Thursday 31 May 2018

3. School Notices - Week 5, Term 2 2018

QUOTE FOR THE WEEK from our National Young Leaders Day

"I cannot be me if you cannot be you"

Beatitude for Today
Blessed are those who know how to relax without looking for excuses; they are on the way to becoming wise.

Altar Servers

Saturday 2nd June - Joseph, Patrick and Seb Spillane, Samuel Plieger and Andrew Sinclair
Sunday 3rd June - Hana Davies, Molly-May and Ivy-Belle Mestrom

Birthday Greetings to:
Jonathan Jorgensen, Lilly Kelcher, Leah Kofoed, Lewis Geypen and Marco Alegre

Interschool Notices
There are still a few outstanding permission slips for the junior quadrangular tournament that need to be returned to the office.  They are due next Tuesday.
St Mary's Inter-school - all Yr 8 students have received a notice today regarding this interschool.  Please return the permission slip and money by Tuesday 12th June.
St Joseph's Inter-school notices will be be given to all Yr 7 and 8 students tomorrow.  Permission slips and money due in  by Thursday 21st June.

There are 3 jackets and 2 polar fleeces which have the name Bartley written on them.  Please check your child's clothing to see if they have got the correct ones.

Pastoral Care
The Yr 7 class has received the Pastoral Care notice for the month of June.  Please look for it in your child's bag.

Pies and Milo
Every Wednesday, children are allowed to bring pies to school to be heated. Children are to bring their own named cup and 50c for milo and a named pie wrapped in a heat proof wrapper.  PLEASE NO FROZEN PIES as they are not guaranteed to be cooked properly.  The pies and cups are to be left on the bench in the hall kitchen before 9.00 am.  Any unnamed pies will not be heated.


Monday 4 - Queen's Birthday - no school
Tuesday 5 - Enrolment meetings for 2018/2019
Wednesday 6 - Technology and Junior Quad permission forms and money due


Next Friday 8th June, Subway will be donating half the costs of all lunches back to school on this day.

Swimming - junior school
The junior school will participate in 10 water safety lessons at the Waitaki Aquatic Centre starting late July and early August.  Dates will be confirmed next week.  A notice will be sent home next week regarding these lessons.

We warmly welcome Taylor Darling who started school last week to our new entrants class.

Young Leaders Day

On Monday the Yr 8 class travelled to Dunedin as part of The National Young Leaders Day where they listened to inspirational speakers at the Town Hall talking about what makes a good leader. We will put some of the Yr 8 experiences from the day in next week's blog.

Community Notices

  • Toy Library Open Day - held on Saturday 2nd June at 109 Thames Street, Oamaru from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm.  Free sausage sizzle and 3 free toy hires.  Half price memberships.

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