Friday 29 November 2019

3. School Notices - Week 7, Term 4 2019

Altar Servers
Saturday 30th November - Cooper Jones, Paddy & Joseph Spillane
Sunday 1st December - Alexie Phillips and Hana Davies

Birthday Greetings to
Cassidy Rawson, Annalise Kilgour and Libby Seddon

Commitment to Sport
This is a reminder to all families about commiting to a sport that your child has signed up for.  Over the past two weeks, there has been a number of children not turning up to play touch rugby which is leaving their teams short of players and not having the courtesy to notify the coaches. There is only two weeks of touch rugby left and it would be great if we could field full teams. The coaches give up their time to look after the teams especially at this busy time of year and it is not fair on them.

Cricket Draw - Friday 29th November
Intermediate A - St Joseph's Volts v Valley Gold at Weston Park 1
Primary - St Joseph's Sparks v Kurow 2 at SKC Artificial 2

Junior Disco
A reminder that the junior disco is next Friday December 6th at 6.00 pm for years 1-6.  Christmas or the colours red, green, white theme and $3.00 entry fee.

Multicultural Day
Our 2019 Multicultural day is fast approaching.  We would be delighted if you would come and
share this day, or part of this day, with us.  Children are to come dressed in mufti which may be a
national costume or could be a costume that reflects their ethnic background in some way.
The programme is as follows:

Every family is asked to bring a shared lunch and we rely on each family to contribute to the shared lunch.

Please drop your shared lunch on the tables in the hall when you come to school.  Please
do not bring any food that contains nuts because we have children with nut allergies.

Friday 29 - all library books due back
                 - multicultural day
Saturday 30 - Home and School Fundraiser at the race course
Monday 2 - last technology session for Yrs 7 & 8
Wednesday 4 - School patrol award for Yr 8 students

Yr 6 Education Outside the Classroom
Last week our Yr 6 children experienced education outside the classroom where they tried lots of activities organised by Mrs Asi.  A big thank you to our wonderful parents helpers who helped out during the week with different activities.  Lachlan  Criddle has written about his experience.

EOTC WEEK By Lachie Criddle
Whoosh! The arrow flew right past my scrunched up face *hoo I breathed heavily as I slowly
opened my eyes, it felt as if everyone and everything was in slow motion… I did it… Bullseye I
thought. *Beep *beep *beep. “Morning Lachie!” my mum shouted from her room.

My name is Lachie and last week I did EOTC week (Education Outside The Classroom) and
I’m gonna tell you how it went.

Finally today is the day EOTC week starts. Now all the adventures, all the laughs, all of this starts now… I opened the classroom door to breathe the fresh air of a new adventure. 

“Hurry up Lachie” yelled mum from the car. “Ok I'm coming mum,” I replied. 
On Wednesday we had 3 tasks to complete
1. A treasure hunt 
We had an item to hide. We wrote clues for the other team to lead them to the hidden object. It was
fun running around looking for clues.
2. Make a bridge 
The longest and strongest will win (how strong they were was determined by how many books it
could hold). We so won… we held 1 book… um… it was still fun. 
3. A Quiz
We… uh we missed it we were too busy doing masterchef.

Our Team name was called  TREE...Why… just because …. tree. We made apple pie and custard
with ice cream, some spicy spaghetti and meatballs with a smoothie and chips… IT WAS

Overall Wednesday was really fun but now it’s the moment you've all been waiting for Thursday.

We did archery first with Mr Mawson and Mr Gower from SKC. This was probably my favourite
thing over all. This was my first time doing archery so I was a newbie. After being taught what to
do I grabbed a pink bow and pink and white arrows. I was ready. I loved the split second I
launched the arrow, it felt as if everything was in slow motion. After a while on my second last fire
I did it! I got the arrow in the yellow, I wish it was a bullseye now but back then all I cared about
was my first yellow!

Next up was Rock climbing I LOVED this one. Rob was our rock climbing teacher. After he
thoroughly explained how to put the belt on I… still couldn't do it. After a few tries he asked,
“What's your name?” I replied “Lachie.” Then he nicknamed me “Lost Lachie.” He called me that for
the rest of the day. When we got back to school it was about lunch time. We had 1 more mystery to
solve.The Amazing Race we all were not told what it was, so it was a secret. We had to run around
Outside the school looking for clues and writing messages. We didn't win but it was SO much fun.

On Friday we went sailing and kayaking. I was already a Pro at kayaking so I gave sailing a try and
I… I messed up A LOT, whether it was not pulling the right rope or facing the other direction I didn't
do it right at all. But it was fun hearing everyone else shouting out “AAAAAA!” It made me feel like
I wasn't the only one doing it wrong.
We hurried back to school feeling tired and sleepy. We played some Team Building Games and
had lots of fun.
It was a great way to end the week.

Thank you for reading all the way to the end, you're awesome!

Community Notices 
  • Oamaru Tap Dancing Assn - End of Year Concert held on Sunday 1st December at Oamaru North School at 2.00 pm.  Gold coin donation and afternoon tea provided.

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