Thursday 13 February 2020

1. Principal's news term 1 week 2 2020

Beach Survey
Yesterday members of the St Joseph Enviro team visited Moeraki Reserve and conducted a beach survey collecting data for the Marine Department of the University of Otago. 

Parent/Teacher Meetings
The purpose of these meetings is to invite you as the parents and caregivers to share information and feelings which will help us to support your child to make the sort of goals that will help to make them a good learner.  We may not yet be sharing goals specifically, but more seeking your input to help us understand your child as the full and unique person they are.

We hope to be able to meet with each parent either next Tuesday 18 or Wednesday 26 February.  This interview is about finding out what you think.  Some of the sort of things you might discuss are:
  • your child's interests,
  • what helps your child to learn
  • what gets in the way of their learning
  • their strengths or areas you think they could build on.
If there was anything that stood out for you from last year's report, the meeting would be a good time to have a chat about it.  As a result of this meeting we will be in a better position to help your child to make holistic, purposeful learning goals as the year progresses.

To make your booking go to:
Use code: vtk99

Mrs Brien has done an amazing job of organising swimming once again and children are making visible progress in their targeted lessons.  A BIG THANK YOU to the parent helpers who have walked with us - we couldn't do it without you.

Home and School
The Home and School sent out a letter last week about the Hungry Horse cafe.  I have emailed families as follow up.  Please come forward and join in the effort to support the school.

God bless and aroha
Lorraine Frances-Rees

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