Thursday 28 July 2016

3. School Notices - Week 1, Term 3 2016

Altar Servers
Saturday 30 July - Joseph & Sebastian Spillane, Bronson  Bartlett, Max Fatafehi and Isabella McNaught
Sunday 31st July - Jonathan Jorgensen and Arthur Cartlidge

Birthday Greetings to:
Vince Vidallon and Olivia Owen

Basketball Tournament

In the middle weekend of the school holidays some of our students were involved in the Network Waitaki Yr 7 & 8 Basketball tournament held at the Waitaki Recreation Centre in Oamaru.  Our students were involved in 4 teams being the North Otago Girls Development team, North Otago U13 A team, North Otago Penguins and our own St Joseph's team.  Well done to all of you.  The results were as follows:
- St Joseph's got 3rd in the boys development grade out of 8 teams
- North Otago Penguins (Campbell Fowler and Baxter Lewis) came 5th in the development grade
- North Otago A (Jacob Fowler, Duran Cooper and Sebastian Whiston) won the final of the boys A grade by in a very close game by only 2 points.
North Otago Girls (Tegan & Tessa Souness, Grace Keno and Antonia Black) came 3rd.

Dominican Celebrations
This Saturday evening July 30th at 7.00 pm, the Dominican Choir are special guests at the Dominican
Celebrations being held in our school hall.  There is a special Mass at 5.00 pm in the Basilica followed by a Pot Luck tea at 6.00 pm in our hall and at 7.00 pm, the evening entertainment will begin.  Everyone is invited to the Mass and meal as part of the parish celebrations.  Parishioners please bring a plate to share. The Dominican Choir is to let Mrs Brookes know ASAP if they are attending this celebration.

First Communion
Children who are going to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist have received a notice to take home regarding dates of meetings.  Please either email your response or return the notice to the office.

Home and School
Telephone Books
In May we gave each family one Big Print Telephone Book to try and sell and asked for either the money and/or the book to be returned by 20th June. During the term we asked for the books to be returned otherwise you may be charged for them.  As there are over 50 families who have not yet returned this book, we are now adding $10 on to your school account.

Mid Winter Raffle
This will be the Home & School's fundraiser for term 3.  A number of local businesses have been very generous with some great prizes and vouchers for this raffle.  A raffle card will be given out to each family on Monday 1st August so please keep an eye out for this in your child's bag and support this great fundraiser for our school.

School Mass
Due to Fr Wayne being sick today, Mass has been postponed till tomorrow at 9.15 am.

Scholastic Book Club
Orders for the book club are due in on Friday 19th August to the office.

Singing Cup
Kia Ora all Year 5,6,7 & 8 students and whanau.  This year's Singing Cup is going to continue to promote our talents in singing as well as hold the prestige that was shown at last year's finals.  We encourage all year 5-8 students to audition.  There are House points for all entries.  Auditions are on Wednesday 24th August during school time.
Students will choose from the song list below and sing one verse and one chorus.  This year we are modifying the Duet competition to also include groups of 3-6 participants.  Auditions for duets/groups need to be able to present their song choice with harmony.  Duet/groups can be mixed girl/boy and mixed houses.  Song choices for auditions are:
Soloist:                                               Duet/Group
1.  Gifts                                              1.  Te Aroha
2.  Hold my hands                              2.  Holy Ground
3.  Ka Waiata                                     3.  Fa 'ata fai ' e

Finalists may choose their own song and accompanist.  Backing tracks may be used but they must only be instrumental. A TIME LIMIT of 3 minutes is required.  Finals and house finals will be held on Wednesday 14th September in our school hall starting at 9.15 am sharp.  Please note there is no evening Singing Cup presentation this year.

The Judge has the following Marking Criteria:

  • Tune
  • Volume
  • Diction
  • Timing
  • Presentation
We are looking for 'excellence' and participation and look forward to the final results.  Kind Regards Leanne Brookes.

We warm welcome 7 new students to our school this week.  Snow Kelly & Fitu Tuuefiafi to our new entrants class, Milly Campbell & Olly Wickham to our Yr 2 class, Charlotte Howell to our Yr 3 class, Phoebe Wickham to our Yr 4 class and Logan Howell to our Yr 7 class.  Absent from the photo is Fitu Tuuefiafi.
Community Notices
  • PMP Distribution ... Deliverers Wanted - Would you like to earn some pocket money?  Be part of a dynamic team from a reputable and well-respected company and deliver advertising material and newspapers to local houses.  We require honest, reliable people aged 11 years and over in the following areas now.  (1)  Waitaki Herald and/or Circulars in the South Hill area and (2)  Waitaki Herald and/or Circulars in 2 areas in the  Weston area.  Contact Shannon on 027 390 8913.
  • Girls Youth Group - Catherine Boyle (leader of ICONZ) has just started a girls youth group at Weston Church.   This is a girls only programme for girls aged 5-14 years and is based on the Girls  Brigade and is a modern revamp of it.  the programme runs on a Monday night from 4.00 to 5.30 pm during the school term.  Girls can look at Facebook (Iconz4Girlz) and can contact Catherine on 434 9390 or Jessie-May Tepper on 027 254 6168 for further information.
  • Special Needs Pool Party - the North Otago Lions Club are sponsoring this pool party with the support of the Waitaki Aquatic Centrte on Saturday 20th August from 6.00 to 7.00 pm. Any person with special needs is welcome but must be accompanied by a support person.  To register contact the Aquatic Centre on 433 0410 and all registrations are required by Wednesday 17th August and are free.  After the swim they will supply a sausage and patty sizzle, drink and sweets so if any dietary needs are required, let them know and they will cater for them including carers.  For further information contact Myrel Parsons - Convenor on 437 0388 or email
  • A Fun Evening with Jo Seagar - to help celebrate the publication of her fabulous new cook book called 'Elbows off the table, please'. Held on Wednesday 14th September at 7.30 pm in the St Kevin's College Auditorium.  Tickets cost $15.00 and is available from Paper Plus.  Jo will show her foodie gift ideas, how to lay a table, wrap special gifts plus lots of cunning tips and trips and to help make us all a little more thoughtful as we go about our daily lives and bring a little joy to others. 
  • Scotts Own Sea Scouts Quiz Night - held Friday 12th August at 6.30 pm at the Scottish Hall, Tyne Street, Oamaru.  Cost $30.00 per team (no eftpos).  No more than 6 people per team.  Drinks, food, spot prizes.

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