Request for Children's Religious Education Questions.
The Catholic Institute are wanting to get as many questions as possible from young people to contribute towards the RE New Curriculum which is beginning the process of being updated. It’s an opportunity for students to have a ‘voice’ and for the Curriculum and them being able to listen. The attached image contains a QR code, and url, link to a simple “Google Form” and the NCRS e-mail address where you can email them directly your chid's question.
Attendance and Signing In / Signing Out
Please would parents and caregivers make every effort to ensure children arrive to school by 8.50am so they have time to settle and get themselves ready to start the school day. If your child is late, please sign them in at the office.
If you should need to pick your child up during the school day please also remember to sign them out at the office as if we have an emergency we need to be able to account for them.
Children should be at school unless they are sick or have a close bereavement. Please remember that absences of more than five days a term can lead to significant learning gaps which may not become apparent until later.
Updated Complaints Procedure
Please note the complaints procedure has been updated and can be found on the school website under the 'about us' tab. Complaints Procedure. This process is helped made clear in a flow chart that outlines each step.
God Bless
Nicola Winders
Acting Principal