term 4

Week 5 6th - 10th November

At our Parish Mass last Sunday 5th November, our 3 Sacramental students received their 1st Holy Communion with 6 other primary-aged students from across the Parish.  A lovely celebration to complete their Confirmation, Reconciliation & Eucharist 2023 Faith Journey.


These 3 also received the Sacrament of Reconciliation after our School Mass on Thursday Week 4. The Senior school students were also privileged to receive Reconciliation after Mass with Father Fredy.









31st SUNDAY in Ordinary Time





The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica


St Leo the Great, pope, doctor


St Martin of Tours, bishop

Prayer intention for November

For the Pope, We pray for the Holy Father; as he fulfills his mission, may he continue to accompany the flock entrusted to him, with the help of the Holy Spirit. 

Last days of Spring

Spring is a time of change. Some changes we joyfully await, and some we dread. Some changes we plan and others arrive unexpectedly. To all changes, we ask for the gifts of, hope, and rebirth.

May the sunlight and the rain be reminders that You are at work renewing the earth before the coming of summer. God of renewal, continue to renew and invigorate our lives to help us be ready for the joy and life of summer.

Open our eyes to the needed changes from Spring to Summer. Awaken us to new life and perspective as we journey through the term. Amen

Nga mihi nui

Leanne Brookes